local vim, vfn = vim, vim.fn local utils = require('go.utils') local log = utils.log local trace = utils.trace local extract_filepath = utils.extract_filepath local null_ls = require('null-ls') local function handler() local severities = { error = 1, warning = 2, information = 3, hint = 4 } return function(msg, done) local diags = {} trace('hdlr called', msg, done) if msg == nil or msg.output == nil then return end if msg.lsp_method == 'textDocument/didChange' or msg.method == 'NULL_LS_DIAGNOSTICS' then -- there is no need to run on didChange, has to run until fil saved return log('skip didChange') end if vfn.empty(msg.err) == 0 then log('error', msg.err) return end trace(msg.method) -- log(msg) local msgs = msg.output msgs = vim.split(msgs, '\n', true) -- log(#msgs, msgs) if #msgs == 0 then return end local verbose = true local failure = {} if #msgs > 100 then -- lua is slow trace('reduce') verbose = false local fname = vfn.expand('%:t:r') local reduce = {} for _, m in pairs(msgs) do local other = m:find('=== PAUSE') if not other then local f = m:find(fname) local n = m:find('fail') or m:find('FAIL') or m:find('panic') if f or n then table.insert(reduce, m) elseif n then table.insert(failure, 'failed:' .. m) end end end msgs = reduce end local package, filename, line -- the output is jsonencoded local output = '' local json_decode = vfn.json_decode local qf = {} local panic = {} -- store failed or panic info local test_failed = false for idx, m in pairs(msgs) do -- log(idx) if vfn.empty(m) == 0 then if m:find('--- PASS') or m:find('--- SKIP') or m:find('=== RUN') then output = '' else local entry = json_decode(m) entry = entry or {} -- log(entry) if entry.Action == 'run' then package = entry.Package output = '' elseif entry.Action == 'output' then package = entry.Package if vfn.empty(entry.Output) == 1 or false then output = '' else trace(idx, entry) entry.Output = utils.trim(entry.Output) entry.Output = entry.Output:gsub('\t', ' ') local found = false local fname local lnum found, fname, lnum = extract_filepath(entry.Output, package) if fname then filename = fname line = lnum end if found == true then local pkg_path = require('go.gotest').get_test_path() .. utils.sep() output = pkg_path .. utils.ltrim(entry.Output) else -- not found or format is correct output = output .. (entry.Output or '') end trace(found, filename, lnum) if entry.Output:find('FAIL') or entry.Output:find('panic') then table.insert(panic, entry.Output) end trace(idx, filename, output or 'nil') end elseif entry.Action == 'pass' or entry.Action == 'skip' then -- log(entry) -- reset output = '' elseif entry.Action == 'fail' and vfn.empty(output) == 0 then log('action failed', idx, entry, filename, output) if filename and filename:find(vfn.expand('%:t:r')) then -- can be output from other files table.insert(diags, { file = filename, row = tonumber(line), col = 1, message = output, severity = severities.error, source = 'go test', }) end local qflines = vim.split(output, '\n') for i, value in ipairs(qflines) do if vim.fn.empty(value) == 0 then -- local p, _ = extract_filepath(value) -- if p then -- value = pkg_path .. utils.ltrim(value) -- log(value) -- end qflines[i] = value end end -- log(qflines) vim.list_extend(qf, qflines) output = '' elseif entry.Action == 'fail' then -- empty output -- log(idx, entry) -- reset local plines = '' if #panic > 0 then plines = table.concat(panic, '') end test_failed = true end end end end if #qf > 0 then local efm = require('go.gotest').efm() vfn.setqflist({}, ' ', { title = 'gotest', lines = qf, efm = efm }) trace(qf, efm) end trace(diags) if #diags > 0 or test_failed then vim.schedule(function() vim.notify('go test failed: ' .. '\n please check quickfix!\n', vim.log.levels.WARN) end) end -- local ok, d = pcall(vfn.json_decode, msg) return done(diags) end end local h = require('null-ls.helpers') local methods = require('null-ls.methods') local DIAGNOSTICS_ON_SAVE = methods.internal.DIAGNOSTICS_ON_SAVE -- register with -- null_ls.register(gotest) local golangci_diags = {} return { golangci_lint = function() golangci_diags = {} return h.make_builtin({ name = 'golangci_lint', meta = { url = 'https://golangci-lint.run/', description = 'A Go linter aggregator.', }, method = DIAGNOSTICS_ON_SAVE, filetypes = { 'go' }, generator_opts = { command = 'golangci-lint', to_stdin = true, from_stderr = false, ignore_stderr = true, async = true, format = 'raw', args = function() local rfname = vfn.fnamemodify(vfn.expand('%'), ':~:.') trace(rfname) -- repplace $FILENAME ? golangci_diags = {} -- CHECK: is here the best place to call return { 'run', '--fix=false', '--out-format=json', '--path-prefix', '$ROOT', '$FILENAME', } end, check_exit_code = function(code) if code > 2 then vim.schedule(function() vim.notify('go lint failed, please check quickfix') end) return false end return true end, on_output = function(msg, done) if msg == nil then return {} end if vfn.empty(msg.err) == 0 then -- stderr output, might be a compile failure vim.schedule(function() vim.notify('error: ' .. msg.err, vim.log.levels.WARN) end) end trace(msg.method) if msg.output == nil then return end local msgs = msg.output msgs = vim.split(msgs, '\n', {}) -- the output is jsonencoded for _, m in pairs(msgs) do if vfn.empty(m) == 0 then local entry = vfn.json_decode(m) if entry['Report'] and entry['Report']['Error'] then trace('report', entry['Report']['Error']) return golangci_diags end local issues = entry['Issues'] -- local bufname = vfn.expand('%:p') if type(issues) == 'table' then for _, d in ipairs(issues) do if d.Pos then --and d.Pos.Filename == bufname then trace('issues', d) table.insert(golangci_diags, { source = string.format('golangci-lint:%s', d.FromLinter), row = d.Pos.Line, col = d.Pos.Column, end_row = d.Pos.Line, end_col = d.Pos.Column + 1, filename = d.Pos.Filename, message = d.Text, severity = h.diagnostics.severities['info'], }) end end end end end return done(golangci_diags) end, }, factory = h.generator_factory, }) end, gotest = function() local nulls = utils.load_plugin('null-ls', 'null-ls') if nulls == nil then vim.notify('failed to load null-ls', vim.log.levels.WARN) return end local pkg_path = '' local cmd = {} return h.make_builtin({ name = 'gotest', method = null_ls.methods.DIAGNOSTICS_ON_SAVE, filetypes = { 'go' }, generator_opts = { command = 'go', async = true, args = function() local gt = require('go.gotest') local a = { 'test', '-json' } local tests = gt.get_test_cases() trace('tests', tests) local pkg = require('go.gotest').get_test_path() pkg_path = pkg if vfn.empty(tests) == 1 then table.insert(a, pkg) else local sh = vim.o.shell table.insert(a, '-run') table.insert(a, tests) table.insert(a, pkg) end trace('opts', a) cmd = a return a end, method = methods.internal.DIAGNOSTICS_ON_SAVE, format = 'raw', timeout = 5000, check_exit_code = function(code, stderr) local success = code < 1 if not success then -- vim.schedule(function() -- vim.notify('go test failed: ' .. tostring(stderr), vim.log.levels.WARN) -- end) log('failed to run to test', code, stderr, cmd) end -- if not success then -- -- can be noisy for things that run often (e.g. diagnostics), but can -- -- be useful for things that run on demand (e.g. formatting) -- vim.schedule_wrap(function() -- vim.notify('go test failed: ' .. tostring(stderr), vim.log.levels.WARN) -- end) -- end return true end, on_output = handler(), }, factory = h.generator_factory, }) end, gotest_action = function() return { name = 'gotest nearest', meta = { url = 'https://github.com/ray-x/go.nvim', description = 'test go code', }, method = require('null-ls.methods').internal.CODE_ACTION, filetypes = { 'go' }, generator = { factory = h.generator_factory, fn = function(params) local f, _, is_test = require('go.alternate').is_test_file() if not is_test then return end local actions = {} local gt = require('go.gotest') local cb = function() local test_actions = gt.test_func if not test_actions then return end log('gotest action') test_actions() end local fname = gt.get_test_func_name() trace('run for ', fname) if fname then -- local mode = vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode table.insert(actions, { title = 'gotest ' .. fname.name, action = function() vim.api.nvim_buf_call(params.bufnr, cb) end, }) end return actions end, }, } end, }