local uv, api = vim.loop, vim.api local util = require("go.utils") local log = require("go.utils").log -- run command with loop local run = function(cmd, opts) opts = opts or {} log(cmd) if type(cmd) == "string" then local split_pattern = "%s+" cmd = vim.split(cmd, split_pattern) log(cmd) end local cmd_str = vim.inspect(cmd) local job_options = vim.deepcopy(opts or {}) job_options.args = job_options.args or {} local cmdargs = vim.list_slice(cmd, 2, #cmd) or {} if cmdargs and cmdargs[1] == "test" and #cmdargs == 3 then table.insert(cmdargs, "." .. util.sep() .. "...") log(cmdargs) end vim.list_extend(cmdargs, job_options.args) job_options.args = cmdargs cmd = cmd[1] log(cmd, job_options.args) local stdin = uv.new_pipe(false) local stdout = uv.new_pipe(false) local stderr = uv.new_pipe(false) -- local file = api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) local handle = nil local output_buf = "" local function update_chunk_fn(err, chunk) if err then vim.schedule(function() vim.notify("error " .. tostring(err) .. vim.inspect(chunk or ""), vim.lsp.log_levels.WARN) end) end if chunk then output_buf = output_buf .. chunk end log(err, chunk) end local update_chunk = opts.update_chunk or update_chunk_fn log("job:", cmd, job_options) handle, _ = uv.spawn( cmd, { stdio = { stdin, stdout, stderr }, args = job_options.args }, function(code, signal) -- on exit stdin:close() stdout:read_stop() stdout:close() stderr:read_stop() stderr:close() handle:close() log(output_buf) if opts and opts.on_exit then -- if on_exit hook is on the hook output is what we want to show in loc -- this avoid show samething in both on_exit and loc output_buf = opts.on_exit(code, signal, output_buf) if not output_buf then return end end if code ~= 0 then log("failed to run", code, output_buf) output_buf = output_buf or "" vim.notify(cmd_str .. " failed exit code " .. tostring(code) .. output_buf, vim.lsp.log_levels.WARN) end if output_buf ~= "" then local lines = vim.split(output_buf, "\n", true) lines = util.handle_job_data(lines) local locopts = { title = vim.inspect(cmd), lines = lines, } if opts.efm then locopts.efm = opts.efm end log(locopts) if #lines > 0 then vim.schedule(function() vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, " ", locopts) vim.cmd("lopen") end) end end end ) uv.read_start(stderr, function(err, data) if data ~= nil then update_chunk("stderr: " .. tostring(err), data) end end) stdout:read_start(update_chunk) -- stderr:read_start(update_chunk) end local function make(...) local makeprg = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "makeprg") local args = { ... } local setup = {} if #args > 0 then for _, v in ipairs(args) do table.insert(setup, v) end end local opts = {} opts.args = setup run(makeprg, opts) end return { run = run, make = make }