You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
1.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
function usage {
while getopts "h?" opt; do
case "$opt" in
h) _show_manual_for "usage";;
*) _invalid_option_for "usage";;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
[ "$1" = "--" ] && shift
echo "usage: git secret [--version] [command] [command-options]"
echo ""
echo "options:"
echo " --version - prints the version number"
echo ""
echo "commands:"
echo "see 'git secret [command] -h' for more info about commands and their options"
echo " add [file.txt] - adds file to be hidden to the list"
echo " cat [file.txt] - decrypts and prints contents of the file"
echo " changes [file.txt.secret] - indicates if the file changed since last commit"
echo " clean - deletes all encrypted files"
echo " hide - encrypts (or re-encrypts) the files to be hidden"
echo " init - initializes the git-secret repository"
echo " removeperson [emails] - deletes a person's public key from the keyring"
echo " list - prints all the added files"
echo " remove [files] - removes files from the list of hidden files"
echo " reveal - decrypts all hidden files"
echo " tell [email] - imports a person's public key into the keyring"
echo " usage - prints this message"
echo " whoknows - prints list of authorized email addresses"