local eq = assert.are.same local cur_dir = vim.fn.expand('%:p:h') local busted = require('plenary/busted') local godir = cur_dir .. '/lua/tests/fixtures' describe('should run func test', function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) local status = require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test function', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = './coverage/branch_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', test_runner = 'go', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 5, 11, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_func() eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage', '-run='^\\QTest_branch\\E$'' }, cmd) end) it('should test function inside a source code', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = './coverage/branch.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', test_runner = 'go', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 6, 11, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_func() eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage', '-run="^\\QTest_branch\\E$"' }, cmd) end) it('should test function with additional args to test binary', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', test_runner = 'go', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 5, 11, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_func('-a', 'mock=true') eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage', '-args', 'mock=true', '-run="^\\QTest_branch\\E$"', }, cmd) end) end) describe('should run test file', function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) local status = require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test function', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', test_runner = 'go', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 5, 11, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_file() eq({ 'go', 'test', 'coverage', '-run', [['Test_branch|TestBranch|TestBranchSubTest']], }, cmd) end) end) describe('should run test file with flags', function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) local status = require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test function', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 5, 11, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_file('-t', 'tag1') eq({ 'go', 'test', '-tags=tag1', 'coverage', '-run', [['Test_branch|TestBranch|TestBranchSubTest']], }, cmd) end) end) describe('should run test package', function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) local status = require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test function', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 1, 1, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_package() eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage/...' }, cmd) end) end) describe('should run test ', function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) local status = require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test function', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 6, 1, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test('-n', '-t', 'tags1') eq({ 'go', 'test', '-tags=tags1', './coverage', '-run="^\\QTest_branch\\E$"' }, cmd) end) end) -- test passed but the exit code is not 0 describe('should allow select test func', function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) local status = require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test function', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 0, 1, 1, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').get_testfunc() eq({ 'Test_branch', 'TestBranch', 'TestBranchSubTest' }, cmd) end) end) describe('should run test file with flags inside file', function() -- vim.fn.readfile('minimal.vim') -- vim.fn.writefile(vim.fn.readfile('fixtures/fmt/hello.go'), name) local status = require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test function with tag', function() -- -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/tag_test.go' -- %:p:h ? %:p require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 1, 1, 1, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_file('-t', 'tag1') eq({ 'go', 'test', '-tags=tag1,integration,unit', 'coverage', '-run', "'TestTag'", }, cmd) end) end) describe('should run subcase test', function() require('plenary.reload').reload_module('go.nvim') it('should test subcase in table test style', function() -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 1, 18, 11, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_tblcase() eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage', '-run="^\\QTest_branch\\E$"/"^\\Qa10\\E$"' }, cmd) end) it('should test subcase in table test style when cursor inside test block', function() -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 1, 29, 12, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_tblcase() eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage', '-run="^\\QTest_branch\\E$"/"^\\Qb10 [step 1..3]\\E$"' }, cmd) end) it('should test subcase in subtest style', function() -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 1, 75, 11, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_tblcase() eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage', '-run="^\\QTestBranchSubTest\\E$"/"^\\Qa11\\E$"' }, cmd) end) it('should test subcase in subtest style when cursor insde test block', function() -- go.nvim may not auto loaded vim.cmd([[packadd go.nvim]]) local path = 'coverage/branch_test.go' require('go').setup({ trace = true, lsp_cfg = true, log_path = vim.fn.expand('$HOME') .. '/tmp/gonvim.log', }) vim.cmd('cd ' .. godir) vim.cmd("silent exe 'e " .. path .. "'") vim.fn.setpos('.', { 1, 82, 7, 0 }) local cmd = require('go.gotest').test_tblcase() eq({ 'go', 'test', './coverage', '-run="^\\QTestBranchSubTest\\E$"/"^\\Qb11\\E$"' }, cmd) end) end)