GoBuild quickfix

ray-x 4 years ago
parent f4b359a2c7
commit cede232c6b

@ -11,20 +11,19 @@ function go.setup(cfg)
vim.g.go_nvim_test_dir = cfg.test_dir or '' -- default to current dir. g:go_nvim_tests_dir check gotests for details
vim.g.go_nvim_comment_placeholder = cfg.comment_placeholder or '' -- vim.g.go_nvim_comment_placeholder your cool placeholder e.g. ﳑ    
vim.g.go_nvim_verbose = cfg.verbose or false -- output loginf in messages
vim.cmd("command! Gmake silent lua require'go.asyncmake'.make()")
vim.cmd('command Gofmt lua require("go.format").gofmt()')
vim.cmd('command Goimport lua require("go.format").goimport()')
-- may need to set errorformat^=%-GIn\ file\ included\ %.%#
vim.cmd([[command GoBuild :setl makeprg=go\ build | :make]])
vim.cmd([[command GoGenerate :setl makeprg=go\ generate | :make]])
vim.cmd([[command GoRun :setl makeprg=go\ run | :make]])
vim.cmd([[command GoTestFunc :make -run ..]])
vim.cmd([[command GoBuild :setl makeprg=go\ build | :Gmake]])
vim.cmd([[command GoGenerate :setl makeprg=go\ generate | :Gmake]])
vim.cmd([[command GoRun :setl makeprg=go\ run | :Gmake]])
vim.cmd([[command GoTestFunc :Gmake -run ..]])
vim.cmd([[command GoTest :compiler gotest | :make]])
vim.cmd([[command GoTestCompile setl makeprg=go\ build | :make]])
vim.cmd([[command GoTest :compiler gotest | :Gmake]])
vim.cmd([[command GoTestCompile setl makeprg=go\ build | :Gmake]])
vim.cmd([[command GoAddTest lua require("go.gotests").fun_test()]])
vim.cmd([[command GoAddExpTest lua require("go.gotests").exported_test()]])
@ -34,7 +33,9 @@ function go.setup(cfg)
vim.cmd([[command! -nargs=* GoRmTag lua require("go.tags").rm(<f-args>)]])
vim.cmd([[command GoClearTag lua require("go.tags").clear()]])
vim.cmd([[command GoLint :compiler golangci-lint | :make]])
vim.cmd([[command GoLint :compiler golangci-lint | :Gmake]])
vim.cmd("au FileType go au QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow")
vim.cmd("au FileType go au QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow")
return go
