-- Copyright (c) 2009 Aleksey Cheusov -- Copyright info: -- https://github.com/cheusov/lua-alt-getopt/blob/f495c21d6a203ab280603aa5799e636fb5651ae7/alt_getopt.lua#L3-L20 -- updated for neovim lua JIT by ray-x local type, pairs, ipairs, os = type, pairs, ipairs, os local utils = require('go.utils') local log = utils.log local alt_getopt = {} local function convert_short2long(opts) local ret = {} for short_opt, accept_arg in opts:gmatch("(%w)(:?)") do ret[short_opt] = #accept_arg end return ret end local function err_unknown_opt(opt) -- vim.notify("Unknown option `-" .. (#opt > 1 and "-" or "") .. opt, vim.lsp.log_levels.INFO) end local function canonize(options, opt) if not options[opt] then err_unknown_opt(opt) end while type(options[opt]) == "string" do opt = options[opt] if not options[opt] then err_unknown_opt(opt) end end return opt end function alt_getopt.get_ordered_opts(arg, sh_opts, long_opts) local i = 1 local count = 1 local opts = {} local optarg = {} local options = convert_short2long(sh_opts) for k, v in pairs(long_opts) do options[k] = v end local unparsed = {} while i <= #arg do local a = arg[i] if type(a) ~= "string" then log('failed to decode', type(a), a) goto continue end if a == "--" then i = i + 1 break elseif a == "-" then break elseif a:sub(1, 2) == "--" then local pos = a:find("=", 1, true) if pos then local opt = a:sub(3, pos - 1) opt = canonize(options, opt) if options[opt] == 0 then vim.notify("Bad usage of option `" .. a, vim.lsp.log_levels.ERROR) end optarg[count] = a:sub(pos + 1) opts[count] = opt else local opt = a:sub(3) opt = canonize(options, opt) if options[opt] == 0 then opts[count] = opt else if i == #arg then vim.notify("Missed value for option `" .. a, vim.lsp.log_levels.ERROR) return end optarg[count] = arg[i + 1] opts[count] = opt i = i + 1 end end count = count + 1 elseif a:sub(1, 1) == "-" then for j = 2, a:len() do local opt = canonize(options, a:sub(j, j)) if options[opt] == 0 then opts[count] = opt count = count + 1 elseif a:len() == j then if i == #arg then vim.notify("Missed value for option `-" .. opt, vim.lsp.log_levels.ERROR) end optarg[count] = arg[i + 1] opts[count] = opt i = i + 1 count = count + 1 break else optarg[count] = a:sub(j + 1) opts[count] = opt count = count + 1 break end end else table.insert(unparsed, a) end i = i + 1 ::continue:: end return opts, i, optarg, unparsed end function alt_getopt.get_opts(arg, sh_opts, long_opts) local ret = {} local opts, optind, optarg, unparsed = alt_getopt.get_ordered_opts(arg, sh_opts, long_opts) for i, v in ipairs(opts) do if optarg and optarg[i] then ret[v] = optarg[i] else ret[v] = (optarg ~= nil) end end return ret, optind, unparsed end function alt_getopt.rebuid_args(opts, reminder) local ret = {} for i, v in pairs(opts) do if opts[i] == true then table.insert(ret, "-" .. i) else table.insert(ret, "-" .. i) table.insert(ret, v) end end if not vim.tbl_isempty(reminder) then vim.list_extend(ret, reminder) end if next(ret) == nil then return nil end return ret end function test_arg(arg) local long_opts = { verbose = "v", help = "h", test = "t", stop = "s", restart = "r", -- fake = 0, -- len = 1, tags = "g", output = "o", set_value = "S", ["set-output"] = "o", } local opts local optarg, unparsed local optind arg = arg or { "-t", "-r", "-c", "path1", "-g", "unit,integration", "path" } -- arg = arg or { "-t", "-r", "-c", "-g", "unit,integration" } opts, optind, optarg, unparsed = alt_getopt.get_ordered_opts(arg, "cg:hvo:n:rS:st", long_opts) print("ordered opts") print(vim.inspect(opts)) print(vim.inspect(optind)) print(vim.inspect(optarg)) print(vim.inspect(unparsed)) print("ordered opts end") for i, v in ipairs(opts) do if optarg[i] then print("option opts[i] " .. v .. ": " .. vim.inspect(optarg[i])) else print("option " .. v) end end print("get_opts ") optarg, optind, unparsed = alt_getopt.get_opts(arg, "cg:hVvo:n:rS:st", long_opts) print("opts " .. vim.inspect(optarg)) print("optind " .. vim.inspect(optind)) print(vim.inspect(unparsed)) local fin_options = {} for k, v in pairs(optarg) do table.insert(fin_options, "fin-option " .. k .. ": " .. vim.inspect(v) .. "\n") end table.sort(fin_options) print(table.concat(fin_options)) -- for i = optind, #arg do print(string.format("ARGV [%s] = %s\n", i, arg[i])) end end -- test_arg() -- -- print("test 2") -- -- test_arg({ "-tr", "-c", "-g", "unit,integration" }) -- test_arg({ "--tags", "unit,integration", "--restart" }) -- test_arg({ "run", "restart" }) -- test_arg({ "--tags", "unit,integration", "-c", "--restart" }) return alt_getopt