local utils = require("go.utils") local log = utils.log local gopls = require('go.gopls') local help_items = {} local m = {} function m.help_complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) if #help_items < 1 then local doc = vim.fn.systemlist('go help') if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then print('failed to run go help ', vim.v.shell_error) return end for _, line in ipairs(doc) do local m = string.match(line, '^%s+([%w-]+)') if m ~= nil and m ~= 'go' then table.insert(help_items, m) end end table.sort(help_items) end return table.concat(help_items, '\n') end local function match_doc_flag(lead) local doc_flags = {'-all', '-c', '-cmd', '-short', '-src', '-u'} local items = {} local p = string.format('^%s', lead) for _, f in ipairs(doc_flags) do local k = string.match(f, p) log(k, f, p) if k then table.insert(items, f) end end table.sort(items) log(items) return table.concat(items or {}, '\n') end local function match_partial_item_name(pkg, pattern) local cmd = string.format('go doc %s', pkg) local doc = vim.fn.systemlist(cmd) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then return end local items = {} for _, _type in ipairs {'var', 'const', 'func', 'type'} do local patterns = { string.format('^%%s*%s (%s%%w+)', _type, pattern), string.format('^%%s*%s %%(.-%%) (%s%%w+)', _type, pattern) } log(patterns) for _, line in ipairs(doc) do local k for _, pat in ipairs(patterns) do k = string.match(line, pat) if k then log(k) table.insert(items, k) break end end end end table.sort(items) log(items) return items end function m.doc_complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) local words = vim.split(cmdline, '%s+') if string.match(words[#words], '^-') then log(words) return match_doc_flag(words[#words]) end if #words > 2 and string.match(words[#words - 1], '^-') == nil then local pkg = words[#words - 1] local item = words[#words] return table.concat(match_partial_item_name(pkg, item), '\n') elseif #words > 1 and string.match(words[#words], '^[^-].+%..*') ~= nil then local pkg, item, method = unpack(vim.split(words[#words], '%.')) if method then pkg = string.format('%s.%s', pkg, item) item = method end local comps = match_partial_item_name(pkg, item) for i, comp in ipairs(comps or {}) do comps[i] = string.format('%s.%s', pkg, comp) end return table.concat(comps or {}, '\n') elseif #words >= 1 and not string.match(words[#words], '^-') then local pkgs = gopls.list_pkgs() if pkgs then local match = {} log(pkgs) if #words > 1 and #words[#words] > 0 then for _, value in ipairs(pkgs) do if string.match(value, words[#words]) then table.insert(match, value) end end else match = pkgs end return table.concat(match or {}, '\n') end end return '' end m.run = function(kind, func, ...) log(func) vim.validate({func = {func, 'table'}}) local setup = {'go', kind, unpack(func)} -- local j = vim.fn.jobstart(setup, { on_stdout = function(jobid, data, event) data = utils.handle_job_data(data) if not data then return end local close_events = {"CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI", "BufHidden", "InsertCharPre"} local config = {close_events = close_events, focusable = true, border = 'single'} vim.lsp.util.open_floating_preview(data, 'go', config) end }) end return m