Breaking: update ts schema and it require treesitter and go parser

ray-x 4 weeks ago
parent 39c2452854
commit 591a0b8374

@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ The plugin covers most features required for a gopher.
[Dap UI]( Go adapter included, zero config for your debug setup.
- Load vscode launch configuration
- Unit test: generate unit test framework with [gotests]( Run test with
richgo/ginkgo/gotestsum/go test
ginkgo/gotestsum/go test
- Add and remove tag for struct with tag modify(gomodifytags)
- Code format: Supports LSP format and GoFmt(with golines)
- CodeLens : gopls codelens and codelens action support
- Comments: Add autodocument for your package/function/struct/interface. This feature is unique and can help you
suppress golint errors...
- Go to alternative go file (between test and source)
- Test with ginkgo, richgo inside floaterm (to enable floaterm, guihua.lua has to be installed)
- Test with ginkgo, gotestsum inside floaterm (to enable floaterm, guihua.lua has to be installed)
- Code refactor made easy: GoFixPlural, FixStruct, FixSwitch, Add comment, IfErr, ModTidy, GoGet, extract function/block
with codeactions... Most of the tools are built on top of treesitter AST or go AST. Fast and accurate.
- GoCheat get go cheatsheet from [](
@ -260,7 +260,6 @@ The following go binaries are used in `go.nvim` (depends on your setup):
- fillswitch
- dlv
- ginkgo
- richgo
- gotestsum
- govulncheck
- goenum
@ -278,39 +277,40 @@ plugin.
## Build and test
| command | Description |
| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| GoMake | async make, use with other commands |
| GoBuild args | go build args (-g: enable debug, %: expand to current file, %:h expand to current package) |
| GoGenerate | |
| GoRun {args} -a {cmd_args} | e.g. GoRun equal to `go run .`; or `GoRun ./cmd` equal to `go run ./cmd, Additional args: -F run in floaterm` |
| GoRun -a {cmd_args} | specify additional arguments pass to your main(), see notes 3 |
| GoStop {job_id} | `stop the job started with GoRun` |
| GoTest | go test ./... |
| GoTestSum {pkgname} {gotestsum arguments} | run gotestsum and show result in side panel |
| GoTestSum -w | run gotestsum in watch mode |
| GoTest -v | go test -v current_file_path |
| GoTest -c | go test -c current_file_path |
| GoTest -n | test nearest, see GoTestFunc |
| GoTest -f | test current file, see GoTestFile |
| GoTest -n 1 | -count=1 flag |
| GoTest -p {pkgname} | test package, see GoTestPkg, test current package if {pkgname} not specified |
| GoTest -parallel {number} | test current package with parallel number |
| GoTest -b {build_flags} | run `go test` with build flags e.g. `-gcflags=.` |
| GoTest -t yourtags | go test ./... -tags=yourtags, see notes |
| GoTest -a your_args | go test ./... -args=yourargs, see notes |
| GoTest package_path -t yourtags | go test packagepath -tags=yourtags |
| GoTest package_path -t yourtags other_args | go test packagepath -tags=yourtags other_args |
| GoLint | golangci-lint |
| GoGet {package_url} | go get package_url and restart gopls. Note1 |
| GoVet | go vet |
| GoWork {run | use} {pkgpath} |
| GoCoverage | go test -coverprofile |
| GoCoverage -p | go test -coverprofile (only tests package for current buffer) |
| GoCoverage -f coverage_file_name | load coverage file |
| GoCoverage {flags} | -t : toggle, -r: remove signs, -R remove sings from all files, -m show metrics |
| GoCoverage {flags} {go test flags} | e.g: GoCoverage -p -coverpkg 'yourpackagename' |
| GoTermClose | `closes the floating term` |
| command | Description |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| GoMake | async make, use with other commands |
| GoBuild args | go build args (-g: enable debug, %: expand to current file, %:h expand to current package) |
| GoGenerate | |
| GoRun {args} -a {cmd_args} | e.g. GoRun equal to `go run .`; or `GoRun ./cmd` equal to `go run ./cmd, Additional args: -F run in floaterm` |
| GoRun -a {cmd_args} | specify additional arguments pass to your main(), see notes 3 |
| GoStop {job_id} | `stop the job started with GoRun` |
| GoTest | go test ./... |
| GoTestSum {pkgname} {gotestsum arguments} | run gotestsum and show result in side panel |
| GoTestSum -w | run gotestsum in watch mode |
| GoTest -v | go test -v current_file_path |
| GoTest -c | go test -c current_file_path |
| GoTest -n | test nearest, see GoTestFunc |
| GoTest -f | test current file, see GoTestFile |
| GoTest -n 1 | -count=1 flag |
| GoTest -p {pkgname} | test package, see GoTestPkg, test current package if {pkgname} not specified |
| GoTest -parallel {number} | test current package with parallel number |
| GoTest -b {build_flags} | run `go test` with build flags e.g. `-gcflags=.` |
| GoTest -t yourtags | go test ./... -tags=yourtags, see notes |
| GoTest -F ./... \| awk '{$1=$1};1' \| delta | pipe the test output to awk and then delta/diff-so-fancy to show diff output of go test (e.g. testify) |
| GoTest -a your_args | go test ./... -args=yourargs, see notes |
| GoTest package_path -t yourtags | go test packagepath -tags=yourtags |
| GoTest package_path -t yourtags other_args | go test packagepath -tags=yourtags other_args |
| GoLint | golangci-lint |
| GoGet {package_url} | go get package_url and restart gopls. Note1 |
| GoVet | go vet |
| GoWork {run | use} {pkgpath} |
| GoCoverage | go test -coverprofile |
| GoCoverage -p | go test -coverprofile (only tests package for current buffer) |
| GoCoverage -f coverage_file_name | load coverage file |
| GoCoverage {flags} | -t : toggle, -r: remove signs, -R remove sings from all files, -m show metrics |
| GoCoverage {flags} {go test flags} | e.g: GoCoverage -p -coverpkg 'yourpackagename' |
| GoTermClose | `closes the floating term` |
@ -843,10 +843,10 @@ require('go').setup({
dap_retries = 20, -- see dap option max_retries
build_tags = "tag1,tag2", -- set default build tags
textobjects = true, -- enable default text objects through treesittter-text-objects
test_runner = 'go', -- one of {`go`, `richgo`, `dlv`, `ginkgo`, `gotestsum`}
test_runner = 'go', -- one of {`go`, `dlv`, `ginkgo`, `gotestsum`}
verbose_tests = true, -- set to add verbose flag to tests deprecated, see '-v' option
run_in_floaterm = false, -- set to true to run in a float window. :GoTermClose closes the floatterm
-- float term recommend if you use richgo/ginkgo with terminal color
-- float term recommend if you use gotestsum ginkgo with terminal color
floaterm = { -- position
posititon = 'auto', -- one of {`top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right`, `center`, `auto`}
@ -1021,10 +1021,9 @@ issues, e.g. [navigator.lua](,
[Nvim-tree]( and
[Bufferline]( also introduced lsp diagnostic hooks.
> I will integrate more gopls functions into go.nvim, please make sure you have the latest version installed
> Also, enable gopls experimental features if it is configure somewhere other than go.nvim
> Otherwise, set `lsp_cfg` to `true` in your go.nvim setup to enable gopls setup in go.nvim
> [!IMPORTANT] I will integrate more gopls functions into go.nvim, please make sure you have the latest version
> installed Also, enable gopls experimental features if it is configure somewhere other than go.nvim Otherwise, set
> `lsp_cfg` to `true` in your go.nvim setup to enable gopls setup in go.nvim
<summary>Gopls default settings in go.nvim</summary>

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
name: (field_identifier) @local.definition.field)
name: (field_identifier)
parameters: (parameter_list) @function.method.parameter_list) @local.interface.method.declaration

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
(module_path) @namespace
(version) @keyword

@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ local M = {
query_struct_block_from_id = [[(((type_spec name:(type_identifier) type: (struct_type)))@block.struct_from_id)]],
-- query_em_struct = "(field_declaration name:(field_identifier) @definition.struct type: (struct_type))",
query_interface_id = [[((type_declaration (type_spec name:(type_identifier) type:(interface_type)))@interface.declaration)]],
query_interface_method = [[((method_spec name: (field_identifier)]],
-- query_interface_method = [[((method_spec name: (field_identifier)]],
query_interface_method = [[((method_elem name: (field_identifier)]], --
-- this is a breaking change require TS parser update
query_func = '((function_declaration name: (identifier) @function.declaration)',
query_method = '(method_declaration receiver: (parameter_list (parameter_declaration name:(identifier) type:(type_identifier)@method.receiver.type)) name:(field_identifier)',
query_method_name = [[((method_declaration
