-- todo -- for func name(args) rets {} -- add cmts // name : rets local comment = {} local placeholder = _GO_NVIM_CFG.comment_placeholder or "" local ulog = require("go.utils").log local api = vim.api local gen_comment = function() local comments = nil local ns = require("go.ts.go").get_package_node_at_pos() if ns ~= nil and ns ~= {} then -- ulog("parnode" .. vim.inspect(ns)) comments = "// Package " .. ns.name .. " provides " .. ns.name return comments, ns end ns = require("go.ts.go").get_func_method_node_at_pos() if ns ~= nil and ns ~= {} then -- ulog("parnode" .. vim.inspect(ns)) comments = "// " .. ns.name .. " " .. ns.type return comments, ns end ns = require("go.ts.go").get_struct_node_at_pos() if ns ~= nil and ns ~= {} then comments = "// " .. ns.name .. " " .. ns.type return comments, ns end ns = require("go.ts.go").get_interface_node_at_pos() if ns ~= nil and ns ~= {} then -- ulog("parnode" .. vim.inspect(ns)) comments = "// " .. ns.name .. " " .. ns.type return comments, ns end ns = require("go.ts.go").get_type_node_at_pos() if ns ~= nil and ns ~= {} then -- ulog("parnode" .. vim.inspect(ns)) comments = "// " .. ns.name .. " " .. ns.type return comments, ns end return "" end local wrap_comment = function(comment_line, ns) if string.len(comment_line) > 0 and placeholder ~= nil and string.len(placeholder) > 0 then return comment_line .. " " .. placeholder, ns end return comment_line, ns end comment.gen = function() local row, col = unpack(api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) row, col = row, col + 1 local c, ns = wrap_comment(gen_comment()) local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() if ns == nil then -- nothing found local ts_utils = require("nvim-treesitter.ts_utils") ns = ts_utils.get_node_at_cursor() local node_text = require("go.utils").get_node_text(ns, bufnr) local line = api.nvim_get_current_line() local regex = "^(%s+)" local q = line:match(regex) c = (q or "") .. "// " .. node_text c, _ = wrap_comment(c, {}) vim.fn.append(row - 1, c) vim.fn.cursor(row, #c + 1) return end ulog(vim.inspect(ns)) row, col = ns.dim.s.r, ns.dim.s.c ulog("set cursor " .. tostring(row)) api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { row, col }) -- insert doc vim.fn.append(row - 1, c) -- set curosr vim.fn.cursor(row, #c + 1) -- enter into insert mode api.nvim_command("startinsert!") return c end return comment