local utils = require('go.utils') local log = utils.log local vfn = vim.fn local M = {} local cmds = {} -- https://go.googlesource.com/tools/+/refs/heads/master/gopls/doc/commands.md -- "executeCommandProvider":{"commands":["gopls.add_dependency","gopls.add_import","gopls.apply_fix","gopls.check_upgrades","gopls.gc_details","gopls.generate","gopls.generate_gopls_mod","gopls.go_get_package","gopls.list_known_packages","gopls.regenerate_cgo","gopls.remove_dependency","gopls.run_tests","gopls.start_debugging","gopls.test","gopls.tidy","gopls.toggle_gc_details","gopls.update_go_sum","gopls.upgrade_dependency","gopls.vendor","gopls.workspace_metadata"]} local gopls_cmds = { 'gopls.add_dependency', 'gopls.add_import', 'gopls.apply_fix', 'gopls.check_upgrades', 'gopls.gc_details', 'gopls.generate', 'gopls.generate_gopls_mod', 'gopls.go_get_package', 'gopls.list_known_packages', 'gopls.list_imports', 'gopls.regenerate_cgo', 'gopls.remove_dependency', 'gopls.run_tests', 'gopls.start_debugging', 'gopls.test', 'gopls.tidy', 'gopls.toggle_gc_details', 'gopls.update_go_sum', 'gopls.upgrade_dependency', 'gopls.vendor', 'gopls.workspace_metadata', } local gopls_with_result = { 'gopls.gc_details', 'gopls.list_known_packages', 'gopls.list_imports', } local function check_for_error(msg) if msg ~= nil and type(msg[1]) == 'table' then for k, v in pairs(msg[1]) do if k == 'error' then log('LSP', v.message) break end end end end for _, value in ipairs(gopls_cmds) do local fname = string.sub(value, #'gopls.' + 1) cmds[fname] = function(arg) local b = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(b) local arguments = { { URI = uri } } local ft = vim.bo.filetype if ft == 'gomod' or ft == 'gosum' then arguments = { { URIs = { uri } } } end arguments = { vim.tbl_extend('keep', arguments[1], arg or {}) } log(fname, arguments) if vim.tbl_contains(gopls_with_result, value) then local resp = vim.lsp.buf_request_sync(b, 'workspace/executeCommand', { command = value, arguments = arguments, }, 2000) check_for_error(resp) log(resp) return resp end vim.schedule(function() local resp = vim.lsp.buf.execute_command({ command = value, arguments = arguments, }) check_for_error(resp) log(resp) end) end end M.cmds = cmds M.import = function(path) cmds.add_import({ ImportPath = path, }) end M.list_imports = function(path) path = path or vim.fn.expand('%:p') local resp = cmds.list_imports({ URI = path, }) local result = {} for _, v in pairs(resp) do if v.result then for k, val in pairs(v.result) do result[k] = {} for _, imp in ipairs(val) do if imp.Name and imp.Name ~= '' then table.insert(result[k], imp.Name .. ':' .. imp.Path) else table.insert(result[k], imp.Path) end end end end end return result, resp end M.list_pkgs = function() local resp = cmds.list_known_packages() or {} local pkgs = {} for _, response in pairs(resp) do if response.result ~= nil then pkgs = response.result.Packages break end end return pkgs end M.tidy = function() cmds.tidy() end -- check_for_upgrades({Modules = {'package'}}) function M.version() local cache_dir = vfn.stdpath('cache') local path = string.format('%s%sversion.txt', cache_dir, utils.sep()) local cfg = _GO_NVIM_CFG or {} local gopls = cfg.gopls_cmd or { 'gopls' } if vfn.executable(gopls[1]) == 0 then vim.notify('gopls not found', vim.log.levels.WARN) return end vfn.jobstart({ gopls[1], 'version' }, { on_stdout = function(_, data, _) local msg = '' if type(data) == 'table' and #data > 0 then data = table.concat(data, ' ') end if #data > 1 then msg = msg .. data end log(msg) local version = string.match(msg, '%s+v([%d%.]+)%s+') if version == nil then log(version, msg) return end local f = io.open(path, 'w+') if f == nil then return end f:write(version) f:close() log(version) end, }) local f = io.open(path, 'r') if f == nil then local version_cmd = gopls[1] .. ' version' return vfn.system(version_cmd):match('%s+v([%d%.]+)%s+') end local version = f:read('*l') f:close() log(version) return version end local get_current_gomod = function() local file = io.open('go.mod', 'r') if file == nil then return nil end local first_line = file:read() local mod_name = first_line:gsub('module ', '') file:close() return mod_name end local function get_build_flags() local get_build_tags = require('go.gotest').get_build_tags local tags = get_build_tags() log(vim.inspect(tags)) if tags then return tags else return nil end end local range_format = 'textDocument/rangeFormatting' local formatting = 'textDocument/formatting' M.setups = function() local setups = { capabilities = { textDocument = { completion = { completionItem = { commitCharactersSupport = true, deprecatedSupport = true, documentationFormat = { 'markdown', 'plaintext' }, preselectSupport = true, insertReplaceSupport = true, labelDetailsSupport = true, snippetSupport = true, resolveSupport = { properties = { 'documentation', 'details', 'additionalTextEdits', }, }, }, contextSupport = true, dynamicRegistration = true, }, }, }, filetypes = { 'go', 'gomod', 'gosum', 'gotmpl', 'gohtmltmpl', 'gotexttmpl' }, message_level = vim.lsp.protocol.MessageType.Error, cmd = { 'gopls', -- share the gopls instance if there is one already '-remote.debug=:0', }, root_dir = function(fname) local has_lsp, lspconfig = pcall(require, 'lspconfig') if has_lsp then local util = lspconfig.util return util.root_pattern('go.work', 'go.mod', '.git')(fname) or util.path.dirname(fname) end end, flags = { allow_incremental_sync = true, debounce_text_changes = 500 }, settings = { gopls = { -- more settings: https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/gopls/doc/settings.md -- not supported analyses = { unreachable = true, nilness = true, unusedparams = true, useany = true, unusedwrite = true, ST1003 = true, undeclaredname = true, fillreturns = true, nonewvars = true, fieldalignment = false, shadow = true, }, codelenses = { generate = true, -- show the `go generate` lens. gc_details = true, -- Show a code lens toggling the display of gc's choices. test = true, tidy = true, vendor = true, regenerate_cgo = true, upgrade_dependency = true, }, hints = { assignVariableTypes = true, compositeLiteralFields = true, compositeLiteralTypes = true, constantValues = true, functionTypeParameters = true, parameterNames = true, rangeVariableTypes = true, }, usePlaceholders = true, completeUnimported = true, staticcheck = true, matcher = 'Fuzzy', diagnosticsDelay = '500ms', symbolMatcher = 'fuzzy', ['local'] = get_current_gomod(), gofumpt = _GO_NVIM_CFG.lsp_gofumpt or false, -- true|false, -- turn on for new repos, gofmpt is good but also create code turmoils buildFlags = { '-tags', 'integration' }, }, }, -- NOTE: it is important to add handler to formatting handlers -- the async formatter will call these handlers when gopls responed -- without these handlers, the file will not be saved handlers = { [range_format] = function(...) vim.lsp.handlers[range_format](...) if vfn.getbufinfo('%')[1].changed == 1 then vim.cmd('noautocmd write') end end, [formatting] = function(...) vim.lsp.handlers[formatting](...) if vfn.getbufinfo('%')[1].changed == 1 then vim.cmd('noautocmd write') end end, }, } setups.settings.gopls.semanticTokens = true local v = M.version() if v == nil then return end v = vim.fn.split(v, '\\D') local ver = 0 for _, n in ipairs(v) do ver = (ver * 10 + tonumber(n)) or 0 end local tags = get_build_flags() if tags and tags ~= '' then setups.settings.gopls.buildFlags = { tags } end if ver > 90 and _GO_NVIM_CFG.lsp_inlay_hints.enable and vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10') then setups.settings.gopls = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', setups.settings.gopls, { hints = { assignVariableTypes = true, compositeLiteralFields = true, compositeLiteralTypes = true, constantValues = true, functionTypeParameters = true, parameterNames = true, rangeVariableTypes = true, }, }) end return setups end return M