Adding inlayhint default settings so it will be easier to override

ray-x 6 months ago
parent e0528b5868
commit 7b7c20029a

@ -996,6 +996,7 @@ My treesitter config:
## LuaSnip supports
@ -1015,6 +1016,118 @@ go.nvim provided a better non-default setup for gopls (includes debounce, static
This gopls setup provided by go.nvim works perfectly fine for most of the cases. You can also install [navigator.lua]( which can auto setup all lsp clients and provides a better GUI.
For diagnostic issue, you can use the default setup. There are also quite a few plugins that you can use to explore issues, e.g. [navigator.lua](, [folke/lsp-trouble.nvim]( [Nvim-tree]( and [Bufferline]( also introduced lsp diagnostic hooks.
<summary>Gopls default settings in go.nvim</summary>
gopls = {
capabilities = {
textDocument = {
completion = {
completionItem = {
commitCharactersSupport = true,
deprecatedSupport = true,
documentationFormat = { 'markdown', 'plaintext' },
preselectSupport = true,
insertReplaceSupport = true,
labelDetailsSupport = true,
snippetSupport = true,
resolveSupport = {
properties = {
contextSupport = true,
dynamicRegistration = true,
filetypes = { 'go', 'gomod', 'gosum', 'gotmpl', 'gohtmltmpl', 'gotexttmpl' },
message_level = vim.lsp.protocol.MessageType.Error,
cmd = {
'gopls', -- share the gopls instance if there is one already
root_dir = function(fname)
local has_lsp, lspconfig = pcall(require, 'lspconfig')
if has_lsp then
local util = lspconfig.util
return util.root_pattern('', 'go.mod')(fname)
or util.root_pattern('.git')(fname)
or util.path.dirname(fname)
flags = { allow_incremental_sync = true, debounce_text_changes = 500 },
settings = {
gopls = {
-- more settings:
-- not supported
analyses = {
unreachable = true,
nilness = true,
unusedparams = true,
useany = true,
unusedwrite = true,
ST1003 = true,
undeclaredname = true,
fillreturns = true,
nonewvars = true,
fieldalignment = false,
shadow = true,
codelenses = {
generate = true, -- show the `go generate` lens.
gc_details = true, -- Show a code lens toggling the display of gc's choices.
test = true,
tidy = true,
vendor = true,
regenerate_cgo = true,
upgrade_dependency = true,
hints = {
assignVariableTypes = true,
compositeLiteralFields = true,
compositeLiteralTypes = true,
constantValues = true,
functionTypeParameters = true,
parameterNames = true,
rangeVariableTypes = true,
usePlaceholders = true,
completeUnimported = true,
staticcheck = true,
matcher = 'Fuzzy',
diagnosticsDelay = '500ms',
symbolMatcher = 'fuzzy',
['local'] = get_current_gomod(),
gofumpt = _GO_NVIM_CFG.lsp_gofumpt or false, -- true|false, -- turn on for new repos, gofmpt is good but also create code turmoils
buildFlags = { '-tags', 'integration' },
-- NOTE: it is important to add handler to formatting handlers
-- the async formatter will call these handlers when gopls responed
-- without these handlers, the file will not be saved
handlers = {
[range_format] = function(...)
if vfn.getbufinfo('%')[1].changed == 1 then
vim.cmd('noautocmd write')
[formatting] = function(...)
if vfn.getbufinfo('%')[1].changed == 1 then
vim.cmd('noautocmd write')
## Integrate with mason-lspconfig

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ M.setups = function()
local has_lsp, lspconfig = pcall(require, 'lspconfig')
if has_lsp then
local util = lspconfig.util
return util.root_pattern('go.mod', '', '.git')(fname) or util.path.dirname(fname)
return util.root_pattern('', 'go.mod', '.git')(fname) or util.path.dirname(fname)
flags = { allow_incremental_sync = true, debounce_text_changes = 500 },
@ -269,6 +269,15 @@ M.setups = function()
regenerate_cgo = true,
upgrade_dependency = true,
hints = {
assignVariableTypes = true,
compositeLiteralFields = true,
compositeLiteralTypes = true,
constantValues = true,
functionTypeParameters = true,
parameterNames = true,
rangeVariableTypes = true,
usePlaceholders = true,
completeUnimported = true,
staticcheck = true,
