local eq = assert.are.same local cur_dir = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") local busted = require("plenary/busted") describe("should run gofmt", function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) status = require("plenary.reload").reload_module("go.nvim") it("should run fmt", function() local name = vim.fn.tempname() .. ".go" print("tmp:" .. name) -- local path = cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/hello.go" -- %:p:h ? %:p print("test:" .. path) local lines = vim.fn.readfile(path) vim.fn.writefile(lines, name) local expected = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/hello_golden.go"), "\n") local cmd = " silent exe 'e " .. name .. "'" vim.cmd(cmd) local l = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true) print("buf read: " .. vim.inspect(l)) vim.bo.filetype = "go" print("exp:" .. vim.inspect(expected)) print("tmp" .. name) local gofmt = require("go.format") gofmt.gofmt() -- enable the channel response vim.wait(400, function() end) local fmt = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(name), "\n") print("fmt" .. fmt) vim.fn.assert_equal(fmt, expected) eq(expected, fmt) local cmd = "bd! " .. name vim.cmd(cmd) end) it("should run fmt sending from buffer", function() local name = vim.fn.tempname() .. ".go" print("tmp:" .. name) -- local path = cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/hello.go" -- %:p:h ? %:p print("test:" .. path) local lines = vim.fn.readfile(path) vim.fn.writefile(lines, name) local expected = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/hello_golden.go"), "\n") local cmd = " silent exe 'e " .. name .. "'" vim.cmd(cmd) local l = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true) print("buf read: " .. vim.inspect(l)) vim.bo.filetype = "go" print("exp:" .. vim.inspect(expected)) print("tmp" .. name) local gofmt = require("go.format") gofmt.gofmt() -- enable the channel response vim.wait(400, function() end) local fmt = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(name), "\n") print("fmt" .. fmt) vim.fn.assert_equal(fmt, expected) eq(expected, fmt) local cmd = "bd! " .. name vim.cmd(cmd) end) it("should run import from file", function() local path = cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports.go" -- %:p:h ? %:p local expected = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports_golden.go"), "\n") local name = vim.fn.tempname() .. ".go" print(name) local lines = vim.fn.readfile(path) vim.fn.writefile(lines, name) local cmd = " silent exe 'e " .. name .. "'" vim.cmd(cmd) require("go").setup({ goimport = "goimports" }) vim.cmd([[cd %:p:h]]) require("go.format").goimport() print("workspaces:", vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders())) vim.wait(400, function() end) local fmt = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(name), "\n") eq(expected, fmt) cmd = "bd! " .. name vim.cmd(cmd) end) it("should run import from file with goimport with package name", function() local path = cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports.go" -- %:p:h ? %:p local expected = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports_golden.go"), "\n") local name = vim.fn.tempname() .. ".go" print(name) local lines = vim.fn.readfile(path) local cmd = " silent exe 'e " .. name .. "'" vim.fn.writefile(lines, name) vim.cmd(cmd) vim.cmd([[cd %:p:h]]) print("code write to " .. name) require("go").setup({ goimport = "goimports", gofmt = "gofmt" }) local gofmt = require("go.format") gofmt.goimport("fmt") vim.wait(400, function() end) vim.cmd([[w]]) local fmt = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(name), "\n") print(fmt) eq(expected, fmt) end) it("should run import from file with gopls", function() local path = cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports2.go" -- %:p:h ? %:p local expected = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports2_golden.go"), "\n") _GO_NVIM_CFG.goimport = "gopls" local cmd = " silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'" vim.cmd(cmd) vim.cmd([[cd %:p:h]]) vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) require("go").setup({ goimport = "gopls", lsp_cfg = true }) vim.wait(2000, function() end) require("go.format").goimport() print("workspaces:", vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders())) vim.wait(500, function() end) vim.cmd([[w]]) local fmt = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(path), "\n") print(vim.inspect(fmt)) eq(expected, fmt) eq(1, 1) -- still not working cmd = "bd! " .. path vim.cmd(cmd) end) it("should run import from file with gopls", function() local path = cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports3.go" -- %:p:h ? %:p local expected = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(cur_dir .. "/lua/tests/fixtures/fmt/goimports3_golden.go"), "\n") _GO_NVIM_CFG.goimport = "gopls" local cmd = " silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'" vim.cmd(cmd) vim.cmd([[cd %:p:h]]) vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) require("go").setup({ goimport = "gopls", lsp_cfg = true }) vim.wait(2000, function() end) require("go.format").goimport() print("workspaces:", vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders())) vim.wait(500, function() end) vim.cmd([[w]]) local fmt = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(path), "\n") print(vim.inspect(fmt)) eq(expected, fmt) eq(1, 1) -- still not working cmd = "bd! " .. path vim.cmd(cmd) end) end)