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go.txt: plugin for the Go programming language
3 years ago
go.nvim is a neovim plugin for the Go programming language. This is the
reference documentation.
Table of contents~
1. Motions |go-nvim-motions|
2. Text objects |go-nvim-text-objects|
3. Mappings |go-nvim-mappings|
4. Filetypes |go-nvim-filetypes|
5. Binaries |go-nvim-binaries|
6. Commands |go-nvim-commands|
7. Options |go-nvim-options|
MOTIONS *go-nvim-motions*
*go-nvim-v_]]* *go-nvim-]]*
]] Go [count] top-level declarations forward. A top-level
declaration is a `func`, `type`, `var`, `const`, or `import`.
In |ft-gopresent| files it jumps [count] sections
*go-nvim-v_[[* *go-nvim-[[*
[[ Go [count] top-level declarations backwards. In
|ft-gopresent| it jumps [count] sections backwards.
TEXT OBJECTS *go-nvim-text-objects*
text objects is provided through treesitter text-objects plugin
*go-nvim-v_af* *go-nvim-af*
af "a function": complete function body and any preceding
documentation comment.
*go-nvim-v_if* *go-nvim-if*
if "inner function": function contents without the
*go-nvim-v_ac* *go-nvim-ac*
ac "a comment": the entire comment block, including the
comment characters themselves.
*go-nvim-v_ic* *go-nvim-ic*
ic "inner comment": content of the function but exclude
the start and end markers.
MAPPINGS *go-nvim-mappings*
go.nvim does not provide default keymappings.
keymap in debug mode
c continue
n next
s step
o stepout
S cap S: stop debug
u up
D cap D: down
C cap C: run to cursor
b toggle breakpoint
P cap P: pause
p print, hover value (also in visual mode)
FILETYPES *go-nvim-filetypes*
go files; default ft for go files
You need to set the |filetype| to `go` to run commands
provided by the pluginfor example: >
vim +'set ft=go' +GoSetup +'q!'
go.mod file; there are no options.
*ft-gotext* *ft-gohtml*
gotext gohtml~
text/template and html/template. Automatically applied
to files ending with the `.gotext` and `.gohtml`.
gohtml loads the standard html syntax highlighting,
but they are otherwise identical.
BINARIES *go-nvim-binaries*
Several binary tools are supported;
go `go install`
gotest `go test`
golint `golangci-lint`
settings below will take effect (so you'll need to use
`:Dispatch go build ./cmd/pkg`; the package name won't be added
go ~
go.nvim using go to `go list` `go build` `go run` `go test`
Command to build Go code.
with `go test`, `richgo`, or `ginkgo`
with golangcl-lint
COMMANDS *go-nvim-commands*
:GoInstallBinaries *:GoInstallBinaries*
Make sure all dependent tools are downloaded and installed.
:GoUpdateBinaries *:GoUpdataBinaries*
Make sure all tools are updated.
:GoInstallBinary {tool_name} *:GoInstallBinary*
Make sure all dependent tools are downloaded and installed.
:GoUpdateBinary {tool_name} *:GoUpdataBinary*
Make sure tool_name are up to date.
:GoCoverage [flags] *:GoCoverage*
Run `go test -cover` and highlight lines reported as covered and
[flags] are passed to the `go test` command; there are two special
remove Remove all existing highlighting.
toggle Toggle display of highlighting.
*hl-goCoverageCovered* *hl-goCoverageUncover*
Override the goCoverageCovered and/or goCoverageUncover highlight
groups if the defaults don't work well for you.
augroup my-go-nvim-coverage
au Syntax go hi goCoverageCovered guibg=green
au Syntax go hi goCoverageUncover guibg=brown
augroup end
:GoImport *:GoImport*
Add, modify imports.
:GoBuild {-tags=tagname}{pakcage_name} *:GoBuild*
Build current package
:GoRun {-tags=tagname} *:GoRun*
equal to "go run ."
:GoStop *:GoStop*
stop the task started with GoRun
:GoTest {-c} {-tags=tagname} {pakcage_name} *:GoTest*
-c: compile test in current package
-tags: compile tag
package_name: test package
3 years ago
:GoTestFile {-tags=tagname} *:GoTestFile*
Test current file
:GoTestFunc {-tags=tagname} *:GoTestFunc*
Test current function
:GoAddTest *:GoAddTest*
Add unit test for current function
3 years ago
:GoFmt {-tags=tagname}{pakcage_name} *:GoFmt*
Format code with golines+gofumpt package
3 years ago
:GoVet *:GoVet*
Run go vet
:GoGet {package_url} *:GoGet*
Run go get {package_url}, if package_url not provided, will parse
current line and use it as url if valid
3 years ago
:GoLint *:GoLint*
Run Golint
:GoRename *:GoRename*
Rename the identifier under the cursor.
:{range}GoAddTag [flags] *:GoAddTags*
Add, modify, or remove struct tags. Will only apply to the fields in
{range} if it's given, or applied to all fields in the struct if it's
All tags in [flags] will be added. A tag can be followed by a `,`
(comma) and an option to add the option, or set to a specific name
with `tag:name`.
Tags can be removed by using `-rm tag`; options can be removed by
using `-rm tag,opt`
The value of |g:go-nvim_tag_default| is used if no [flags] is given.
Examples: >
:GoTag json Add tag "json"
:GoTag json,omitempty Add tag with omitempty, or add
omitempty for fields where it
already exists.
:GoTag json,omitempty db Add two tags
:GoAddTags sometag:foo Set the tag sometag to the
string foo.
:GoTags json -rm yaml Combine add and rm
:{range}GoRmTag [flags] *:GoRmTags*
Remove struct tags. Will apply to the fields in
3 years ago
{range} if it's given, or applied to all fields in the struct if it's
Examples: >
:GoRmTag json Remove a tag
:GoRmTag json,omitempty Remove the omitempty option
:GoRmTag json -rm db Remove two tags
:GoRmTag Remove all tags
:{range}GoClearTag *:GoClearTags*
Remove all tags
:GoDebug {options} *:GoDebug*
Start debuger
options: -t(test), -R(restart), -n(nearest), -f(file), -s(stop), -b(breakpoint)
If no option provided, will
1) check launch.json and launch the valid configuration from
2) fallback to GoDebug file
:GoDebugConfig *:GoDebugConfig*
Open launch.json
3 years ago
:GoBreakToggle *:GoBreakToggle*
Debuger breakpoint toggle
:GoAlt *:GoAlt*
Open alternative file (test/go), Also GoAltS/GoAltV
:GoDoc {options} *:GoDoc*
e.g. GoDoc fmt.Println
:GoImpl {options} *:GoImpl*
e.g. GoImpl {receiver} {interface}, will check if cursor is a valid
receiver, if you park cursor on struct name, receiver can be omitted.
e.g ":GoImpl io.Reader", or "GoImpl f *File io.Reader"
Closes the floating term.
3 years ago
OPTIONS *go-nvim-options*
You can setup go.nvim with following options:
goimport = "gopls", -- if set to 'gopls' will use gopls format, also goimport
fillstruct = "gopls",
gofmt = "gofumpt", -- if set to gopls will use gopls format
max_line_len = 120,
tag_transform = false,
test_dir = "",
comment_placeholder = "  ",
icons = { breakpoint = "🧘", currentpos = "🏃" }, -- set to false to disable
-- this option
3 years ago
verbose = false,
log_path = vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/tmp/gonvim.log",
lsp_cfg = false, -- false: do nothing
-- true: apply non-default gopls setup defined in go/lsp.lua
-- if lsp_cfg is a table, merge table with with non-default gopls setup in go/lsp.lua, e.g.
3 years ago
lsp_gofumpt = false, -- true: set default gofmt in gopls format to gofumpt
lsp_on_attach = nil, -- nil: do nothing
-- if lsp_on_attach is a function: use this function as on_attach function for gopls,
-- when lsp_cfg is true
lsp_keymaps = true, -- true: apply default lsp keymaps
3 years ago
lsp_codelens = true,
lsp_diag_hdlr = true, -- hook lsp diag handler
3 years ago
gopls_remote_auto = true,
gocoverage_sign = "█",
gocoverage_sign_priority = 5,
dap_debug = true,
dap_debug_gui = true,
dap_debug_keymap = true, -- true: use keymap for debugger defined in go/dap.lua
-- false: do not use keymap in go/dap.lua. you must define your own.
3 years ago
dap_vt = true, -- false, true and 'all frames'
textobjects = true,
3 years ago
gopls_cmd = nil, --- you can provide gopls path and cmd if it not in PATH, e.g. cmd = { "/home/ray/.local/nvim/data/lspinstall/go/gopls" }
build_tags = "", --- you can provide extra build tags for tests or debugger
test_runner = "go", -- richgo, go test, richgo, dlv, ginkgo
verbose_tests = true, -- set to add verbose flag to tests
3 years ago
run_in_floaterm = false, -- set to true to run in float window.