local util = {} local fn = vim.fn local os_name = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname local is_windows = os_name == 'Windows' or os_name == 'Windows_NT' -- Check whether current buffer contains main function function util.has_main() local output = vim.api.nvim_exec('grep func\\ main\\(\\) %', true) local matchCount = vim.split(output, '\n') return #matchCount > 3 end function util.sep() if is_windows then return '\\' end return '/' end function util.sep2() if is_windows then return ';' end return ':' end function util.is_windows() return is_windows end function util.ext() if is_windows then return '.exe' end return '' end local function get_path_sep() if is_windows then return ';' end return ':' end local function strip_path_sep(path) local l = path[#path] util.log(l, util.sep(), path:sub(1, #path - 1)) if l == util.sep() then return path:sub(1, #path - 1) end return path end function util.root_dirs() local dirs = {} local root = fn.systemlist({ _GO_NVIM_CFG.go, 'env', 'GOROOT' }) table.insert(dirs, root[1]) local paths = fn.systemlist({ _GO_NVIM_CFG.go, 'env', 'GOPATH' }) local sp = get_path_sep() paths = vim.split(paths[1], sp) for _, p in pairs(paths) do p = fn.substitute(p, '\\\\', '/', 'g') table.insert(dirs, p) end return dirs end function util.go_packages(dirs, arglead) util.log(debug.traceback()) local pkgs = {} for _, dir in pairs(dirs) do util.log(dir) local scr_root = fn.expand(dir .. util.sep() .. 'src' .. util.sep()) util.log(scr_root, arglead) local roots = fn.globpath(scr_root, arglead .. '*', 0, 1) if roots == { '' } then roots = {} end util.log(roots) for _, pkg in pairs(roots) do util.log(pkg) if fn.isdirectory(pkg) then pkg = pkg .. util.sep() table.insert(pkgs, pkg) elseif not pkg:match([[%.a$]]) then -- without this the result can have duplicates in form of -- 'encoding/json' and '/encoding/json/' pkg = strip_path_sep(pkg) -- remove the scr root and keep the package in tact pkg = fn.substitute(pkg, scr_root, '', '') table.insert(pkgs, pkg) end end end util.log(pkgs) return pkgs end -- function! s:interface_list(pkg) abort -- let [contents, err] = go#util#Exec(['go', 'doc', a:pkg]) -- if err -- return [] -- endif -- -- let contents = split(contents, "\n") -- call filter(contents, 'v:val =~# ''^type\s\+\h\w*\s\+interface''') -- return map(contents, 'a:pkg . "." . matchstr(v:val, ''^type\s\+\zs\h\w*\ze\s\+interface'')') -- endfunction function util.interface_list(pkg) local p = fn.systemlist({ _GO_NVIM_CFG.go, 'doc', pkg }) util.log(p) local ifaces = {} if p then local contents = p -- vim.split(p[1], "\n") for _, content in pairs(contents) do util.log(content) if content:find('interface') then local iface_name = fn.matchstr(content, [[^type\s\+\zs\h\w*\ze\s\+interface]]) if iface_name ~= '' then table.insert(ifaces, pkg .. iface_name) end end end end util.log(ifaces) return ifaces end -- https://alpha2phi.medium.com/neovim-101-regular-expression-f15a6d782add function util.get_fname_num(line) line = util.trim(line) local reg = [[\(.\+\.go\)\:\(\d\+\):]] local f = fn.matchlist(line, reg) if f[1] and f[1] ~= '' then return f[2], tonumber(f[3]) end end function util.smartrun() local cmd if util.has_main() then cmd = string.format('lcd %:p:h | :set makeprg=%s\\ run\\ . | :make | :lcd -', _GO_NVIM_CFG.go) vim.cmd(cmd) else cmd = string.format('setl makeprg=%s\\ run\\ . | :make', _GO_NVIM_CFG.go) vim.cmd(cmd) end end function util.smartbuild() local cmd if util.has_main() then cmd = string.format('lcd %:p:h | :set makeprg=%s\\ build\\ . | :make | :lcd -', _GO_NVIM_CFG.go) vim.cmd(cmd) else cmd = string.format('setl makeprg=%s\\ build\\ . | :make', _GO_NVIM_CFG.go) vim.cmd(cmd) end end util.check_same = function(tbl1, tbl2) if #tbl1 ~= #tbl2 then return false end for k, v in ipairs(tbl1) do if v ~= tbl2[k] then return false end end return true end util.map = function(modes, key, result, options) options = util.merge({ noremap = true, silent = false, expr = false, nowait = false }, options or {}) local buffer = options.buffer options.buffer = nil if type(modes) ~= 'table' then modes = { modes } end for i = 1, #modes do if buffer then vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, modes[i], key, result, options) else vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(modes[i], key, result, options) end end end util.copy_array = function(from, to) for i = 1, #from do to[i] = from[i] end end util.deepcopy = function(orig) local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[util.deepcopy(orig_key)] = util.deepcopy(orig_value) end setmetatable(copy, util.deepcopy(getmetatable(orig))) else -- number, string, boolean, etc copy = orig end return copy end util.handle_job_data = function(data) if not data then return nil end -- Because the nvim.stdout's data will have an extra empty line at end on some OS (e.g. maxOS), we should remove it. for _ = 1, 3, 1 do if data[#data] == '' then table.remove(data, #data) end end if #data < 1 then return nil end return data end local cache_dir = fn.stdpath('cache') util.log = function(...) if not _GO_NVIM_CFG or not _GO_NVIM_CFG.verbose then return end local arg = { ... } local log_default = string.format('%s%sgonvim.log', cache_dir, util.sep()) local log_path = _GO_NVIM_CFG.log_path or log_default local str = '  ' local info = debug.getinfo(2, 'Sl') str = str .. info.short_src .. ':' .. info.currentline local _, ms = vim.loop.gettimeofday() str = string.format('[%s %d] %s', os.date(), ms, str) for i, v in ipairs(arg) do if type(v) == 'table' then str = str .. ' |' .. tostring(i) .. ': ' .. vim.inspect(v) .. '\n' else str = str .. ' |' .. tostring(i) .. ': ' .. tostring(v) end end if #str > 2 then if log_path ~= nil and #log_path > 3 then local f, err = io.open(log_path, 'a+') if err then vim.notify('failed to open log' .. log_path .. err, vim.log.levels.ERROR) return end if not f then error('open file ' .. log_path, f) end io.output(f) io.write(str .. '\n') io.close(f) else vim.notify(str .. '\n', vim.log.levels.DEBUG) end end end util.trace = function(...) end local rhs_options = {} function rhs_options:new() local instance = { cmd = '', options = { noremap = false, silent = false, expr = false, nowait = false }, } setmetatable(instance, self) self.__index = self return instance end function rhs_options:map_cmd(cmd_string) self.cmd = cmd_string return self end function rhs_options:map_cr(cmd_string) self.cmd = (':%s'):format(cmd_string) return self end function rhs_options:map_args(cmd_string) self.cmd = (':%s'):format(cmd_string) return self end function rhs_options:map_cu(cmd_string) self.cmd = (':%s'):format(cmd_string) return self end function rhs_options:with_silent() self.options.silent = true return self end function rhs_options:with_noremap() self.options.noremap = true return self end function rhs_options:with_expr() self.options.expr = true return self end function rhs_options:with_nowait() self.options.nowait = true return self end function util.map_cr(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_cr(cmd_string) end function util.map_cmd(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_cmd(cmd_string) end function util.map_cu(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_cu(cmd_string) end function util.map_args(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_args(cmd_string) end function util.nvim_load_mapping(mapping) for key, value in pairs(mapping) do local mode, keymap = key:match('([^|]*)|?(.*)') if type(value) == 'table' then local rhs = value.cmd local options = value.options vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, keymap, rhs, options) end end end function util.load_plugin(name, modulename) assert(name ~= nil, 'plugin should not empty') modulename = modulename or name local has, plugin = pcall(require, modulename) if has then return plugin end local pkg = packer_plugins local has_packer = pcall(require, 'packer') local has_lazy = pcall(require, 'lazy') if has_packer or has_lazy then -- packer installed if has_packer then local loader = require('packer').loader if not pkg[name] or not pkg[name].loaded then util.log('packer loader ' .. name) vim.cmd('packadd ' .. name) -- load with default if pkg[name] ~= nil then loader(name) end end else require('lazy').load({ plugins = name }) end else util.log('packadd ' .. name) local paths = vim.o.runtimepath if paths:find(name) then vim.cmd('packadd ' .. name) end end has, plugin = pcall(require, modulename) if not has then util.info('plugin ' .. name .. ' module ' .. modulename .. ' not loaded ') return nil end return plugin end -- deprecated -- function util.check_capabilities(feature, client_id) -- local clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients(client_id or 0) -- -- local supported_client = false -- for _, client in pairs(clients) do -- -- util.log(client.resolved_capabilities) -- util.log(client.server_capabilities) -- supported_client = client.resolved_capabilities[feature] -- supported_client = client.resolved_capabilities[feature] -- if supported_client then -- break -- end -- end -- -- if supported_client then -- return true -- else -- if #clients == 0 then -- util.log("LSP: no client attached") -- else -- util.log("LSP: server does not support " .. feature) -- end -- return false -- end -- end function util.relative_to_cwd(name) local rel = fn.isdirectory(name) == 0 and fn.fnamemodify(name, ':h:.') or fn.fnamemodify(name, ':.') if rel == '.' then return '.' else return '.' .. util.sep() .. rel end end function util.chdir(dir) if fn.exists('*chdir') then return fn.chdir(dir) end local oldir = fn.getcwd() local cd = 'cd' if fn.exists('*haslocaldir') and fn.haslocaldir() then cd = 'lcd' vim.cmd(cd .. ' ' .. fn.fnameescape(dir)) return oldir end end function util.all_pkgs() return '.' .. util.sep() .. '...' end -- log and messages function util.warn(msg) vim.notify('WARN: ' .. msg, vim.log.levels.WARN) end function util.error(msg) vim.notify('ERR: ' .. msg, vim.log.levels.ERROR) end function util.info(msg) vim.notify('INF: ' .. msg, vim.log.levels.INFO) end function util.debug(msg) vim.notify('DEBUG: ' .. msg, vim.log.levels.DEBUG) end function util.rel_path(folder) -- maybe expand('%:p:h:t') local mod = '%:p' if folder then mod = '%:p:h' end local fpath = fn.expand(mod) local workfolders = vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders() if fn.empty(workfolders) == 0 then fpath = '.' .. fpath:sub(#workfolders[1] + 1) else fpath = fn.fnamemodify(fn.expand(mod), ':p:.') end util.log(fpath:sub(#fpath), fpath, util.sep()) if fpath:sub(#fpath) == util.sep() then fpath = fpath:sub(1, #fpath - 1) util.log(fpath) end return fpath end function util.trim(s) if s then s = util.ltrim(s) return util.rtrim(s) end end function util.rtrim(s) local n = #s while n > 0 and s:find('^%s', n) do n = n - 1 end return s:sub(1, n) end function util.ltrim(s) return (s:gsub('^%s*', '')) end function util.work_path() local fpath = fn.expand('%:p:h') local workfolders = vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders() if #workfolders == 1 then return workfolders[1] end for _, value in pairs(workfolders) do local mod = value .. util.sep() .. 'go.mod' if util.file_exists(mod) then return value end end return workfolders[1] or fpath end function util.empty(t) if t == nil then return true end if type(t) ~= 'table' then return false end return next(t) == nil end local open = io.open function util.read_file(path) local file = open(path, 'rb') -- r read mode and b binary mode if not file then return nil end local content = file:read('*a') -- *a or *all reads the whole file file:close() return content end function util.restart(cmd_args) local old_lsp_clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients() local configs = require('lspconfig.configs') for _, client in pairs(old_lsp_clients) do if client.name == 'gopls' then vim.lsp.stop_client(client.id) end end if configs['gopls'] ~= nil then vim.defer_fn(function() configs['gopls'].launch() end, 500) end end util.deletedir = function(dir) local lfs = require('lfs') for file in lfs.dir(dir) do local file_path = dir .. '/' .. file if file ~= '.' and file ~= '..' then if lfs.attributes(file_path, 'mode') == 'file' then os.remove(file_path) print('remove file', file_path) elseif lfs.attributes(file_path, 'mode') == 'directory' then print('dir', file_path) util.deletedir(file_path) end end end lfs.rmdir(dir) util.log('remove dir', dir) end function util.file_exists(name) local f = io.open(name, 'r') if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true end return false end -- get all lines from a file, returns an empty -- list/table if the file does not exist function util.lines_from(file) if not util.file_exists(file) then return {} end local lines = {} for line in io.lines(file) do lines[#lines + 1] = line end return lines end function util.list_directory() return fn.map(fn.glob(fn.fnameescape('./') .. '/{,.}*/', 1, 1), 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":h:t")') end function util.get_active_buf() local lb = fn.getbufinfo({ buflisted = 1 }) util.log(lb) local result = {} for _, item in ipairs(lb) do if fn.empty(item.name) == 0 and item.hidden == 0 then util.log('buf loaded', item.name) table.insert(result, { name = fn.shellescape(item.name), bufnr = item.bufnr }) end end return result end -- for l:item in l:blist -- "skip unnamed buffers; also skip hidden buffers? -- if empty(l:item.name) || l:item.hidden -- continue -- endif -- call add(l:result, shellescape(l:item.name)) -- return l:result function util.set_nulls() if _GO_NVIM_CFG.null_ls_document_formatting_disable then local query = {} if type(_GO_NVIM_CFG.null_ls_document_formatting_disable) ~= 'boolean' then query = _GO_NVIM_CFG.null_ls_document_formatting_disable end local ok, nulls = pcall(require, 'null-ls') if ok then nulls.disable(query) end end end -- run in current source code path function util.exec_in_path(cmd, bufnr, ...) bufnr = bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local path = fn.fnamemodify(fn.bufname(bufnr), ':p:h') local dir = util.chdir(path) local result if type(cmd) == 'function' then result = cmd(bufnr, ...) else result = fn.systemlist(cmd, ...) end util.log(result) util.chdir(dir) return result end function util.line_ending() if vim.o.fileformat == 'dos' then return '\r\n' elseif vim.o.fileformat == 'mac' then return '\r' end return '\n' end function util.offset(line, col) util.log(line, col) if vim.o.encoding ~= 'utf-8' then print('only utf-8 encoding is supported current encoding: ', vim.o.encoding) end return fn.line2byte(line) + col - 2 end -- parse //+build integration unit -- //go:build ci function util.get_build_tags(buf) local tags = {} buf = buf or '%' local pattern = [[^//\s*[+|(go:)]*build\s\+\(.\+\)]] local cnt = vim.fn.getbufinfo(buf)[1]['linecount'] cnt = math.min(cnt, 10) for i = 1, cnt do local line = vim.fn.trim(vim.fn.getbufline(buf, i)[1]) if string.find(line, 'package') then break end local t = vim.fn.substitute(line, pattern, [[\1]], '') if t ~= line then -- tag found t = vim.fn.substitute(t, [[ \+]], ',', 'g') table.insert(tags, t) end end if #tags > 0 then return tags end end -- a uuid function util.uuid() math.randomseed(tonumber(tostring(os.time()):reverse():sub(1, 9))) local random = math.random local template = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function(c) local v = (c == 'x') and random(0, 0xf) or random(8, 0xb) return string.format('%x', v) end) end local lorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum' function util.lorem() return lorem end function util.random_words(len) local str = util.lorem() local words = fn.split(str, ' ') str = '' for i = 1, len do str = str .. ' ' .. words[math.random(#words)] end return str end function util.random_line() local lines = vim.split(lorem, ', ') return lines[math.random(#lines)] .. ',' end function util.run_command(cmd, ...) local result = fn.systemlist(cmd, ...) return result end function util.quickfix(cmd) if _GO_NVIM_CFG.trouble == true then local ok, trouble = pcall(require, 'trouble') if ok then if cmd:find('copen') then trouble.open('quickfix') else trouble.open('loclist') end else vim.notify('trouble not found') end else vim.cmd(cmd) end end util.debounce = function(func, duration) local timer = vim.loop.new_timer() local function inner(args) timer:stop() timer:start( duration, 0, vim.schedule_wrap(function() func(args) end) ) end local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('gonvim__CleanupLuvTimers', {}) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimLeavePre', { group = group, pattern = '*', callback = function() if timer then if timer:has_ref() then timer:stop() if not timer:is_closing() then timer:close() end end timer = nil end end, }) return timer, inner end local namepath = {} util.extract_filepath = function(msg, pkg_path) msg = msg or '' -- util.log(msg) --[[ or [[ findAllSubStr_test.go:234: Error inserting caseResult1: operation error DynamoDB: PutItem, exceeded maximum number of attempts]] -- or 'path/path2/filename.go:50:11: Error invaild -- or /home/ray/go/src/github/sample/app/driver.go:342 +0x19e5 local ma = fn.matchlist(msg, [[\v\s*(\w+.+\.go):(\d+):]]) ma = ma or fn.matchlist(msg, [[\v\s*(\w+.+\.go):(\d+)]]) local filename, lnum if ma[2] then util.log(ma) filename = ma[2] lnum = ma[3] else return end util.log('fname : ' .. (filename or 'nil') .. ':' .. (lnum or '-1')) if namepath[filename] then -- if name is same, no need to update path return (namepath[filename] ~= filename), namepath[filename], lnum end if vim.fn.filereadable(filename) == 1 then util.log('filename', filename) -- no need to extract path, already quickfix format namepath[filename] = filename return false, filename, lnum end if pkg_path then local pn = pkg_path:gsub('%.%.%.', '') local fname = pn .. util.sep() .. filename if vim.fn.filereadable(fname) == 1 then namepath[filename] = fname util.log('fname with pkg_name', fname) return true, fname, lnum end end local fname = fn.fnamemodify(fn.expand('%:h'), ':~:.') .. util.sep() .. ma[2] util.log(fname, namepath[fname]) if vim.fn.filereadable(fname) == 1 then namepath[filename] = fname return true, fname, lnum end if namepath[filename] ~= nil then util.log(namepath[filename]) return namepath[filename], lnum end if vim.fn.executable('find') == 0 then return false, fname, lnum end -- note: slow operations local cmd = 'find ./ -type f -name ' .. filename local path = vim.fn.systemlist(cmd) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then util.warn('find failed ' .. cmd .. vim.inspect(path)) end for _, value in pairs(path) do local st, _ = value:find(filename) if st then -- find cmd returns `./path/path2/filename.go`, the leading './' is not needed for quickfix local p = value:sub(1, st - 1) util.log(value, st, p) namepath[filename] = p return true, p, lnum end end -- nothing... we will not check this file again namepath[filename] = filename end return util