local util = {} local os_name = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname local is_windows = os_name == 'Windows' or os_name == 'Windows_NT' -- Check whether current buffer contains main function local function has_main() local output = vim.api.nvim_exec("grep func\\ main\\(\\) %", true) local matchCount = vim.split(output, "\n") return #matchCount > 3 end function util.sep() if is_windows then return '\\' end return '/' end local function smartrun() if has_main() then -- Found main function in current buffer vim.cmd("lcd %:p:h | :set makeprg=go\\ run\\ . | :make | :lcd -") else vim.cmd("setl makeprg=go\\ run\\ . | :make") end end local function smartbuild() if has_main() then -- Found main function in current buffer vim.cmd("lcd %:p:h | :set makeprg=go\\ build\\ . | :make | :lcd -") else vim.cmd("setl makeprg=go\\ build\\ . | :make") end end util.check_same = function(tbl1, tbl2) if #tbl1 ~= #tbl2 then return false end for k, v in ipairs(tbl1) do if v ~= tbl2[k] then return false end end return true end util.copy_array = function(from, to) for i = 1, #from do to[i] = from[i] end end util.deepcopy = function(orig) local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[util.deepcopy(orig_key)] = util.deepcopy(orig_value) end setmetatable(copy, util.deepcopy(getmetatable(orig))) else -- number, string, boolean, etc copy = orig end return copy end util.handle_job_data = function(data) if not data then return nil end -- Because the nvim.stdout's data will have an extra empty line at end on some OS (e.g. maxOS), we should remove it. if data[#data] == '' then table.remove(data, #data) end if #data < 1 then return nil end return data end util.log = function(...) if not _GO_NVIM_CFG.verbose then return end local arg = {...} local log_default = string.format("%s%s%s.log", vim.api.nvim_call_function("stdpath", {"data"}), util.sep(), "gonvim") local log_path = _GO_NVIM_CFG.log_path or log_default local str = "  " local info = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl") str = str .. info.short_src .. ":" .. info.currentline for i, v in ipairs(arg) do if type(v) == "table" then str = str .. " |" .. tostring(i) .. ": " .. vim.inspect(v) .. "\n" else str = str .. " |" .. tostring(i) .. ": " .. tostring(v) end end if #str > 2 then if log_path ~= nil and #log_path > 3 then local f, err = io.open(log_path, "a+") if err then print("failed to open log") return end if not f then error('open file ' .. log_path, f) end io.output(f) io.write(str .. "\n") io.close(f) else print(str .. "\n") end end end local rhs_options = {} function rhs_options:new() local instance = { cmd = '', options = {noremap = false, silent = false, expr = false, nowait = false} } setmetatable(instance, self) self.__index = self return instance end function rhs_options:map_cmd(cmd_string) self.cmd = cmd_string return self end function rhs_options:map_cr(cmd_string) self.cmd = (":%s"):format(cmd_string) return self end function rhs_options:map_args(cmd_string) self.cmd = (":%s"):format(cmd_string) return self end function rhs_options:map_cu(cmd_string) self.cmd = (":%s"):format(cmd_string) return self end function rhs_options:with_silent() self.options.silent = true return self end function rhs_options:with_noremap() self.options.noremap = true return self end function rhs_options:with_expr() self.options.expr = true return self end function rhs_options:with_nowait() self.options.nowait = true return self end function util.map_cr(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_cr(cmd_string) end function util.map_cmd(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_cmd(cmd_string) end function util.map_cu(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_cu(cmd_string) end function util.map_args(cmd_string) local ro = rhs_options:new() return ro:map_args(cmd_string) end function util.nvim_load_mapping(mapping) for key, value in pairs(mapping) do local mode, keymap = key:match("([^|]*)|?(.*)") if type(value) == 'table' then local rhs = value.cmd local options = value.options vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, keymap, rhs, options) end end end function util.load_plugin(name, modulename) assert(name ~= nil, "plugin should not empty") modulename = modulename or name local has, plugin = pcall(require, modulename) if has then return plugin end if packer_plugins ~= nil then -- packer installed local loader = require"packer".loader if not packer_plugins[name] or not packer_plugins[name].loaded then loader(name) end else vim.cmd("packadd " .. name) -- load with default end has, plugin = pcall(require, modulename) if not has then print("plugin failed to load " .. name) end return plugin end function util.check_capabilities(feature, client_id) local clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients(client_id or 0) local supported_client = false for _, client in pairs(clients) do util.log(client.resolved_capabilities) supported_client = client.resolved_capabilities[feature] if supported_client then goto continue end end ::continue:: if supported_client then return true else if #clients == 0 then util.log("LSP: no client attached") else util.log("LSP: server does not support " .. feature) end return false end end return util