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153 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helper
fixtures junit-formatter
TESTSUITES_REGEX="<testsuites time=\"$FLOAT_REGEX\">"
@test "junit formatter with skipped test does not fail" {
run bats --formatter junit "$FIXTURE_ROOT/skipped.bats"
echo "$output"
[[ $status -eq 0 ]]
[[ "${lines[0]}" == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ]]
[[ "${lines[1]}" =~ $TESTSUITES_REGEX ]]
TESTSUITE_REGEX="<testsuite name=\"skipped.bats\" tests=\"2\" failures=\"0\" errors=\"0\" skipped=\"2\" time=\"$FLOAT_REGEX\" timestamp=\"$TIMESTAMP_REGEX\" hostname=\".*\">"
[[ "${lines[2]}" =~ $TESTSUITE_REGEX ]]
TESTCASE_REGEX="<testcase classname=\"skipped.bats\" name=\"a skipped test\" time=\"$FLOAT_REGEX\">"
[[ "${lines[3]}" =~ $TESTCASE_REGEX ]]
[[ "${lines[4]}" == *"<skipped></skipped>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == *"</testcase>"* ]]
TESTCASE_REGEX="<testcase classname=\"skipped.bats\" name=\"a skipped test with a reason\" time=\"$FLOAT_REGEX\">"
[[ "${lines[6]}" =~ $TESTCASE_REGEX ]]
[[ "${lines[7]}" == *"<skipped>a reason</skipped>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[8]}" == *"</testcase>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[9]}" == *"</testsuite>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[10]}" == *"</testsuites>"* ]]
@test "junit formatter: escapes xml special chars" {
case $OSTYPE in
# their CI can handle special chars on filename
cp "$FIXTURE_ROOT/xml-escape.bats" "$TEST_FILE_PATH"
# use the filename without special chars
run bats --formatter junit "$TEST_FILE_PATH"
echo "$output"
[[ "${lines[2]}" == "<testsuite name=\"$ESCAPED_TEST_FILE_NAME\" tests=\"3\" failures=\"1\" errors=\"0\" skipped=\"1\" time=\""*"\" timestamp=\""*"\" hostname=\""*"\">" ]]
[[ "${lines[3]}" == " <testcase classname=\"$ESCAPED_TEST_FILE_NAME\" name=\"Successful test with escape characters: &quot;&#39;&lt;&gt;&amp;&#27;[0m (0x1b)\" time=\""*"\" />" ]]
[[ "${lines[4]}" == " <testcase classname=\"$ESCAPED_TEST_FILE_NAME\" name=\"Failed test with escape characters: &quot;&#39;&lt;&gt;&amp;&#27;[0m (0x1b)\" "* ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == ' <failure type="failure">(in test file '*"$ESCAPED_TEST_FILE_NAME, line 6)" ]]
[[ "${lines[6]}" == ' `echo &quot;&lt;&gt;&#39;&amp;&#27;[0m&quot; &amp;&amp; false&#39; failed'* ]]
[[ "${lines[9]}" == " <testcase classname=\"$ESCAPED_TEST_FILE_NAME\" name=\"Skipped test with escape characters: &quot;&#39;&lt;&gt;&amp;&#27;[0m (0x1b)\" time=\""*"\">" ]]
[[ "${lines[10]}" == " <skipped>&quot;&#39;&lt;&gt;&amp;&#27;[0m</skipped>" ]]
@test "junit formatter: test suites" {
run bats --formatter junit "$FIXTURE_ROOT/suite/"
echo "$output"
[[ "${lines[0]}" == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ]]
[[ "${lines[1]}" == *"<testsuites "* ]]
[[ "${lines[2]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"file1.bats\""* ]]
[[ "${lines[3]}" == *"<testcase "* ]]
[[ "${lines[4]}" == *"</testsuite>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"file2.bats\""* ]]
[[ "${lines[6]}" == *"<testcase"* ]]
[[ "${lines[7]}" == *"</testsuite>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[8]}" == *"</testsuites>"* ]]
@test "junit formatter: test suites relative path" {
run bats --formatter junit "suite/"
echo "$output"
[[ "${lines[0]}" == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ]]
[[ "${lines[1]}" == *"<testsuites "* ]]
[[ "${lines[2]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"file1.bats\""* ]]
[[ "${lines[3]}" == *"<testcase "* ]]
[[ "${lines[4]}" == *"</testsuite>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"file2.bats\""* ]]
[[ "${lines[6]}" == *"<testcase"* ]]
[[ "${lines[7]}" == *"</testsuite>"* ]]
[[ "${lines[8]}" == *"</testsuites>"* ]]
@test "junit formatter: files with the same name are distinguishable" {
run bats --formatter junit -r "$FIXTURE_ROOT/duplicate/"
echo "$output"
[[ "${lines[2]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"first/file1.bats\""* ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"second/file1.bats\""* ]]
@test "junit formatter as report formatter creates report.xml" {
cd "$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR" # don't litter sources with output files
run bats --report-formatter junit "$FIXTURE_ROOT/suite/"
echo "$output"
[[ -e "report.xml" ]]
run cat "report.xml"
echo "$output"
[[ "${lines[2]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"file1.bats\" tests=\"1\" failures=\"0\" errors=\"0\" skipped=\"0\""* ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == *"<testsuite name=\"file2.bats\" tests=\"1\" failures=\"0\" errors=\"0\" skipped=\"0\""* ]]
@test "junit does not mark tests with FD 3 output as failed (issue #360)" {
run bats --formatter junit "$FIXTURE_ROOT/issue_360.bats"
echo "$output"
[[ "${lines[2]}" == '<testsuite name="issue_360.bats" '*'>' ]]
[[ "${lines[3]}" == ' <testcase classname="issue_360.bats" '*'>' ]]
# only the outputs on FD3 should be visible on a successful test
[[ "${lines[4]}" == ' <system-out>setup FD3' ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == 'hello Bilbo' ]]
[[ "${lines[6]}" == 'teardown FD3</system-out>' ]]
[[ "${lines[7]}" == ' </testcase>' ]]
[[ "${lines[8]}" == ' <testcase classname="issue_360.bats" name="fail to say hello to Biblo" time="'*'">' ]]
# a failed test should show FD3 output first ...
[[ "${lines[9]}" == ' <system-out>setup FD3' ]]
[[ "${lines[10]}" == 'hello Bilbo' ]]
[[ "${lines[11]}" == 'teardown FD3</system-out>' ]]
[[ "${lines[12]}" == ' <failure type="failure">(in test file '*'test/fixtures/junit-formatter/issue_360.bats, line 21)' ]]
[[ "${lines[13]}" == ' `false&#39; failed' ]]
# ... and then the stdout output
[[ "${lines[14]}" == '# setup stdout' ]]
[[ "${lines[15]}" == '# hello stdout' ]]
[[ "${lines[16]}" == '# teardown stdout</failure>' ]]
[[ "${lines[17]}" == ' </testcase>' ]]
[[ "${lines[18]}" == '</testsuite>' ]]
@test "junit does not mark tests with FD 3 output in teardown_file as failed (issue #531)" {
run -0 bats --formatter junit "$FIXTURE_ROOT/issue_531.bats"
[[ "${lines[2]}" == '<testsuite name="issue_531.bats" '*'>' ]]
[[ "${lines[3]}" == ' <testcase classname="issue_531.bats" '*'>' ]]
# only the outputs on FD3 should be visible on a successful test
[[ "${lines[4]}" == ' <system-out>test fd3' ]]
[[ "${lines[5]}" == 'teardown_file fd3</system-out>' ]]
[[ "${lines[6]}" == ' </testcase>' ]]
[[ "${lines[7]}" == '</testsuite>' ]]