; extends ; inject sql in single line strings ; e.g. db.GetContext(ctx, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'John'") ((call_expression (selector_expression field: (field_identifier) @_field) (argument_list (interpreted_string_literal) @sql)) (#any-of? @_field "Exec" "GetContext" "ExecContext" "SelectContext" "In" "RebindNamed" "Rebind" "Query" "QueryRow" "QueryRowxContext" "NamedExec" "MustExec" "Get" "Queryx") (#offset! @sql 0 1 0 -1)) ; still buggy for nvim 0.10 ((call_expression (selector_expression field: (field_identifier) @_field (#any-of? @_field "Exec" "GetContext" "ExecContext" "SelectContext" "In" "RebindNamed" "Rebind" "Query" "QueryRow" "QueryRowxContext" "NamedExec" "MustExec" "Get" "Queryx")) (argument_list (interpreted_string_literal) @injection.content)) (#offset! @injection.content 0 1 0 -1) (#set! injection.language "sql")) ; neovim nightly 0.10 ([ (interpreted_string_literal) (raw_string_literal) ] @injection.content (#match? @injection.content "(SELECT|select|INSERT|insert|UPDATE|update|DELETE|delete).+(FROM|from|INTO|into|VALUES|values|SET|set).*(WHERE|where|GROUP BY|group by)?") (#set! injection.language "sql")) ; a general query injection ([ (interpreted_string_literal) (raw_string_literal) ] @sql (#match? @sql "(SELECT|select|INSERT|insert|UPDATE|update|DELETE|delete).+(FROM|from|INTO|into|VALUES|values|SET|set).*(WHERE|where|GROUP BY|group by)?") (#offset! @sql 0 1 0 -1)) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; fallback keyword and comment based injection ([ (interpreted_string_literal) (raw_string_literal) ] @sql (#contains? @sql "-- sql" "--sql" "ADD CONSTRAINT" "ALTER TABLE" "ALTER COLUMN" "DATABASE" "FOREIGN KEY" "GROUP BY" "HAVING" "CREATE INDEX" "INSERT INTO" "NOT NULL" "PRIMARY KEY" "UPDATE SET" "TRUNCATE TABLE" "LEFT JOIN" "add constraint" "alter table" "alter column" "database" "foreign key" "group by" "having" "create index" "insert into" "not null" "primary key" "update set" "truncate table" "left join") (#offset! @sql 0 1 0 -1)) ; nvim 0.10 ([ (interpreted_string_literal) (raw_string_literal) ] @injection.content (#contains? @injection.content "-- sql" "--sql" "ADD CONSTRAINT" "ALTER TABLE" "ALTER COLUMN" "DATABASE" "FOREIGN KEY" "GROUP BY" "HAVING" "CREATE INDEX" "INSERT INTO" "NOT NULL" "PRIMARY KEY" "UPDATE SET" "TRUNCATE TABLE" "LEFT JOIN" "add constraint" "alter table" "alter column" "database" "foreign key" "group by" "having" "create index" "insert into" "not null" "primary key" "update set" "truncate table" "left join") (#offset! @injection.content 0 1 0 -1) (#set! injection.language "sql")) ; should I use a more exhaustive list of keywords? ; "ADD" "ADD CONSTRAINT" "ALL" "ALTER" "AND" "ASC" "COLUMN" "CONSTRAINT" "CREATE" "DATABASE" "DELETE" "DESC" "DISTINCT" "DROP" "EXISTS" "FOREIGN KEY" "FROM" "JOIN" "GROUP BY" "HAVING" "IN" "INDEX" "INSERT INTO" "LIKE" "LIMIT" "NOT" "NOT NULL" "OR" "ORDER BY" "PRIMARY KEY" "SELECT" "SET" "TABLE" "TRUNCATE TABLE" "UNION" "UNIQUE" "UPDATE" "VALUES" "WHERE" ; json ((const_spec name: (identifier) @_const value: (expression_list (raw_string_literal) @json)) (#lua-match? @_const ".*[J|j]son.*")) ; jsonStr := `{"foo": "bar"}` ((short_var_declaration left: (expression_list (identifier) @_var) right: (expression_list (raw_string_literal) @json)) (#lua-match? @_var ".*[J|j]son.*") (#offset! @json 0 1 0 -1)) ; nvim 0.10 (const_spec name: ((identifier) @_const(#lua-match? @_const ".*[J|j]son.*")) value: (expression_list (raw_string_literal) @injection.content (#set! injection.language "json"))) (short_var_declaration left: (expression_list (identifier) @_var (#lua-match? @_var ".*[J|j]son.*")) right: (expression_list (raw_string_literal) @injection.content) (#offset! @injection.content 0 1 0 -1) (#set! injection.language "json")) (var_spec name: ((identifier) @_const(#lua-match? @_const ".*[J|j]son.*")) value: (expression_list (raw_string_literal) @injection.content (#set! injection.language "json")))