local runner = require("go.runner") local utils = require("go.utils") local vfn = vim.fn local M = {} function M.run(args) args = args or {} for i, arg in ipairs(args) do local m = string.match(arg, "^https?://(.*)$") or arg table.remove(args, i) table.insert(args, i, m) end local row, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) row, col = row - 1, col local line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, row, row + 1, true)[1] line = line:gsub("^%s+", "") -- lstrip line = line:gsub("%s+", " ") -- combine spaces utils.log(line) line = vim.split(line, " ") utils.log(line) local cmd = { "go", "get" } vim.list_extend(cmd, args) line = line[1]:gsub('"', "") utils.log(line) if string.find(line, "%a+%.%a+/%a+/%a+") or string.find(line, "%a+%.%a+/%a+") then -- the cursor is on line of package URL e.g. github.com/abc/pkg table.insert(cmd, line) else if #args == 0 then table.insert(cmd, "./...") end end local workfolder = vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()[1] or vfn.getcwd() local modfile = workfolder .. utils.sep() .. "go.mod" local opts = { update_buffer = true, on_exit = function() vim.schedule(function() -- utils.restart() require('go.lsp').watchFileChanged(modfile) end) end, } runner.run(cmd, opts) return cmd, opts end return M