# This inserts customs setup and teardown because of spaces in the file name setup() { # Time to wait for gitwatch to respond # shellcheck disable=SC2034 WAITTIME=4 # Set up directory structure and initialize remote testdir=$(mktemp -d "/tmp/temp space.XXXXX") # shellcheck disable=SC2164 cd "$testdir" mkdir remote # shellcheck disable=SC2164 cd remote git init -q --bare # shellcheck disable=SC2103 cd .. # shellcheck disable=SC2164 mkdir local # shellcheck disable=SC2164 cd local git clone -q ../remote "rem with spaces" } teardown() { echo '# Teardown started' >&3 # Remove testing directories # shellcheck disable=SC2164 cd /tmp # Kill background process kill -9 %1 fg # Also make sure to kill fswatch if on Mac killall fswatch # Make sure gitwatch script gets killed if script stopped background # Must kill the entire tree of processes generated pkill -15 -P "$GITWATCH_PID" echo '# Teardown complete' >&3 }