go-sendxmpp(1) -- A little tool to send messages to an XMPP contact or MUC. ==== ## SYNOPSIS `go-sendxmpp` [-cdintx] [-f value] [--help] [-j value] [-m value] [-p value] [-r value] [-u value] [parameters ...] ## DESCRIPTION A little tool to send messages to an XMPP contact or MUC inspired by (but not as powerful as) `sendxmpp`. You can either pipe a programs output to `go-sendxmpp`, write in your terminal (put `^D` in a new line to finish) or send the input from a file (`-m` or `--message`). The account data is expected at `~/.config/go-sendxmpp/sendxmpprc` (preferred) or `~/.sendxmpprc` (for compatibility with the original perl sendxmpp) if no other configuration file location is specified with `-f` or `--file`. ## OPTIONS * `-c`, `--chatroom`=[]: Send message to a chatroom. * `-d`, `--debug`: Show debugging info. * `-f`, `--file`=[]: Set configuration file. (Default: ~/.sendxmpprc) * `--help`: Show help. * `--http-upload=`[]: Send a file via http-upload. * `-i`, `--interactive`: Interactive mode (for use with e.g. `tail -f`). * `-j`, `--jserver`=[]: XMPP server address. * `-l`, `--listen`: Listen for messages and print them to stdout. If JIDs are specified only messages from those contacts are shown. If no JIDs are specified all received messages will be shown. * `-m`, `--message`=[]: Set file including the message. * `-n`, `--no-tls-verify`: Skip verification of TLS certificates (not recommended). * `-p`, `--password`=[]: Password for XMPP account. * `--raw`: Send raw XML. To send raw XML to a contact as normal chat message no contact must be specified. To send raw XML to a MUC you have to specify the MUC via `-c` and `go-sendxmpp` will join the MUC. * `-r`, `--resource`=[]: Set resource. When sending to a chatroom this is used as 'alias'. * `-t`, `--tls`: Use direct TLS. * `-u`, `--username`=[]: Username for XMPP account (JID). ## CHAT Feel free to join [https://join.jabber.network/#go-sendxmpp@chat.mdosch.de?join](https://join.jabber.network/#go-sendxmpp@chat.mdosch.de?join). ## AUTHOR Written by Martin Dosch. ## REPORTING BUGS Report bugs at [https://salsa.debian.org/mdosch/go-sendxmpp/issues](https://salsa.debian.org/mdosch/go-sendxmpp/issues). ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2018 - 2021 Martin Dosch License: BSD 2-clause License ## SEE ALSO go-sendxmpp(5), sendxmpp(1)