update treesitter syntax

ray-x 3 years ago
parent 7d0d1196d7
commit f6561e7807

@ -2,12 +2,27 @@
A modern golang neovim plugin based on treesitter and nvim-lsp. It is written in Lua and async as much as possible.
PR & Suggestions welcome.
The plugin covers most features required for a gopher.
- Syntex highlight & Texobject: Native treesitter support is faster and more accurate. All you need is a theme support treesitter, try
[aurora](https://github.com/ray-x/aurora). Also, there are quite a few listed in [awesome-neovim](https://github.com/rockerBOO/awesome-neovim)
- GoToXxx: E.g reference, implementaion, definition, goto doc, peek code/doc etc. You need lspconfig setup. There are lots of posts on how to
set it up. You can also check my vimrc [lspconfig.lua](https://github.com/ray-x/dotfiles/blob/master/nvim/lua/modules/completion/lspconfig.lua)
- Runtime lint/vet/compile: Supported by lsp (once you setup up you lsp client), GoLint with golangci-lint alo supported
- Build/Make/Test: Go.nvim provides supports for these by an async job wrapper.
- Unit test: Support [gotests](https://github.com/cweill/gotests)
- tag modify: Supports gomodifytags
- Code format: Supports LSP format and GoFmt
- Comments: Add autodocument for your package/function/struct/interface. This feature is unique and can help you suppress golint
## install
add 'ray-x/go.nvim' to your package manager
add 'ray-x/go.nvim' to your package manager, the depency is `treesitter` (and optionally, treesitter-objects)
related binaries will be installed the first time you using it
Add lsp format in your vimrc. You can check my dotfiles for details
Add lsp format in your vimrc. [You can check my dotfiles for details](https://github.com/ray-x/dotfiles/blob/edc97a85e2a12cfcfc9765d28e63863e9926e321/nvim/lua/modules/completion/lspconfig.lua#L345-L390)
To startup/setup the plugin
@ -33,18 +48,20 @@ require("go.format").goimport()
## Textobject
Supported by treesitter. TS provided better parse result compared to regular expression.
Check [my treesitter config file](https://github.com/ray-x/dotfiles/blob/master/nvim/lua/modules/lang/treesitter.lua) on how to setup
textobjects. Also with treesitter-objects, you can move, swap select block of code which is fast and accurate.
## Build and test
Provided wrapper for gobulild/test etc
Provided wrapper for gobulild/test etc with async make
## unit test with gotests
## Unit test with [gotests](https://github.com/cweill/gotests) and testify
Support table based unit test auto generate, parse current function/method name using treesitter
## Modifytags
modifytags by `modifytags` and treesitter
Modify struct tags by [`gomodifytags`](https://github.com/fatih/gomodifytags) and treesitter
## GoFmt
@ -74,12 +91,13 @@ type GoLintComplaining struct{}
## LSP
LSP supported by nvim-lsp is good enough for a gopher. If you looking for a better GUI. lspsaga and lsp-utils are
LSP supported by nvim-lsp is good enough for a gopher. If you looking for a better GUI. lspsaga or and lsp-utils are
what you are looking for.
## Lint
Supported by LSP, if you need golangci-lint better with ALE
Supported by LSP, also GoLint command (by calling golangcl-lint) if you need background golangci-lint check, you can
configure it with ALE
## configuration
@ -109,59 +127,9 @@ e.g
## Nvim LSP setup
for golang: [LSP config](https://github.com/ray-x/dotfiles/blob/c45c1a79962e6cce444b1375082df03a88fa6054/nvim/lua/modules/completion/lspconfig.lua#L252)
lspconfig.gopls.setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
capabilities = capabilities,
init_options = {
message_level = vim.lsp.protocol.MessageType.Error;
cmd = {
-- share the gopls instance if there is one already
-- "-remote=auto",
--[[ debug options ]]--
settings = {
gopls = {
gofumpt = true,
analyses = {
unusedparams = true,
unreachable = false,
codelenses = {
generate = true, -- show the `go generate` lens.
gc_details = true, -- // Show a code lens toggling the display of gc's choices.
usePlaceholders = true,
completeUnimported = true,
staticcheck = true,
matcher = "fuzzy",
symbolMatcher = "fuzzy",
gofumpt = true,
buildFlags = {"-tags", "integration"},
-- buildFlags = {"-tags", "functional"}
root_dir = function(fname)
local util = require('lspconfig').util
return util.root_pattern("go.mod", ".git")(fname) or util.path.dirname(fname)
For golang, the default gopls setup works perfect fine, Also you can check [My LSP config URL](https://github.com/ray-x/dotfiles/blob/c45c1a79962e6cce444b1375082df03a88fa6054/nvim/lua/modules/completion/lspconfig.lua#L252).
And also lsp diagnostic, to put all diag error/warning in quickfix
And also to diagnostic issue, you can use the default setup. If you want to put **all** diag error/warning of your project in quickfix, you can do this
-- hdlr alternatively, use lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist({open_loclist = false}) -- true to open loclist

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ function go.setup(cfg)
vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=* GoAddTag lua require("go.tags").add(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=* GoRmTag lua require("go.tags").rm(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd([[command GoClearTag lua require("go.tags").clear()]])
vim.cmd([[command GoCmt lua require("go.comment").gen()]])
-- vim.cmd([[command GoLint :compiler golangci-lint run | :Gmake]])
vim.cmd([[command GoLint :setl makeprg=golangci-lint\ run\ --out-format\ tab | :Gmake]])

@ -6,26 +6,26 @@ M = {
query_em_struct_id = "(field_declaration name:(field_identifier) @definition.struct (struct_type))",
query_struct_block = "(type_declaration (type_spec name:(type_identifier) @struct.name type: (struct_type)))@struct.declaration",
query_struct_block = [[((type_declaration (type_spec name:(type_identifier) @struct.name type: (struct_type)))@struct.declaration)]]",
query_em_struct_block = "(field_declaration name:(field_identifier)@struct.name type: (struct_type)) @struct.declaration",
query_em_struct_block = [[(field_declaration name:(field_identifier)@struct.name type: (struct_type)) @struct.declaration)]],
query_struct_block_from_id = "((type_spec name:(type_identifier) type: (struct_type)))@block.struct_from_id",
query_struct_block_from_id = [[(((type_spec name:(type_identifier) type: (struct_type)))@block.struct_from_id)]],
--query_em_struct = "(field_declaration name:(field_identifier) @definition.struct type: (struct_type))",
query_interface_id = [[(type_declaration (type_spec name:(type_identifier) @interface.name type:(interface_type)))@interface.declaration]],
query_interface_id = [[((type_declaration (type_spec name:(type_identifier) @interface.name type:(interface_type)))@interface.declaration)]],
query_interface_method = [[(method_spec name: (field_identifier)@method.name)@interface.method.declaration]],
query_interface_method = [[((method_spec name: (field_identifier)@method.name)@interface.method.declaration)]],
query_func = "((function_declaration name: (identifier)@function.name) @function.declaration)",
-- query_method = "(method_declaration receiver: (parameter_list (parameter_declaration name:(identifier)@method.receiver.name type:(type_identifier)@method.receiver.type)) name:(field_identifier)@method.name)@method.declaration"
query_method_name = [[(method_declaration
query_method_name = [[((method_declaration
receiver: (parameter_list)@method.receiver
name: (field_identifier)@method.name
query_method_void = [[(method_declaration
query_method_void = [[((method_declaration
receiver: (parameter_list
name: (identifier)@method.receiver.name
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ M = {
name: (field_identifier)@method.name
parameters: (parameter_list)@method.parameter
query_method_multi_ret = [[(method_declaration
receiver: (parameter_list
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ M = {
query_method_single_ret = [[(method_declaration
query_method_single_ret = [[((method_declaration
receiver: (parameter_list
name: (identifier)@method.receiver.name
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ M = {
parameters: (parameter_list)@method.parameter
result: (type_identifier)@method.result
query_tr_method_void = [[(method_declaration
query_tr_method_void = [[((method_declaration
receiver: (parameter_list
name: (identifier)@method.receiver.name
@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ M = {
name: (field_identifier)@method.name
parameters: (parameter_list)@method.parameter
query_tr_method_multi_ret = [[(method_declaration
query_tr_method_multi_ret = [[((method_declaration
receiver: (parameter_list
name: (identifier)@method.receiver.name
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ M = {
parameters: (parameter_list)@method.parameter
result: (parameter_list)@method.result
query_tr_method_single_ret = [[(method_declaration
query_tr_method_single_ret = [[((method_declaration
receiver: (parameter_list
name: (identifier)@method.receiver.name
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ M = {
parameters: (parameter_list)@method.parameter
result: (type_identifier)@method.result
function get_name_defaults()
return {
