local utils = require('go.utils') local api = vim.api local log = utils.log local guihua_term = utils.load_plugin('guihua.lua', 'guihua.floating') if not guihua_term then utils.warn('guihua not installed, please install ray-x/guihua.lua for GUI functions') end local function close_float_terminal() local cur_buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local has_var, float_term_win = pcall(api.nvim_buf_get_var, cur_buf, 'go_float_terminal_win') if not has_var then return end if float_term_win[1] ~= nil and api.nvim_buf_is_valid(float_term_win[1]) then api.nvim_buf_delete(float_term_win[1], { force = true }) end if float_term_win[2] ~= nil and api.nvim_win_is_valid(float_term_win[2]) then api.nvim_win_close(float_term_win[2], true) end end local term = function(opts) close_float_terminal() local columns = api.nvim_get_option('columns') local lines = api.nvim_get_option('lines') local cur_buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local win_width, win_height local wratio = _GO_NVIM_CFG.floaterm.width local hratio = _GO_NVIM_CFG.floaterm.height local position = _GO_NVIM_CFG.floaterm.posititon local l = 0.98 if position == 'center' then -- center log('center') opts.x = (columns - math.ceil(columns * wratio)) / 2 opts.y = (lines - math.ceil(lines * hratio)) / 2 win_height = math.ceil(lines * hratio) win_width = math.ceil(columns * wratio) log(opts, win_height, win_width) elseif position == 'top' then opts.x = 1 opts.y = 1 win_height = math.ceil(lines * hratio) win_width = math.ceil(columns * l) elseif position == 'bottom' then opts.x = 1 opts.y = lines - math.ceil(lines * hratio) win_height = math.ceil(lines * hratio) win_width = math.ceil(columns * l) elseif position == 'left' then opts.x = 1 opts.y = 1 win_height = math.ceil(lines * l) win_width = math.ceil(columns * wratio) elseif position == 'right' then opts.x = columns - math.ceil(columns * wratio) opts.y = 1 win_height = math.ceil(lines * l) win_width = math.ceil(columns * wratio) else -- default to auto if columns > 120 then -- split in right wratio = wratio win_height = math.ceil(lines * l) win_width = math.ceil(columns * wratio) win_width = math.max(80, win_width) opts.y = win_height opts.x = columns - win_width elseif lines > 40 then -- bottom win_height = math.ceil(lines * wratio) win_width = math.ceil(columns * l) opts.y = lines - win_height opts.x = 1 else win_height = math.ceil(lines * l) win_width = math.ceil(columns * l) opts.y = 1 opts.x = 1 end end opts.win_height = opts.win_height or win_height opts.win_width = opts.win_width or win_width opts.border = opts.border or 'single' if opts.autoclose == nil then opts.autoclose = true end -- run in neovim shell if type(opts.cmd) == 'table' then opts.cmd = table.concat(opts.cmd, ' ') end utils.log(opts) local buf, win, closer = guihua_term.floating_term(opts) api.nvim_command('setlocal nobuflisted') api.nvim_buf_set_var(cur_buf, 'go_float_terminal_win', { buf, win }) api.nvim_buf_set_var(cur_buf, 'shellcmdflag', 'shell-unquoting') return buf, win, closer end -- term({ cmd = 'echo abddeefsfsafd', autoclose = false }) return { run = term, close = close_float_terminal }