-- inspired by https://phelipetls.github.io/posts/async-make-in-nvim-with-lua/ local M = {} local util = require('go.utils') local log = util.log local trace = util.trace local getopt = require('go.alt_getopt') local is_windows = util.is_windows() local is_git_shell = is_windows and (vim.fn.exists('$SHELL') and vim.fn.expand('$SHELL'):find('bash.exe') ~= nil) local function compile_efm() local efm = [[%-G#\ %.%#]] efm = efm .. [[,%-G%.%#panic:\ %m]] efm = efm .. [[,%Ecan\'t\ load\ package:\ %m]] efm = efm .. [[,%A%\\%%\(%[%^:]%\\+:\ %\\)%\\?%f:%l:%c:\ %m]] efm = efm .. [[,%A%\\%%\(%[%^:]%\\+:\ %\\)%\\?%f:%l:\ %m]] efm = efm .. [[,%C%*\\s%m]] efm = efm .. [[,%-G%.%#]] return efm end local extract_filepath = util.extract_filepath local long_opts = { verbose = 'v', compile = 'c', debug = 'g', -- build for debugging coverprofile = 'C', tags = 't', args = 'a', count = 'n', build = 'b', run = 'r', floaterm = 'F', fuzz = 'f', } local short_opts = 'a:ct:b:Fg' local bench_opts = { '-benchmem', '-cpuprofile', 'profile.out' } function M.make(...) local args = { ... } local winnr = vim.fn.win_getid() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winnr) local makeprg = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'makeprg') local optarg, _, reminder = getopt.get_opts(args, short_opts, long_opts) log(makeprg, args, short_opts, optarg, reminder) if reminder and #reminder > 0 then -- expand % to current file for i, arg in ipairs(reminder) do if arg:find('%%') then if arg == '%' then reminder[i] = vim.fn.expand('%') elseif arg == '%:h' then reminder[i] = './' .. vim.fn.expand('%:h') .. '/...' else reminder[i] = vim.fn.expand(arg) end -- reminder[i] = arg:gsub("%%", vim.fn.expand("%")) end end end if vim.fn.empty(makeprg) == 0 and args[1] == 'go' then vim.notify( 'makeprg is already set to ' .. makeprg .. ' args: ' .. vim.inspect(args), vim.log.levels.WARN ) end -- local indent = "%\\%( %\\)" if not makeprg then log('makeprog not setup') return end local runner = vim.split(makeprg, ' ')[1] if not require('go.install').install(runner) then util.warn('please wait for ' .. runner .. ' to be installed and re-run the command') return end local efm = [[%-G#\ %.%#]] if makeprg:find('go build') then vim.cmd([[setl errorformat=%-G#\ %.%#]]) -- if makeprg:find("go build") then efm = compile_efm() if optarg['g'] then makeprg = makeprg .. ' -gcflags="all=-N -l"' end end -- end local runner = 'golangci-lint' if makeprg:find('golangci%-lint') then -- lint efm = efm .. [[,%A%\\%%(%[%^:]%\\+:\ %\\)%\\?%f:%l:%c:\ %m]] efm = efm .. [[,%A%\\%%(%[%^:]%\\+:\ %\\)%\\?%f:%l:\ %m]] local pwd = util.work_path() local cfg = pwd .. '.golangci.yml' if util.file_exists(cfg) then makeprg = makeprg .. [[\ -c\ ]] .. cfg -- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "makeprg", makeprg) end end local compile_test = false if makeprg:find('go run') then runner = 'go run' if args == nil or #args == 0 or (#args == 1 and args[1] == '-F') then makeprg = makeprg .. ' .' end efm = efm .. [[,%A%\\t%#%f:%l\ +0x%[0-9A-Fa-f]%\\+]] log('go run', makeprg) end if makeprg:find('go vet') then runner = 'go vet' if args == nil or #args == 0 then makeprg = makeprg .. ' .' end efm = compile_efm() efm = efm .. [[,%-Gexit\ status\ %\\d%\\+]] end if makeprg:find('generate') then if args == nil or #args == 0 then makeprg = makeprg .. ' ' .. vim.fn.expand('%') end end local cmd = vim.fn.split(makeprg, ' ') if optarg['t'] then local tag = optarg['t'] local f = tag:find('=') if not f then table.insert(cmd, '-tags=' .. tag) else table.insert(cmd, '-tags=' .. tag:sub(f + 1)) end end local bench = false if makeprg:find('go test') then -- log('go test') -- runner = 'go test' -- efm = compile_efm() -- if optarg['c'] then -- log('compile test') -- compile_test = true -- end -- for _, arg in ipairs(args) do -- --check if it is bench test -- if arg:find('-bench') then -- bench = true -- end -- end -- if optarg['v'] then -- table.insert(cmd, '-v') -- end -- if optarg['C'] then -- table.insert(cmd, '-coverprofile=' .. optarg['C']) -- end -- if optarg['f'] then -- log('fuzz test') -- table.insert(cmd, '-fuzz') -- end -- if optarg['n'] then -- table.insert(cmd, '-count=' .. optarg['n']) -- end -- if not bench and compile_test then -- table.insert(cmd, '-c') -- end -- if optarg['r'] then -- log('run test', optarg['r']) -- table.insert(cmd, '-run') -- table.insert(cmd, optarg['r']) -- end -- if optarg['b'] then -- log('build test flags', optarg['b']) -- table.insert(cmd, optarg['b']) -- end end if bench then cmd = vim.list_extend(cmd, args) elseif args and #args > 0 then cmd = vim.list_extend(cmd, reminder) end if optarg['a'] then if runner == 'go run' then table.insert(cmd, optarg['a']) else table.insert(cmd, '-args') table.insert(cmd, optarg['a']) end end if _GO_NVIM_CFG.run_in_floaterm or optarg['F'] then local term = require('go.term').run term({ cmd = cmd, autoclose = false }) return cmd end return M.runjob(cmd, runner, efm, args) end local function handle_color(line) if tonumber(vim.fn.match(line, '\\%x1b\\[[0-9;]\\+')) < 0 then return line end if type(line) ~= 'string' then return line end line = vim.fn.substitute(line, '\\%x1b\\[[0-9;]\\+[mK]', '', 'g') log(line) return line end M.runjob = function(cmd, runner, args, efm) vim.validate({ cmd = { cmd, 't' }, runner = { runner, 's' } }) efm = efm or compile_efm() local failed = false local itemn = 1 local lines = {} local errorlines = {} local cmdstr = vim.fn.join(cmd, ' ') -- cmd list run without shell, cmd string run with shell local package_path = (cmd[#cmd] or '') if package_path ~= nil then package_path = package_path .. util.sep() if vim.fn.isdirectory(package_path) == 1 then package_path = package_path .. '...' else package_path = '' end else package_path = '' end local Sprite = util.load_plugin('guihua.lua', 'guihua.sprite') local sprite if Sprite then sprite = Sprite:new({ loc = 'top_center', syntax = 'lua', rect = { height = 1, width = 30 }, data = { 'Running ' .. cmdstr }, timeout = 20000, hl_line = 1, }) else sprite = { on_close = function() end } end local function on_event(job_id, data, event) -- log("stdout", data, event) if event == 'stdout' then if data then for _, value in ipairs(data) do if value ~= '' then if value:find('=== RUN') or value:find('no test file') then goto continue end value = handle_color(value) if value:find('FAIL') then failed = true if value == 'FAIL' then goto continue end end local changed = false if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(args[#args])) == 0 then -- pkg name in args changed = true if value:find('FAIL') == nil then local p, _, _ = extract_filepath(value, package_path) if p == true then -- path existed, but need to attach the pkg name -- log(fn, ln, package_path, package_path:gsub('%.%.%.', '')) -- remove ... in package path value = package_path:gsub('%.%.%.', '') .. util.ltrim(value) end end else local p, n = extract_filepath(value) if p or n then log(p, n, #lines) end if p == true then failed = true value = vim.fs.dirname(n) .. '/' .. util.ltrim(value) changed = true log(value) end end table.insert(lines, value) log('output: ', value, #lines) if itemn == 1 and failed and changed then itemn = #lines end end ::continue:: end end _GO_NVIM_CFG.on_stdout(event, data) end if event == 'stderr' then if data then for _, value in ipairs(data) do if value ~= '' then table.insert(errorlines, value) end end end if next(errorlines) ~= nil and runner == 'golangci-lint' then efm = [[level=%tarning\ msg="%m:\ [%f:%l:%c:\ %.%#]",level=%tarning\ msg="%m",level=%trror\ msg="%m:\ [%f:%l:%c:\ %.%#]",level=%trror\ msg="%m",%f:%l:%c:\ %m,%f:%l:\ %m,%f:%l\ %m]] end sprite.on_close() _GO_NVIM_CFG.on_stderr(event, data) end if event == 'exit' then log(cmdstr .. 'exit with code: ', tostring(vim.v.shell_error)) sprite.on_close() local info = cmdstr local level = vim.log.levels.INFO if #errorlines > 0 then if #lines > 0 then vim.list_extend(errorlines, lines) end trace(errorlines) vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', { title = info, lines = errorlines, efm = efm, }) failed = true log('exit with errorlines: ', errorlines[1], job_id) vim.schedule(function() vim.cmd([[echo v:shell_error]]) end) elseif #lines > 0 then trace(lines) local opts = {} if _GO_NVIM_CFG.test_efm == true then efm = require('go.gotest').efm() opts = { title = info, lines = lines, efm = efm, } else opts = { title = info, lines = lines, } end vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', opts) elseif vim.fn.getqflist({ title = 0 }).title == cmdstr then vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', {lines = {}}) vim.api.nvim_command([[:cclose]]) end if tonumber(data) ~= 0 then failed = true -- stylua: ignore info = info .. ' exited with code: ' .. tostring(data) .. ' error lines: ' .. vim.inspect(errorlines) level = vim.log.levels.ERROR end _GO_NVIM_CFG.job_id = nil if failed then info = info .. ' go test failed' level = vim.log.levels.WARN util.quickfix('botright copen') end itemn = 1 if failed then vim.notify(info .. ' failed', level) else vim.notify(info .. ' succeed', level) if #lines > 0 then vim.notify(table.concat(lines, '\n\r'), level) end end failed = false _GO_NVIM_CFG.on_exit(event, data) end end -- releative dir does not work without shell log('cmd ', cmdstr) local runcmd = cmdstr if is_windows then -- gitshell & cmd.exe prefer list runcmd = cmd end _GO_NVIM_CFG.job_id = vim.fn.jobstart(runcmd, { on_stderr = on_event, on_stdout = on_event, on_exit = on_event, stdout_buffered = true, stderr_buffered = true, }) _GO_NVIM_CFG.on_jobstart(runcmd) return cmd end M.stopjob = function(id) id = id or _GO_NVIM_CFG.job_id if id == nil then return end local r = vim.fn.jobstop(id) if r == 1 then _GO_NVIM_CFG.job_id = nil else util.warn('failed to stop job ' .. tostring(id)) end end M.compile_efm = compile_efm return M