#!/usr/bin/env bats # This is a testscript using the bats testing framework: # https://github.com/sstephenson/bats # To run it, at a command prompt: # bats testscript.bats load startup-shutdown @test "remote git dirs working, with commit logging" { # Move .git somewhere else dotgittestdir=$(mktemp -d) mv "$testdir/local/remote/.git" "$dotgittestdir" # Start up gitwatch, intentionally in wrong directory, with remote dir specified ${BATS_TEST_DIRNAME}/../gitwatch.sh -l 10 -g "$dotgittestdir/.git" "$testdir/local/remote" 3>&- & GITWATCH_PID=$! # Keeps kill message from printing to screen disown # Create a file, verify that it hasn't been added yet, then commit cd remote # According to inotify documentation, a race condition results if you write # to directory too soon after it has been created; hence, a short wait. sleep 1 echo "line1" >> file1.txt # Wait a bit for inotify to figure out the file has changed, and do its add, # and commit sleep $WAITTIME # Store commit for later comparison lastcommit=$(git --git-dir $dotgittestdir/.git rev-parse master) # Make a new change echo "line2" >> file1.txt sleep $WAITTIME # Verify that new commit has happened currentcommit=$(git --git-dir $dotgittestdir/.git rev-parse master) [ "$lastcommit" != "$currentcommit" ] # Check commit log that the diff is in there run git --git-dir $dotgittestdir/.git log -1 --oneline [[ $output == *"file1.txt"* ]] rm -rf $dotgittestdir }