local M = {} function M.is_test_file() local file = vim.fn.expand('%') if #file <= 1 then vim.notify("no buffer name", vim.log.levels.ERROR) return end local is_test = string.find(file, "_test%.go$") local is_source = string.find(file, "%.go$") return file, (not is_test and is_source), is_test end function M.alternate() local file, is_source, is_test = M.is_test_file() local alt_file = file if is_test then alt_file = string.gsub(file, "_test.go", ".go") elseif is_source then alt_file = vim.fn.expand('%:r') .. "_test.go" else vim.notify('not a go file', vim.log.levels.ERROR) end return alt_file end function M.switch(bang, cmd) local alt_file = M.alternate() if not vim.fn.filereadable(alt_file) and not vim.fn.bufexists(alt_file) and not bang then vim.notify("couldn't find " .. alt_file, vim.log.levels.ERROR) return elseif #cmd <= 1 then local ocmd = "e " .. alt_file vim.cmd(ocmd) else local ocmd = cmd .. " " .. alt_file vim.cmd(ocmd) end end return M