-- Table driven tests based on its target source files' function and method signatures. -- https://github.com/cweill/gotests local ut = {} local gotests = "gotests" local test_dir = _GO_NVIM_CFG.test_dir or "" local test_template = vim.go_nvim_test_template or "" local utils = require("go.utils") local run = function(setup) print(vim.inspect(setup)) local j = vim.fn.jobstart(setup, { on_stdout = function(jobid, data, event) print("unit tests generate " .. vim.inspect(data)) end, on_stderr = function(_, data, _) print("generate tests finished with message: " .. vim.inspect(setup) .. "error: " .. vim.inspect(data)) end }) end local add_test = function(args) require("go.install").install(gotests) if string.len(test_template) > 1 then table.insert(args, "-template") table.insert(args, test_template) if string.len(test_dir) > 1 then table.insert(args, "-template_dir") table.insert(args, test_dir) end end local row, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) row, col = row + 1, col + 1 local ns = require("go.ts.go").get_func_method_node_at_pos(row, col) if ns == nil or ns == {} then return end utils.log("parnode" .. vim.inspect(ns)) run(args) end ut.fun_test = function(parallel) parallel = parallel or false local row, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) row, col = row + 1, col + 1 local ns = require("go.ts.go").get_func_method_node_at_pos(row, col) if ns == nil or ns == {} then return end -- utils.log("parnode" .. vim.inspect(ns)) local funame = ns.name -- local rs, re = ns.dim.s.r, ns.dim.e.r local gofile = vim.fn.expand("%") local args = {gotests, "-w", "-only", funame, gofile} if parallel then table.insert(args, "-parallel") end add_test(args) end ut.all_test = function(parallel) parallel = parallel or false local gofile = vim.fn.expand("%") local args = {gotests, "-all", "-w", gofile} if parallel then table.insert(args, "-parallel") end add_test(args) end ut.exported_test = function(parallel) parallel = parallel or false local gofile = vim.fn.expand("%") local args = {gotests, "-exported", "-w", gofile} if parallel then table.insert(args, "-parallel") end add_test(args) end return ut