You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

255 lines
7.5 KiB

// Copyright Martin Dosch.
// Use of this source code is governed by the BSD-2-clause
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
"" // BSD-2-clause
"" // MIT License
"" // BSD-3-Clause
func httpUpload(client *xmpp.Client, iqc chan xmpp.IQ, jserver string, filePath string,
timeout time.Duration,
) (string, error) {
var uploadComponent string
var maxFileSize int64
var iqDiscoItemsXMLQuery, iqDiscoInfoXMLQuery *etree.Element
// Get file size
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(filePath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fileSize := fileInfo.Size()
// Read file
buffer, err := readFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Get mime type
mimeType := mimetype.Detect(buffer.Bytes()).String()
var mimeTypeEscaped bytes.Buffer
xml.Escape(&mimeTypeEscaped, []byte(mimeType))
// Get file name
fileName := filepath.Base(filePath)
// Just use alphanumerical and some special characters for now
// to work around
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\_\.]+`)
fileNameEscaped := reg.ReplaceAllString(fileName, "_")
// Query server for disco#items
iqContent, err := sendIQ(client, iqc, jserver, "get",
"<query xmlns=''/>")
if err != nil {
return "", err
iqDiscoItemsXML := etree.NewDocument()
err = iqDiscoItemsXML.ReadFromBytes(iqContent.Query)
if err != nil {
return "", err
iqDiscoItemsXMLQuery = iqDiscoItemsXML.SelectElement("query")
if iqDiscoItemsXMLQuery == nil {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: no query element in disco items reply")
iqDiscoItemsXMLItems := iqDiscoItemsXMLQuery.SelectElements("item")
// Check the services reported by disco#items for the http upload service
for _, r := range iqDiscoItemsXMLItems {
jid := r.SelectAttr("jid")
iqDiscoInfoReqXML := etree.NewDocument()
iqDiscoInfoReqXML.WriteSettings.AttrSingleQuote = true
iqDiscoInfoReqXMLQuery := iqDiscoInfoReqXML.CreateElement("query")
iqDiscoInfoReqXMLQuery.CreateAttr("xmlns", nsDiscoInfo)
iqdi, err := iqDiscoInfoReqXML.WriteToString()
if err != nil {
return "", err
iqDiscoInfo, err := sendIQ(client, iqc, jid.Value, "get", iqdi)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if iqDiscoInfo.Type != strResult {
iqDiscoInfoXML := etree.NewDocument()
err = iqDiscoInfoXML.ReadFromBytes(iqDiscoInfo.Query)
if err != nil {
return "", err
iqDiscoInfoXMLQuery = iqDiscoInfoXML.SelectElement("query")
if iqDiscoInfoXMLQuery == nil {
iqDiscoInfoXMLIdentity := iqDiscoInfoXMLQuery.SelectElement("identity")
if iqDiscoInfoXMLIdentity == nil {
iqDiscoInfoXMLType := iqDiscoInfoXMLIdentity.SelectAttr("type")
if iqDiscoInfoXMLType == nil {
iqDiscoInfoXMLCategory := iqDiscoInfoXMLIdentity.SelectAttr("category")
if iqDiscoInfoXMLCategory == nil {
if iqDiscoInfoXMLType.Value == "file" &&
iqDiscoInfoXMLCategory.Value == "store" {
uploadComponent = jid.Value
if uploadComponent == "" {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: no http upload component found.")
iqDiscoInfoXMLX := iqDiscoInfoXMLQuery.SelectElements("x")
for _, r := range iqDiscoInfoXMLX {
field := r.SelectElements("field")
for i, t := range field {
varAttr := t.SelectAttr("var")
if varAttr == nil {
curFieldVal := t.SelectElement("value")
if curFieldVal == nil {
if varAttr.Value == "max-file-size" {
prevFieldVal := field[i-1].SelectElement("value")
if prevFieldVal == nil {
if prevFieldVal.Text() == nsHTTPUpload {
maxFileSize, err = strconv.ParseInt(curFieldVal.Text(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: error while checking server maximum http upload file size.")
// Check if the file size doesn't exceed the maximum file size of the http upload
// component if a maximum file size is reported, if not just continue and hope for
// the best.
if maxFileSize != 0 {
if fileSize > maxFileSize {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: file size " + strconv.FormatInt(fileSize/1024/1024, 10) +
" MB is larger than the maximum file size allowed (" +
strconv.FormatInt(maxFileSize/1024/1024, 10) + " MB).")
request := etree.NewDocument()
request.WriteSettings.AttrSingleQuote = true
requestReq := request.CreateElement("request")
requestReq.CreateAttr("xmlns", nsHTTPUpload)
requestReq.CreateAttr("filename", fileNameEscaped)
requestReq.CreateAttr("size", fmt.Sprint(fileSize))
requestReq.CreateAttr("content-type", mimeType)
r, err := request.WriteToString()
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Request http upload slot
uploadSlot, err := sendIQ(client, iqc, uploadComponent, "get", r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if uploadSlot.Type != strResult {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: error while requesting upload slot.")
iqHTTPUploadSlotXML := etree.NewDocument()
err = iqHTTPUploadSlotXML.ReadFromBytes(uploadSlot.Query)
if err != nil {
return "", err
iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLSlot := iqHTTPUploadSlotXML.SelectElement("slot")
if iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLSlot == nil {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: no slot element")
iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPut := iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLSlot.SelectElement("put")
if iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPut == nil {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: no put element")
iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPutURL := iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPut.SelectAttr("url")
if iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPutURL == nil {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: no url attribute")
if !strings.HasPrefix(iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPutURL.Value, "https://") {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: upload slot does not provide https")
// Upload file
httpTransport := &http.Transport{
IdleConnTimeout: timeout,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: timeout,
proxyEnv := os.Getenv("HTTP_PROXY")
if proxyEnv != "" {
proxyURL, err := url.Parse(proxyEnv)
if err != nil {
return "", err
httpTransport.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(proxyURL)
httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: httpTransport}
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPutURL.Value,
if err != nil {
return "", err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", mimeTypeEscaped.String())
iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPutHeaders := iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPut.SelectElements("header")
for _, h := range iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLPutHeaders {
name := h.SelectAttr("name")
if name == nil {
switch name.Value {
case "Authorization", "Cookie", "Expires":
req.Header.Set(name.Value, h.Text())
resp, err := httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Test for http status code "200 OK" or "201 Created"
if resp.StatusCode != 200 && resp.StatusCode != 201 {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: upload failed.")
// Return http link
iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLGet := iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLSlot.SelectElement("get")
if iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLGet == nil {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: no get element")
iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLGetURL := iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLGet.SelectAttr("url")
if iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLGetURL == nil {
return "", errors.New("http-upload: no url attribute")
err = resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("http-upload: error while closing http request body:", err)
return iqHTTPUploadSlotXMLGetURL.Value, nil