local runner = require('go.runner') local utils = require('go.utils') local M = {} local util = require('go.utils') local log = util.log local vfn = vim.fn local api = vim.api function M.watch(args) args = args or {} local cmd = { 'gotestsum', '--watch' } vim.list_extend(cmd, args) local opts = { update_buffer = true, on_exit = function() vim.schedule(function() vim.notify('watch stopped') end) end, on_chunk = function(err, lines) if err then return end for _, line in ipairs(lines) do if line:match('Errors') then vim.notify(vfn.join(lines, ', '), vim.lsp.log_levels.ERROR) return elseif line:match('PASS') or line:match('DONE') then vim.notify(line, vim.lsp.log_levels.INFO) end end end, } runner.run(cmd, opts) return cmd, opts end local test_result = {} local test_panel local show_panel = function() local panel = util.load_plugin('guihua.lua', 'guihua.panel') if not panel then vim.notify('guihua not installed') return end if test_panel == nil or not test_panel:is_open() then test_panel = panel:new({ header = '   go test  ', render = function(buf) -- log(test_result) return test_result end, }) test_panel:open(true) else test_panel:redraw(false) end return test_panel end local function handle_data_out(_, data, ev) data = util.handle_job_data(data) if not data then return end local get_fname_num = utils.get_fname_num for _, val in ipairs(data) do -- first strip the filename local item = {} -- item.lnum = 1 item.text = val item.node_text = val local fname, lnum = get_fname_num(val) if fname then local bnr = vfn.bufnr(fname, true) item.bufnr = bnr item.lnum = lnum if bnr > 0 then item.uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bnr) end item.fname = fname item.lnum = lnum end -- item.filename = fname table.insert(test_result, item) log(item) end return show_panel() end function M.run(...) if not require('go.install').install('gotestsum') then util.warn('please wait for gotstssum to be installed and re-run the command') return end local args = { ... } test_result = {} local cmd = { 'gotestsum', unpack(args) } log(cmd) vfn.jobstart(cmd, { on_stdout = handle_data_out, on_exit = function(e, data, _) if data ~= 0 then log('no packege info data ' .. e .. tostring(data)) return end -- show_panel() end, }) return test_result end return M