-- local ts_utils = require 'nvim-treesitter.ts_utils' local utils = require("go.utils") local log = utils.log local pkg = require("go.package") local fn = vim.fn local guru = "guru" local vfn = vim.fn -- guru_cmd returns a dict that contains the command to execute guru. args -- is dict with following options: -- mode : guru mode, such as 'implements' -- format : output format, either 'plain' or 'json' -- needs_scope : if 1, adds the current package to the scope -- selected : if 1, means it's a range of selection, otherwise it picks up the -- offset under the cursor -- example output: -- {'cmd' : ['guru', '-json', 'implements', 'demo/demo.go:#66']} local guru_cmd = function(args) local mode = args.mode local format = args.format local selected = args.selected local postype = vim.fn.get(args, "postype", "cursor") local need_scope = args.needs_scope local result = {} local build_tags = require("go.gotest").get_build_tags() require("go.install").install(guru) local cmd = { guru } if build_tags then table.insert(cmd, build_tags) end if vim.o.modified then table.insert(cmd, "-modified") end if format == "json" then table.insert(cmd, "-json") end local fname = vfn.expand("%:p") -- %:p:h ? %:p -- local fpath = vfn.expand("%:p:h") -- %:p:h ? %:p if need_scope then local scope = pkg.pkg_from_path() log(scope) if scope then table.insert(cmd, "-scope") table.insert(cmd, fn.join(scope, ",")) end end local pos if postype == "balloon" then local byte_offset = utils.offset(vim.v.beval_lnum, vim.v.beval_col) pos = string.format("#%s", byte_offset) else if selected ~= -1 then -- visual mode local pos1 = utils.offset(fn.line("'<"), fn.col("'<")) local pos2 = utils.offset(fn.line("'>"), fn.col("'>")) pos = string.format("#%s,#%s", pos1, pos2) else pos = string.format("#%s", vfn.wordcount().cursor_bytes) end end local filename = fn.fnamemodify(fn.expand("%"), ":p:gs?\\?/?") .. ":" .. pos table.insert(cmd, mode) table.insert(cmd, filename) log(cmd) print(vim.inspect(cmd)) vfn.jobstart(cmd, { on_exit = function(status, data, stderr) log(status, data) end, on_stderr = function(e, data) log(e, data) end, on_stdout = function(_, data, _) data = utils.handle_job_data(data) if not data then return end log(data) local res = data if format == "json" then local re = vim.json.decode(data) if re.errors ~= nil or re.lines == nil or re["start"] == nil or re["start"] == 0 then vim.notify("failed to run guru" .. vim.inspect(re), vim.lsp.log_levels.ERROR) end end if #res > 0 then vim.fn.setqflist({}, " ", { title = cmd, lines = res, efm = [[%f:%l.%c-%[%^:]%#:\ %m,%f:%l:%c:\ %m]], }) end vim.notify("guru " .. mode, vim.lsp.log_levels.INFO) end, }) end local function callstack(selected) selected = selected or -1 guru_cmd({ mode = "callstack", format = "plain", needs_scope = 1, selected = selected, }) end local function channel_peers(selected) selected = selected or -1 guru_cmd({ mode = "peers", format = "plain", needs_scope = 1, selected = selected, }) end return { guru_cmd = guru_cmd, callstack = callstack, channel_peers = channel_peers }