local ls = require("luasnip") local utils = require("go.utils") local partial = require("luasnip.extras").partial local l = require("luasnip.extras").lambda local dl = require("luasnip.extras").dynamic_lambda local aws = vim.split( "ap-south-1,ap-northeast-2,ap-southeast-1,ap-southeast-2,ap-northeast-1,ca-central-1,eu-central-1,eu-west-1,eu-west-2,sa-east-1,us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1,us-west-2", "," ) local function filter(prefix) local result = { ls.t("") } print("filter", prefix) if #prefix == 1 then for _, v in pairs(aws) do if v:sub(1, 1) == prefix then table.insert(result, ls.t(v)) end end if #result > 0 then return ls.sn(nil, ls.c(1, result)) end end if #prefix >= 2 then for _, v in pairs(aws) do if v:sub(1, 1) == prefix:sub(1, 1) then if v:sub(2, 2) == prefix:sub(2, 2) then table.insert(result, ls.t(v)) else if v:find(prefix:sub(2, 2)) then print(v) table.insert(result, ls.t(v)) end end end end if #result > 0 then print("prepare c node items ", #result) return ls.sn(nil, ls.c(1, result)) end end return ls.sn(nil, ls.t("us-east-1")) end ls.add_snippets("all", { ls.s("time", partial(vim.fn.strftime, "%H:%M:%S")), ls.s("date", partial(vim.fn.strftime, "%Y-%m-%d")), ls.s("pwd", { partial(utils.run_command, "pwd") }), -- ls.s({ trig = "aws(%d)", regTrig = true, name = "aws region", dscr = "input 2 char matching a region name" }, { -- ls.d(1, function(args) -- print(vim.inspect(args)) -- -- return ls.sn(nil, { -- -- -- jump-indices are local to each snippetNode, so restart at 1. -- -- ls.i(1, args[1]), -- -- }) -- return filter(args[1][1]) -- end, { 1 }), -- }), ls.s("hlc", ls.t("http://localhost")), ls.s("hl1", ls.t("")), ls.s("lh", ls.t("localhost")), ls.s("lh1", ls.t("")), ls.s({ trig = "uid", wordTrig = true }, { ls.f(utils.uuid), ls.i(0) }), ls.s({ trig = "rstr(%d+)", regTrig = true }, { ls.f(function(_, snip) return utils.random_string(snip.captures[1]) end), ls.i(0), }), ls.s( { trig = "lor", name = "Lorem Ipsum (Choice)", dscr = "Choose next for more lines" }, ls.c(1, { ls.t(utils.random_line()), ls.t(utils.random_line()) }) ), ls.s( { trig = "lor(%d+)", name = "Lorem Ipsum", regTrig = true, dscr = "Start with a count for lines", }, ls.f(function(_, snip) local lines = snip.captures[1] if not tonumber(lines) then lines = 1 end local lor = vim.split(utils.lorem(), ", ") return vim.list_slice(lor, lines) end) ), })