-- local ts_utils = require 'nvim-treesitter.ts_utils' local utils = require('go.utils') local log = utils.log local vfn = vim.fn local impl = 'impl' -- GoImpl f *Foo io.Writer -- use ts to get name local function get_type_name() local name = require('go.ts.go').get_struct_node_at_pos() if name == nil then name = require('go.ts.go').get_type_node_at_pos() end utils.log(name) if name == nil then return '' end local node_name = name.name -- let move the cursor to end of line of struct name local dim = name.dim.e local r, c = dim.r, dim.c utils.log('move cusror to ', r, c) vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { r, c - 1 }) return node_name, name.type end local function get_interface_name() local name = require('go.ts.go').get_interface_node_at_pos() utils.log(name) if name == nil then return nil end local node_name = name.name -- let move the cursor to end of line of struct name local dim = name.dim.e local r, c = dim.r, dim.c utils.log('move cusror to ', r, c) vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { r, c - 1 }) local pkg = require('go.package').pkg_from_path(nil, vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()) log(pkg[1]) if pkg then return pkg[1] .. '.' .. node_name end end local run = function(...) require('go.install').install(impl) local impl_cmd = 'impl' local iface = '' local recv_name = '' local arg = { ... } utils.log(#arg, arg) local recv = get_type_name() iface = get_interface_name() if #arg == 0 then if not iface then iface = vfn.input('Impl: generating method stubs for interface: ') end vim.cmd('redraw!') if iface == '' then utils.notify( 'Impl: please input interface name e.g. io.Reader or receiver name e.g. GoImpl MyType' ) -- print("Usage: GoImpl f *File io.Reader") end elseif #arg == 1 then -- at least interface or type are specified -- " i.e: ':GoImpl io.Writer' if iface ~= nil then recv = select(1, ...) recv = string.lower(recv) .. ' *' .. recv else recv = string.lower(recv) .. ' *' .. recv iface = select(1, ...) end if recv == '' and iface == '' then vim.notify('put cursor on struct or a interface or specify a receiver & interface') end utils.log(recv) vim.cmd('redraw!') elseif #arg == 2 then -- utils.log(recv, iface) if iface ~= nil then -- " i.e: ':GoImpl s TypeName' recv = select(1, ...) local recv_type = select(2, ...) recv = string.lower(recv) .. ' *' .. recv_type else recv_name = select(1, ...) recv = string.format('%s *%s', string.lower(recv_name), recv_name) local l = #arg iface = select(l, ...) end elseif #arg > 2 then local l = #arg iface = select(l, ...) recv = select(l - 1, ...) recv_name = select(l - 2, ...) recv = string.format('%s %s', recv_name, recv) end utils.log(#arg, recv_name, recv, iface) local dir = vfn.fnameescape(vfn.expand('%:p:h')) impl_cmd = { impl_cmd, '-dir', dir, recv, iface } utils.log(impl_cmd) -- vim.cmd("normal! $%") -- do a bracket match. changed to treesitter local opts = { update_buffer = true, on_exit = function(code, signal, data) if code ~= 0 or signal ~= 0 then utils.warn('impl failed' .. vim.inspect(data)) return end data = vim.split(data, '\n') data = utils.handle_job_data(data) if not data then return end vim.schedule(function() local lnum = vfn.getcurpos()[2] table.insert(data, 1, '') vfn.append(lnum, data) vim.cmd('w') end) end, } local runner = require('go.runner') opts.sprite_enable = false runner.run(impl_cmd, opts) end local function match_iface_name(part) local pkg, iface = string.match(part, '^(.*)%.(.*)$') utils.log(pkg, iface) local cmd = string.format('go doc %s', pkg) local doc = vfn.systemlist(cmd) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then utils.warn('go doc failed' .. vim.inspect(doc)) return end local ifaces = {} local pat = string.format('^type (%s.*) interface', iface) for _, line in ipairs(doc) do local m = string.match(line, pat) if m ~= nil then table.insert(ifaces, string.format('%s.%s', pkg, m)) end end return ifaces end -- function complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) local function complete(_, cmdline, _) local words = vim.split(cmdline, [[%s+]]) local gopls = require('go.gopls') local last = words[#words] log(words) -- by default complete with local type local iface = get_interface_name() local query = require('go.ts.go').query_type_declaration local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local all_nodes = function(except) local nodes = require('go.ts.nodes').nodes_in_buf(query, 'go', nil, bufnr, 100000, 100000) local ns = {} log(nodes) for _, node in ipairs(nodes) do table.insert(ns, node.name) end if except then log('remove', except) for i, n in ipairs(ns) do if n == except then table.remove(ns, i) break end end if #words > 1 and #last > 1 then local pkgs = vfn.uniq(vfn.sort(gopls.list_pkgs())) -- attach ns in front of pkgs for _, n in ipairs(ns) do table.insert(pkgs, 1, n) end return pkgs else return ns end else return vfn.uniq(ns) end end if iface ~= nil then local iname = vim.split(iface, '%.') iname = iname[#iname] log('iface', iface) return all_nodes(iname) end local struct = get_type_name() if struct ~= nil then log('structs', struct) return all_nodes(struct) end if string.match(last, '^.+%..*') ~= nil then local part = match_iface_name(last) if part ~= nil then return part end end return vfn.uniq(vfn.sort(gopls.list_pkgs())) end return { run = run, complete = complete }