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10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
`go-algorithms` - implemetation of different alghoritms and data structures with `golang`.
10 years ago
10 years ago
1. Clone `` repo, it must be in your `$GOPATH`.
10 years ago
10 years ago
2. Execute `go build && go install` in `go-algorithms`
10 years ago
3. Execute `go build bubble_sort.go` and `./bubble_sort`
#### Sorting
* bubble sort
* selection sort
10 years ago
* merge sort
* cocktail sort
* gnome sort
10 years ago
* quick sort
* comb sort
* odd/even sort
* heap sort
10 years ago
* Shell sort
* counting sort
#### Collections
* doubly linked list
10 years ago
* binary tree
10 years ago
* stack
* queue
10 years ago
#### Algorithms
* gcd
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
* Fork [go-algorithms](;
10 years ago
* Make changes;
* Send pull request;
* Thank you.
10 years ago