// Copyright 2018 - 2021 Martin Dosch. // Use of this source code is governed by the BSD-2-clause // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "bufio" "crypto/tls" "errors" "fmt" "io" "log" "net" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/mattn/go-xmpp" // BSD-3-Clause "github.com/pborman/getopt/v2" // BSD-3-Clause ) const ( VERSION = "devel" ) type configuration struct { username string jserver string port string password string resource string } // Opens the config file and returns the specified values // for username, server and port. func parseConfig(configPath string) (configuration, error) { var ( output configuration err error ) // Use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.config/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc or // ~/.sendxmpprc if no config path is specified. if configPath == "" { // Get systems user config path. osConfigDir := os.Getenv("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME") if osConfigDir != "" { configPath = osConfigDir + "/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc" // Check that the config file is existing. _, err := os.Stat(configPath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { // If the file is not existing at ~/.config/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc // check at the perl sendxmpp legacy destination. configPath = osConfigDir + "/.sendxmpprc" _, err = os.Stat(configPath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { return output, errors.New("no configuration file found") } } } else { // Get the current user. curUser, err := user.Current() if err != nil { return output, err } // Get home directory. home := curUser.HomeDir if home == "" { return output, errors.New("no home directory found") } configPath = home + "/.config/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc" // Check that config file is existing. _, err = os.Stat(configPath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { // If the file is not existing at ~/.config/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc // check at the perl sendxmpp legacy destination. configPath = home + "/.sendxmpprc" _, err = os.Stat(configPath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { return output, errors.New("no configuration file found") } } } } // Only check file permissions if we are not running on windows. if runtime.GOOS != "windows" { info, err := os.Stat(configPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Check for file permissions. Must be 600, 640, 440 or 400. perm := info.Mode().Perm() permissions := strconv.FormatInt(int64(perm), 8) if permissions != "600" && permissions != "640" && permissions != "440" && permissions != "400" { return output, errors.New("Wrong permissions for " + configPath + ": " + permissions + " instead of 400, 440, 600 or 640.") } } // Open config file. file, err := os.Open(configPath) if err != nil { return output, err } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) // Read config file per line. for scanner.Scan() { if strings.HasPrefix(scanner.Text(), "#") { continue } row := strings.SplitN(scanner.Text(), " ", 2) switch row[0] { case "username:": output.username = row[1] case "jserver:": output.jserver = row[1] case "password:": output.password = row[1] case "eval_password:": shell := os.Getenv("SHELL") if shell == "" { shell = "/bin/sh" } out, err := exec.Command(shell, "-c", row[1]).Output() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } output.password = string(out) if output.password[len(output.password)-1] == '\n' { output.password = output.password[:len(output.password)-1] } case "port:": output.port = row[1] case "resource:": output.resource = row[1] default: if len(row) >= 2 { if strings.Contains(scanner.Text(), ";") { output.username = strings.Split(row[0], ";")[0] output.jserver = strings.Split(row[0], ";")[1] output.password = row[1] } else { output.username = strings.Split(row[0], ":")[0] jserver := strings.Split(row[0], "@") if len(jserver) < 2 { log.Fatal("Couldn't parse config: ", row[0]) } output.jserver = jserver[0] output.password = row[1] } } } } file.Close() // Check if the username is a valid JID output.username, err = MarshalJID(output.username) if err != nil { // Check whether only the local part was used by appending an @ and the // server part. output.username = output.username + "@" + output.jserver // Check if the username is a valid JID now output.username, err = MarshalJID(output.username) if err != nil { return output, errors.New("invalid username/JID: " + output.username) } } return output, err } func readMessage(messageFilePath string) (string, error) { var ( output string err error ) // Check that message file is existing. _, err = os.Stat(messageFilePath) if os.IsNotExist(err) { return output, err } // Open message file. file, err := os.Open(messageFilePath) if err != nil { return output, err } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) for scanner.Scan() { if output == "" { output = scanner.Text() } else { output = output + "\n" + scanner.Text() } } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { if err != io.EOF { return "", err } } file.Close() return output, err } func main() { var ( err error message, user, server, password, resource string ) // Define command line flags. flagHelp := getopt.BoolLong("help", 0, "Show help.") flagHttpUpload := getopt.StringLong("http-upload", 0, "", "Send a file via http-upload.") flagDebug := getopt.BoolLong("debug", 'd', "Show debugging info.") flagServer := getopt.StringLong("jserver", 'j', "", "XMPP server address.") flagUser := getopt.StringLong("username", 'u', "", "Username for XMPP account.") flagPassword := getopt.StringLong("password", 'p', "", "Password for XMPP account.") flagChatroom := getopt.BoolLong("chatroom", 'c', "Send message to a chatroom.") flagDirectTLS := getopt.BoolLong("tls", 't', "Use direct TLS.") flagResource := getopt.StringLong("resource", 'r', "", "Set resource. "+ "When sending to a chatroom this is used as 'alias'.") flagFile := getopt.StringLong("file", 'f', "", "Set configuration file. (Default: "+ "~/.config/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc)") flagMessageFile := getopt.StringLong("message", 'm', "", "Set file including the message.") flagInteractive := getopt.BoolLong("interactive", 'i', "Interactive mode (for use with e.g. 'tail -f').") flagSkipVerify := getopt.BoolLong("no-tls-verify", 'n', "Skip verification of TLS certificates (not recommended).") flagRaw := getopt.BoolLong("raw", 0, "Send raw XML.") flagListen := getopt.BoolLong("listen", 'l', "Listen for messages and print them to stdout.") flagTimeout := getopt.IntLong("timeout", 0, 10, "Connection timeout in seconds.") flagTLSMinVersion := getopt.IntLong("tls-version", 0, 12, "Minimal TLS version. 10 (TSLv1.0), 11 (TLSv1.1), 12 (TLSv1.2) or 13 (TLSv1.3).") flagVersion := getopt.BoolLong("version", 0, "Show version information.") flagMUCPassword := getopt.StringLong("muc-password", 0, "", "Password for password protected MUCs.") // Parse command line flags. getopt.Parse() // If requested, show help and quit. if *flagHelp { getopt.Usage() os.Exit(0) } // If requested, show version and quit. if *flagVersion { fmt.Println("go-sendxmpp", VERSION) fmt.Println("License: BSD-2-clause") os.Exit(0) } // Read recipients from command line and quit if none are specified. // For listening or sending raw XML it's not required to specify a recipient except // when sending raw messages to MUCs (go-sendxmpp will join the MUC automatically). recipients := getopt.Args() if (len(recipients) == 0 && !*flagRaw && !*flagListen) || (len(recipients) == 0 && *flagChatroom) { log.Fatal("No recipient specified.") } // Check that all recipient JIDs are valid. for i, recipient := range recipients { validatedJid, err := MarshalJID(recipient) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } recipients[i] = validatedJid } // Read configuration file if user or password is not specified. if *flagUser == "" || *flagPassword == "" { // Read configuration from file. config, err := parseConfig(*flagFile) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error parsing ", *flagFile, ": ", err) } // Set connection options according to config. user = config.username server = config.jserver password = config.password resource = config.resource if config.port != "" { server = net.JoinHostPort(server, fmt.Sprint(config.port)) } } // Overwrite user if specified via command line flag. if *flagUser != "" { user = *flagUser } // Overwrite server if specified via command line flag. if *flagServer != "" { server = *flagServer } // Overwrite password if specified via command line flag. if *flagPassword != "" { password = *flagPassword } // Overwrite resource if specified via command line flag if *flagResource != "" { resource = *flagResource } else if resource == "" { // Use "go-sendxmpp" plus a random string if no other resource is specified resource = "go-sendxmpp." + getID() } if (*flagHttpUpload != "") && (*flagInteractive || (*flagMessageFile != "")) { if *flagInteractive { log.Fatal("Interactive mode and http upload can't" + " be used at the same time.") } if *flagMessageFile != "" { log.Fatal("You can't send a message while using" + " http upload.") } } // Timeout timeout := time.Duration(*flagTimeout * 1000000000) // Use ALPN var tlsConfig tls.Config tlsConfig.ServerName = user[strings.Index(user, "@")+1:] tlsConfig.NextProtos = append(tlsConfig.NextProtos, "xmpp-client") tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = *flagSkipVerify switch *flagTLSMinVersion { case 10: tlsConfig.MinVersion = tls.VersionTLS10 case 11: tlsConfig.MinVersion = tls.VersionTLS11 case 12: tlsConfig.MinVersion = tls.VersionTLS12 case 13: tlsConfig.MinVersion = tls.VersionTLS13 default: fmt.Println("Unknown TLS version.") os.Exit(0) } // Set XMPP connection options. options := xmpp.Options{ Host: server, User: user, DialTimeout: timeout, Resource: resource, Password: password, // NoTLS doesn't mean that no TLS is used at all but that instead // of using an encrypted connection to the server (direct TLS) // an unencrypted connection is established. As StartTLS is // set when NoTLS is set go-sendxmpp won't use unencrypted // client-to-server connections. // See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/mattn/go-xmpp#Options NoTLS: !*flagDirectTLS, StartTLS: !*flagDirectTLS, Debug: *flagDebug, TLSConfig: &tlsConfig, } // Read message from file. if *flagMessageFile != "" { message, err = readMessage(*flagMessageFile) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } // Connect to server. client, err := connect(options, *flagDirectTLS) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if *flagHttpUpload != "" { message = httpUpload(client, tlsConfig.ServerName, *flagHttpUpload) } // Skip reading message if '-i' or '--interactive' is set to work with e.g. 'tail -f'. // Also for listening mode. if !*flagInteractive && !*flagListen { if message == "" { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) for scanner.Scan() { if message == "" { message = scanner.Text() } else { message = message + "\n" + scanner.Text() } } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { if err != io.EOF { // Close connection and quit. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } } } } // Remove invalid code points. message = strings.ToValidUTF8(message, "") reg := regexp.MustCompile(`[\x{0000}-\x{0008}\x{000B}\x{000C}\x{000E}-\x{001F}]`) message = reg.ReplaceAllString(message, "") // Send raw XML to chatroom if *flagChatroom && *flagRaw { var err error // Join the MUCs. for _, recipient := range recipients { if *flagMUCPassword != "" { dummyTime := time.Now() _, err = client.JoinProtectedMUC(recipient, *flagResource, *flagMUCPassword, xmpp.NoHistory, 0, &dummyTime) } else { _, err = client.JoinMUCNoHistory(recipient, *flagResource) } if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error joining. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } } // Send raw XMP _, err = client.SendOrg(message) if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error sending. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } // After sending the message, leave the MUCs for _, recipient := range recipients { _, err = client.LeaveMUC(recipient) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } } // Wait for a short time as some messages are not delievered by the server // if the connection is closed immediately after sending a message. time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) return } if *flagListen { for { received, err := client.Recv() if err != nil { log.Println(err) } switch v := received.(type) { case xmpp.Chat: if v.Text == "" { continue } t := time.Now() bareFrom := strings.Split(v.Remote, "/")[0] // Print any messages if no recipients are specified if len(recipients) == 0 { fmt.Println(t.Format(time.RFC3339), bareFrom+":", v.Text) } else { for _, recipient := range recipients { if bareFrom == strings.ToLower(recipient) { fmt.Println(t.Format(time.RFC3339), bareFrom+":", v.Text) } } } default: continue } } } // Send message to chatroom(s) if the flag is set. if *flagChatroom { for _, recipient := range recipients { // Join the MUC. if *flagMUCPassword != "" { dummyTime := time.Now() _, err = client.JoinProtectedMUC(recipient, *flagResource, *flagMUCPassword, xmpp.NoHistory, 0, &dummyTime) } else { _, err = client.JoinMUCNoHistory(recipient, *flagResource) } if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error joining. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } } // Send in endless loop (for usage with e.g. "tail -f"). if *flagInteractive { for { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) scanner.Scan() message = scanner.Text() for _, recipient := range recipients { _, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "groupchat", Text: message}) if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error sending. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } } } } else { // Send the message. for _, recipient := range recipients { if *flagHttpUpload != "" { _, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "groupchat", Ooburl: message, Text: message}) } else { _, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "groupchat", Text: message}) } if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error sending. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } } } for _, recipient := range recipients { // After sending the message, leave the Muc _, err = client.LeaveMUC(recipient) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } } } else { // Send raw XML if *flagRaw { _, err = client.SendOrg(message) if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error sending. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } // Wait for a short time as some messages are not delievered by the server // if the connection is closed immediately after sending a message. time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) return } // Send in endless loop (for usage with e.g. "tail -f"). if *flagInteractive { for { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) scanner.Scan() message = scanner.Text() for _, recipient := range recipients { _, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "chat", Text: message}) if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error sending. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } } } } else { for _, recipient := range recipients { if *flagHttpUpload != "" { _, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "chat", Ooburl: message, Text: message}) } else { _, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "chat", Text: message}) } if err != nil { // Try to nicely close connection, // even if there was an error sending. _ = client.Close() log.Fatal(err) } } } } // Wait for a short time as some messages are not delievered by the server // if the connection is closed immediately after sending a message. time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // Close XMPP connection err = client.Close() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }