go-algorithms ============= `go-algorithms` - implemetation of different alghoritms and data structures with `golang`. usage ----- 1. Clone `https://github.com/0xAX/go-alghoritms.git` repo, it must be in your `$GOPATH`. 2. Execute `go build && go install` in `go-alghoritms` 3. Execute `go build bubble_sort.go` and `./bubble_sort` alghoritms ---------- #### Sorting * bubble sort * selection sort * merge sort * cocktail sort * gnome sort contribution ------------ * Fork [go-alghoritms](https://github.com/0xAX/go-alghoritms); * Make changes; * Send pull request; * Thank you. author ------ [@0xAX](https://github.com/0xAX/go-alghoritms)