You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
3.3 KiB

SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash
# Building:
git-secret: src/ src/_utils/*.sh src/commands/*.sh src/
@cat $^ > "$@"
@chmod +x git-secret; sync
.PHONY: all
all: build
.PHONY: clean
@rm -f git-secret
.PHONY: build
build: git-secret
.PHONY: install
${SHELL} ./utils/ "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}"
.PHONY: uninstall
${SHELL} ./utils/ "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}"
# Testing and linting:
# The $(shell echo $${PWD}) construct is to access *nix paths under windows
# Under git for windows '$PATH' is set to windows paths, e.g. C:\Something
# Using a sub-shell we get the raw *nix paths, e.g. /c/Something
.PHONY: test
test: clean build
export SECRET_PROJECT_ROOT="$(shell echo $${PWD})"; \
export PATH="$(shell echo $${PWD})/vendor/bats-core/bin:$(shell echo $${PWD}):$(shell echo $${PATH})"; \
${SHELL} ./utils/
# We use this script in CI and you can do this too!
# What happens here?
# 1. We pass `GITSECRET_DOCKER_ENV` variable into this job
# 2. Based on it, we select a proper `docker` image to run test on
# 3. We execute `make test` inside the `docker` container
.PHONY: docker-ci
docker-ci: clean
&& echo 'GITSECRET_DOCKER_ENV is unset' && exit 1 || true
docker build \
-f ".ci/docker-ci/$${GITSECRET_DOCKER_ENV}/Dockerfile" \
-t "gitsecret-$${GITSECRET_DOCKER_ENV}:latest" .
docker run --rm \
--volume="$${PWD}:/code" \
-w /code \
"gitsecret-$${GITSECRET_DOCKER_ENV}" \
make test
.PHONY: lint-shell
docker pull koalaman/shellcheck:latest
docker run \
--volume="$${PWD}:/code" \
-w /code \
-e SHELLCHECK_OPTS='-s bash -S warning -a' \
--rm koalaman/shellcheck \
$$(find src .ci utils tests docs -type f \
-name '*.sh' -o -name '*.bash' -o -name '*.bats')
.PHONY: lint-docker
docker pull hadolint/hadolint:latest-alpine
docker run \
--volume="$${PWD}:/code" \
-w /code \
--rm hadolint/hadolint \
hadolint \
--ignore=DL3008 --ignore=DL3018 --ignore=DL3041 --ignore=DL3028 \
.PHONY: lint
lint: lint-shell lint-docker
# Manuals and docs:
.PHONY: clean-man
@find "man/" -type f ! -name "*.md" -delete
.PHONY: build-man
build-man: git-secret
docker pull msoap/ruby-ronn
export GITSECRET_VERSION="$$(./git-secret --version)" && docker run \
--volume="$${PWD}:/code" \
-w /code \
--rm msoap/ruby-ronn \
ronn --roff \
--organization=sobolevn \
--manual="git-secret $${GITSECRET_VERSION}" \
.PHONY: build-docs
build-docs: build-man
${SHELL} docs/
.PHONY: docs
docs: build-docs
docker pull jekyll/jekyll
docker run \
--volume="$${PWD}/docs:/code" \
-w /code \
-p 4000:4000 \
--rm jekyll/jekyll \
jekyll serve --safe --strict_front_matter
# Packaging:
.PHONY: release-build
release-build: clean build
&& echo 'GITSECRET_RELEASE_TYPE is unset' && exit 1 || true
docker build \
-f ".ci/releaser/alpine/Dockerfile" \
-t "gitsecret-releaser:latest" .
docker run \
--volume="$${PWD}:/code" \
--rm gitsecret-releaser \
bash "./utils/$${GITSECRET_RELEASE_TYPE}/"
.PHONY: release
release: release-build
docker run \
--volume="$${PWD}:/code" \
--rm gitsecret-releaser \
bash "./utils/$${GITSECRET_RELEASE_TYPE}/"