# go-sendxmpp ## about A little tool to send messages to an XMPP contact or MUC inspired by [sendxmpp](https://sendxmpp.hostname.sk/). You can find other sendxmpp alternatives in the [XSF wiki](https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/User:MDosch/Sendxmpp_incarnations). ## support You might join the [chat](https://join.jabber.network/#go-sendxmpp@chat.mdosch.de?join) if you have problems, want to contribute or just want to talk about the project. You might also talk about any of the other sendxmpp incarnations. :) [![Go-sendxmpp MUC badge](https://chat.mdosch.de:5281/muc_badge/go-sendxmpp@chat.mdosch.de)](https://join.jabber.network/#go-sendxmpp@chat.mdosch.de?join) ## requirements * [go](https://golang.org/) ## installation ### repositories including go-sendxmpp [![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/go:sendxmpp.svg)](https://repology.org/project/go:sendxmpp/versions) ### manual installation #### Go < 1.16 ```plain $ go get -u salsa.debian.org/mdosch/go-sendxmpp ``` #### Go >= 1.16 Latest release: ```plain $ go install salsa.debian.org/mdosch/go-sendxmpp@latest ``` Current development version: ```plain $ go install salsa.debian.org/mdosch/go-sendxmpp@master ``` You will find the binary in `$GOPATH/bin` or, if set, `$GOBIN`. ### binaries There are some (automatically built and untested) binaries linked to the [release](https://salsa.debian.org/mdosch/go-sendxmpp/-/releases). ## usage You can either pipe a programs output to `go-sendxmpp`, write in your terminal (put \^D in a new line to finish) or send the input from a file (`-m` or `--message`). The account data is expected at `~/.config/go-sendxmpp/config` if no other configuration file location is specified with `-f` or `--file`. The configuration file is expected to be in the following format: ```plain username: password: ``` If this is not sufficient to connect you might also specify `jserver` and `port`. It is also possible to use a password manager. In this case the `password` setting should be replaced by the `eval_password` setting: ``` eval_password: ``` You can also configure the alias/nickname for MUCs via the `alias` setting: ``` alias: ``` If no configuration file is present or if the values should be overridden it is possible to define the account details via command line options: ```plain Usage: go-sendxmpp [-cdilnt] [-a value] [-f value] [--help] [--http-upload value] [-j value] [-m value] [--muc-password value] [--ox] [--ox-delete-nodes] [--ox-genprivkey-rsa] [--ox-genprivkey-x25519] [--ox-import-privkey value] [--ox-passphrase value] [-p value] [--raw] [-r value] [--timeout value] [--tls-version value] [-u value] [--version] [parameters ...] -a, --alias=value Set alias/nicknamefor chatrooms. -c, --chatroom Send message to a chatroom. -d, --debug Show debugging info. -f, --file=value Set configuration file. (Default: ~/.config/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc) --help Show help. --http-upload=value Send a file via http-upload. -i, --interactive Interactive mode (for use with e.g. 'tail -f'). -j, --jserver=value XMPP server address. -l, --listen Listen for messages and print them to stdout. -m, --message=value Set file including the message. --muc-password=value Password for password protected MUCs. -n, --no-tls-verify Skip verification of TLS certificates (not recommended). --ox Use "OpenPGP for XMPP" encryption (experimental). --ox-delete-nodes Delete existing OpenPGP nodes on the server. --ox-genprivkey-rsa Generate a private OpenPGP key (RSA 4096 bit) for the given JID and publish the corresponding public key. --ox-genprivkey-x25519 Generate a private OpenPGP key (x25519) for the given JID and publish the corresponding public key. --ox-import-privkey=value Import an existing private OpenPGP key. --ox-passphrase=value Passphrase for locking and unlocking the private OpenPGP key. -p, --password=value Password for XMPP account. --raw Send raw XML. -r, --resource=value Set resource. When sending to a chatroom this is used as 'alias'. DEPRECATED: Use --alias instead. --timeout=value Connection timeout in seconds. [10] -t, --tls Use direct TLS. --tls-version=value Minimal TLS version. 10 (TLSv1.0), 11 (TLSv1.1), 12 (TLSv1.2) or 13 (TLSv1.3). [12] -u, --username=value Username for XMPP account. --version Show version information. ``` ### examples Send a message to two recipients using a configuration file. ```bash cat message.txt | ./go-sendxmpp -f ./sendxmpp recipient1@example.com recipient2@example.com ``` Send a message to two recipients directly defining account credentials. ```bash cat message.txt | ./go-sendxmpp -u bob@example.com -j example.com -p swordfish recipient1@example.com recipient2@example.com ``` Send a message to two groupchats (`-c`) using a configuration file. ```bash cat message.txt | ./go-sendxmpp -cf ./sendxmpp chat1@conference.example.com chat2@conference.example.com ``` Send file changes to two groupchats (`-c`) using a configuration file. ```bash tail -f example.log | ./go-sendxmpp -cif ./sendxmpp chat1@conference.example.com chat2@conference.example.com ```