Sendxmpp compatibility

Martin Dosch 6 years ago
parent acb3759bbb
commit b8328a0e3b

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ A little tool to send messages to an XMPP contact or MUC inspired by (but not as
If you have *[GOPATH](*
set just run this commands:
$ go get
$ go install
@ -23,40 +23,58 @@ You will find the binary in `$GOPATH/bin` or, if set, `$GOBIN`.
## usage
The account details for logging into your XMPP account and at least `contact`
or `muc` must be specified.
You can either pipe a programs output to `go-sendxmpp` or write in your terminal (put \^D in a new
line to finish).
If `-message` is not specified you can either pipe a programs output to
`go-sendxmpp` or write in your terminal (put ^D in a new line to finish).
The account data is expected at `~/.sendxmpprc` if no other configuration file location is specified with
`-f` or `--file`. The configuration file is expected to be in the following format:
If `-port` is not set, the standard port *5222* is used.
username: <your_username>
jserver: <jabber_server>
port: <jabber_port>
password: <your_jabber_password>
Usage of ./go-sendxmpp:
-contact string
Recipient of the message. (default "")
-message string
The message you want to send. (default "Hello World!")
-muc string
MUC to send the message to. (default "")
-muc-nick string
The nickname the bot uses in the MUC. (default "go-sendxmpp")
-pass string
Password for XMPP account. (default "ChangeThis!")
-port string
XMPP server port. (default "5222")
-server string
XMPP server address. (default "")
-user string
Username for XMPP account. (default "")
If no configuration file is present or if the values should be overridden it is possible to define the
account details via command line options:
./go-sendxmpp --help
Usage: go-sendxmpp [-cdtx] [-f value] [--help] [-j value] [-p value] [-r value] [-u value] [parameters ...]
-c, --chatroom Send message to a chatroom.
-d, --debug Show debugging info.
-f, --file=value Set configuration file. (Default: ~/.sendxmppr)
--help Show help.
-j, --jserver=value
XMPP server address.
-p, --password=value
Password for XMPP account.
-r, --resource=value
Set resource. When sending to a chatroom this is used as
'alias'. (Default: go-sendxmpp)
-t, --tls Use TLS.
-u, --username=value
Username for XMPP account.
-x, --start-tls Use StartTLS.
### examples
Send a message to two recipients using a configuration file.
inxi -F | ./go-sendxmpp -pass 'ChangeThis!' -port '5222' -server '' -user '' -muc ''
cat message.txt | ./go-sendxmpp -f ./sendxmpp
Send a message to two recipients directly defining account credentials.
./go-sendxmpp -pass 'ChangeThis!' -port '5222' -server '' -user '' -muc '' -message 'Hello World!'
cat message.txt | ./go-sendxmpp -u -j -p swordfish
Send a message to two groupchats (`-c`) using a configuration file.
cat message.txt | ./go-sendxmpp -cf ./sendxmpp

@ -1,48 +1,222 @@
/* Copyright 2018 Martin Dosch
Licensed under the "MIT License" */
package main
import (
type configuration struct {
username string
jserver string
port string
password string
// Check that JIDs include localpart and serverpart
// and return it marshalled.
func marshalJID(input string) (string, error) {
parsedJid, err := jid.Parse(input)
if err != nil {
return input, err
if parsedJid.Localpart() == "" || parsedJid.Domainpart() == "" {
return input, errors.New("Invalid JID: " + input)
return parsedJid.String(), err
// Opens the config file and returns the specified values
// for username, server and port.
func parseConfig(configPath string) (configuration, error) {
var (
output configuration
err error
// Use ~/.sendxmpprc if no config path is specified.
if configPath == "" {
// Get systems user config path.
osConfigDir := os.Getenv("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
if osConfigDir != "" {
configPath = osConfigDir + "/.sendxmpprc"
} else {
// Get the current user.
curUser, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return output, err
// Get home directory.
home := curUser.HomeDir
if home == "" {
return output, errors.New("No home directory found.")
configPath = home + "/.sendxmpprc"
// Check that config file is existing.
info, err := os.Stat(configPath)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return output, err
// Check for file permissions. Must be 600.
perm := info.Mode().Perm()
if strconv.FormatInt(int64(perm), 8) != "600" {
return output, errors.New("Wrong permissions for " + configPath + ": " +
strconv.FormatInt(int64(perm), 8) + " instead of 600.")
// Open config file.
file, err := os.Open(configPath)
if err != nil {
return output, err
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
// Read config file per line.
for scanner.Scan() {
if strings.HasPrefix(scanner.Text(), "#") == true {
row := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), " ")
switch row[0] {
case "username:":
output.username = row[1]
case "jserver:":
output.jserver = row[1]
case "password:":
output.password = row[1]
case "port:":
output.port = row[1]
if len(row) >= 2 {
if strings.Contains(scanner.Text(), ";") == true {
output.username = strings.Split(row[0], ";")[0]
output.jserver = strings.Split(row[0], ";")[1]
output.password = row[1]
} else {
output.username = strings.Split(row[0], ":")[0]
output.jserver = strings.Split(row[0], "@")[1]
output.password = row[1]
return output, err
func main() {
var (
err error
server = flag.String("server", "", "XMPP server address.")
port = flag.String("port", "5222", "XMPP server port.")
user = flag.String("user", "", "Username for XMPP account.")
password = flag.String("pass", "ChangeThis!", "Password for XMPP account.")
contact = flag.String("contact", "", "Recipient of the message.")
muc = flag.String("muc", "", "MUC to send the message to.")
mucNick = flag.String("muc-nick", "go-sendxmpp", "The nickname the bot uses in the MUC.")
messagePtr = flag.String("message", "Hello World!", "The message you want to send.")
err error
message string
// Define command line flags.
flagHelp := getopt.BoolLong("help", 0, "Show help.")
flagDebug := getopt.BoolLong("debug", 'd', "Show debugging info.")
flagServer := getopt.StringLong("jserver", 'j', "", "XMPP server address.")
flagUser := getopt.StringLong("username", 'u', "", "Username for XMPP account.")
flagPassword := getopt.StringLong("password", 'p', "", "Password for XMPP account.")
flagChatroom := getopt.BoolLong("chatroom", 'c', "Send message to a chatroom.")
// flagMessage := getopt.StringLong("message", 'm', "", "The message you want to send.")
flagTLS := getopt.BoolLong("tls", 't', "Use TLS.")
flagStartTLS := getopt.BoolLong("start-tls", 'x', "Use StartTLS.")
flagResource := getopt.StringLong("resource", 'r', "go-sendxmpp", "Set resource. "+
"When sending to a chatroom this is used as 'alias'. (Default: go-sendxmpp)")
flagFile := getopt.StringLong("file", 'f', "", "Set configuration file. (Default: ~/.sendxmppr)")
// Parse command line flags.
// If requested, show help and quit.
if *flagHelp {
// Read recipients from command line and quit if none are specified.
recipients := getopt.Args()
if len(recipients) == 0 {
log.Fatal("No recipient specified.")
message := *messagePtr
// Quit if unreasonable TLS setting is set.
if *flagStartTLS == true && *flagTLS == true {
log.Fatal("Use either TLS or StartTLS.")
// Check that all recipient JIDs are valid.
for i, recipient := range recipients {
validatedJid, err := marshalJID(recipient)
if err != nil {
recipients[i] = validatedJid
if *contact == "" && *muc == "" {
log.Fatal("No target specified.")
// Read configuration from file.
config, err := parseConfig(*flagFile)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error parsing ", *flagFile, ": ", err)
// Set connection options according to config.
user := config.username
server := config.jserver
password := config.password
if config.port != "" {
server = server + ":" + config.port
// Overwrite user if specified via command line flag.
if *flagUser != "" {
user = *flagUser
// Overwrite server if specified via command line flag.
if *flagServer != "" {
server = *flagServer
// Overwrite password if specified via command line flag.
if *flagPassword != "" {
password = *flagPassword
// Set XMPP connection options.
options := xmpp.Options{
Host: *server + ":" + *port,
User: *user,
Password: *password,
NoTLS: true,
StartTLS: true,
Debug: false,
Host: server,
User: user,
Resource: *flagResource,
Password: password,
NoTLS: !*flagTLS,
StartTLS: *flagStartTLS,
Debug: *flagDebug,
// Connect to server.
@ -51,15 +225,15 @@ func main() {
if message == "Hello World!" {
if message == "" {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {
if message == "Hello World!" {
message = string(scanner.Text())
if message == "" {
message = scanner.Text()
} else {
message = message + "\n" + string(scanner.Text())
message = message + "\n" + scanner.Text()
@ -70,28 +244,43 @@ func main() {
if *muc != "" {
// Join the MUC
mucStatus, err := client.JoinMUCNoHistory(*muc, *mucNick)
if err != nil {
// Send message to chatroom(s) if the flag is set.
if *flagChatroom {
// Exit if Status is > 300, see
if mucStatus > 300 {
log.Fatal("Couldn't join MUC. Status:", mucStatus)
for _, recipient := range recipients {
_, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: *muc, Type: "groupchat", Text: message})
if err != nil {
// Join the MUC.
mucStatus, err := client.JoinMUCNoHistory(recipient, *flagResource)
if err != nil {
// Exit if Status is > 300, see
if mucStatus > 300 {
log.Fatal("Couldn't join MUC. Status:", mucStatus)
// Send the message.
_, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "groupchat", Text: message})
if err != nil {
// After sending the message, leave the Muc
_, err = client.LeaveMUC(recipient)
if err != nil {
} else {
if *contact != "" {
_, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: *contact, Type: "chat", Text: message})
if err != nil {
for _, recipient := range recipients {
// If the chatroom flag is not set, send message to contact(s).
_, err = client.Send(xmpp.Chat{Remote: recipient, Type: "chat", Text: message})
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
