local reftool = {} local fn, api = vim.fn, vim.api local function format(text, pos) if text == nil then return end local lines = fn.split(text, "\n") if #lines > 0 then fn.setpos(".", pos) local cmd = string.format("normal j$d==", #lines - 1) vim.cmd(cmd) end end -- can only be fillstruct and fillswitch local function fill(cmd) return function() if cmd ~= 'fillstruct' and cmd ~= 'fillswitch' then error('cmd not supported by go.nvim', cmd) end require("go.install").install(cmd) local file = fn.expand("%:p") local line = fn.line(".") local run = string.format("%s -file=%s -line=%d 2>/dev/null", cmd, file, line) -- print(run) -- local str = fn.system(run) local farg = string.format('-file=%s', file) local larg = string.format('-line=%d', line) local args = {cmd, farg, larg, '2>/dev/null' } vim.fn.jobstart( args, { on_stdout = function(jobid, str, event) -- print(str) if #str == 0 then print('reftools', cmd, 'finished with no result') end local json = fn.json_decode(str) if #json == 0 then print('reftools', cmd, 'finished with no result') end local result = json[1] local curpos = fn.getcurpos() local goto = string.format('goto %d', result.start + 1) local change = string.format('normal! %ds%s', result['end'] - result.start, result.code) vim.cmd(goto) vim.cmd(change) format(result.code, curpos) fn.setpos('.', curpos) vim.lsp.buf.formatting() end }) end end function reftool.fixplurals() local fx = "fixplurals" require("go.install").install(fx) local curdir = fn.getcwd() local filedir = fn.expand("%:p:h") local setup = {fx, ","} local cdpkg = string.format("exec cd %s", filedir) local cdback = string.format("exec cd %s", curdir) vim.cmd(cdpkg) vim.fn.jobstart( setup, { on_stdout = function(jobid, data, event) vim.cmd(cdback) -- print("fixplurals finished ") end } ) end reftool.fillstruct = fill('fillstruct') reftool.fillswitch = fill('fillswitch') return reftool