local api = vim.api local HAS09 = vim.fn.has('nvim-0.9') == 1 local get_node_text = vim.treesitter.get_node_text if not HAS09 then local get_node_text = vim.treesitter.query.get_node_text end local ts_utils = require('nvim-treesitter.ts_utils') local util = require('go.utils') local log = util.log local trace = util.trace -- local trace = util.log local M = {} -- local ulog = require("go.utils").log M.intersects = function(row, col, sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) -- ulog(row, col, sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) if sRow > row or eRow < row then return false end if sRow == row and sCol > col then return false end if eRow == row and eCol < col then return false end return true end local locals = require('nvim-treesitter.locals') -- from navigator/treesitter.lua -- modified from nvim-treesitter/treesitter-refactor plugin -- Get definitions of bufnr (unique and sorted by order of appearance). local function get_definitions(bufnr) local local_nodes = locals.get_locals(bufnr) -- Make sure the nodes are unique. local nodes_set = {} for _, loc in ipairs(local_nodes) do loc = loc['local'] or loc -- TODO: remove when 0.9.6 if loc.definition then locals.recurse_local_nodes(loc.definition, function(_, node, _, match) -- lua doesn't compare tables by value, -- use the value from byte count instead. local _, _, start = node:start() -- variadic_parameter_declaration if node and node:parent() and string.find(node:parent():type(), 'parameter_declaration') then log('parameter_declaration skip') return end nodes_set[start] = { node = node, type = match or '' } end) end if loc.method then -- for go locals.recurse_local_nodes(loc.method, function(_, node, full_match, match) local k, l, start = node:start() trace(node, k, l, full_match, match) -- match: parameter_list if node:type() == 'field_identifier' and nodes_set[start] == nil then nodes_set[start] = { node = node, type = 'method' } end end) end if loc.interface then -- for go using interface can output full method definition locals.recurse_local_nodes(loc.interface, function(def, node, full_match, match) local k, l, start = node:start() -- stylua: ignore start trace( k, l, start, def, node, full_match, match, node:parent(), node:parent():start(), node:parent():type()) -- stylua: ignore end if nodes_set[start] == nil then nodes_set[start] = { node = node, type = match or '' } end end) end if loc.reference then -- for go locals.recurse_local_nodes(loc.reference, function(def, node, full_match, match) local k, l, start = node:start() -- stylua: ignore start trace( k, l, start, def, node, full_match, match, node:parent(), node:parent():start(), node:parent():type()) -- stylua: ignore end if nodes_set[start] == nil then -- if node:parent() and node:parent():type() == "field_declaration" then -- nodes_set[start] = { node = node, type = match or "field" } -- return -- end -- qualified_type : e.g. io.Reader inside interface if node:parent() and node:parent():parent() and node:type() == 'type_identifier' and node:parent():type() == 'qualified_type' and string.find(node:parent():parent():type(), 'interface') then nodes_set[start] = { node = node, type = 'interface' } end end end) end end -- Sort by order of appearance. local definition_nodes = vim.tbl_values(nodes_set) table.sort(definition_nodes, function(a, b) local _, _, start_a = a.node:start() local _, _, start_b = b.node:start() return start_a < start_b end) return definition_nodes end -- a hack to treesitter-refactor plugin to return list node for outline function M.list_definitions_toc(bufnr) bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_win_get_buf(api.nvim_get_current_win()) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'filetype', 'go') vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'syntax', 'enable') log('get_definitions', bufnr) local definitions = get_definitions(bufnr) log('definitions: ', definitions) if #definitions < 1 then log('unable to find definitions') return end local loc_list = {} -- Force some types to act like they are parents -- instead of neighbors of the next nodes. local containers = { ['function'] = true, ['type'] = true, ['method'] = true, } local parents = {} local regx = [[func\s\+(\(\w\+\s\+\)*[*]*\(\w\+\))\s\+\(\w\+\)(]] for idx, def in ipairs(definitions) do -- Get indentation level by putting all parents in a stack. -- The length of the stack minus one is the current level of indentation. local n = #parents for i = 1, n do local index = n + 1 - i local parent_def = parents[index] if ts_utils.is_parent(parent_def.node, def.node) or (containers[parent_def.type] and ts_utils.is_parent(parent_def.node:parent(), def.node)) then break else parents[index] = nil end end parents[#parents + 1] = def local lnum, col, _ = def.node:start() local type = def.type -- local kind = string.upper(def.type:sub(1, 1)) local symbol = get_node_text(def.node, bufnr) or '' local text = symbol local line_before = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, lnum - 1, lnum, false)[1] local hint = {} if line_before and not line_before:find('^%s*//') then hint = { line_before } end -- go pkg hack local line_text = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, lnum, lnum + 1, false)[1] or text -- lets do a match if it is method -- Note: the gopls can not find MethodName with MethodName, the format must be ReceviverType.MethodName if type == 'method' then local method_def = vim.fn.matchlist(line_text, regx) if method_def == nil or method_def[3] == nil then log('incorrect format', line_text, method_def) else if method_def[4] ~= symbol then -- field 4 is Method name log('please check regex', method_def, method_def[4], symbol) end if method_def[3] then -- field 3 is ReceiverType symbol = method_def[3] .. '.' .. symbol log(symbol) end end end if type == 'var' and definitions[idx + 1] and definitions[idx + 1].type == 'method' then -- we should remove receiver local method_def = vim.fn.matchlist(line_text, regx) if method_def ~= nil and util.trim(method_def[2]) == util.trim(symbol) then log('we ignore var', symbol) goto continue end end table.insert(hint, line_text) for i = 1, 5 do local line_after = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, lnum + i, lnum + i + 1, false)[1] if line_after and line_after:find('^%s*//') then table.insert(hint, line_after) else break end end -- log(text, hint) table.insert(loc_list, { bufnr = bufnr, -- lnum = lnum + 1, col = col + 1, indent_level = #parents, symbol = symbol, hint = hint, text = text, type = type, -- kind = kind, }) ::continue:: end return loc_list -- vim.fn.setloclist(winnr, loc_list, "r") -- -- The title needs to end with `TOC`, -- -- so Neovim displays it like a TOC instead of an error list. -- vim.fn.setloclist(winnr, {}, "a", { title = "Definitions TOC" }) -- api.nvim_command "lopen" end return M