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## Content
1. [Intro](#intro)
2. [Installation](#installation)
3. [Usage](#usage)
4. [Configuration](#configuration)
## Intro
There's a known problem in server configuration and deploying, when you have to store your private data such as: database passwords, application secret-keys, OAuth secret keys and so on, outside of the git repository. Even if this repository is private, it is a security risk to just publish them into the world wide web. What are the drawbacks of storing them separately?
1. These files are not version controlled. Filenames change, locations change, passwords change from time to time, some new information appears, other is removed. And you can not tell for sure which version of the configuration file was used with each commit.
2. When building the automated deployment system there will be one extra step: download and place these secret-configuration files where they need to be. So you have to maintain an extra secure server, where everything is stored.
### How does `git-secret` solve these problems?
1. `git-secret` encrypts files and stores them inside the `git` repository, so you will have all the changes for every commit.
2. `git-secret` doesn't require any other deploy operations rather than `git secret reveal`, so it will automatically decrypt all the required files.
### What is `git-secret`?
`git-secret` is a bash tool to store your private data inside a `git` repo. How's that? Basically, it just encrypts, using `gpg`, the tracked files with the public keys of all the users that you trust. So everyone of them can decrypt these files using only their personal secret key. Why deal with all this private-public keys stuff? Well, to make it easier for everyone to manage access rights. There are no passwords that change. When someone is out - just delete his public key, reencrypt the files, and he won't be able to decrypt secrets anymore.
## Installation
### Dependencies
`git-secret` relies on two dependencies: [`git`][1] and [`gpg`][2]. Download and install them before using this project. `git-secret` is tested to work with:
git version 2.7.0
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.20
### Supported platforms
`git-secret` works with `Mac OS X` >= 10.9, `Ubuntu` >= 14.04 and `Debian` >= 8.3
You can add your platform to this list, if all the tests pass for you.
`Cygwin` support is planned.
### Installation process
There are several ways to install `git-secret`:
**** Homebrew ****
1. Run `brew install git-secret`. That will do. Also, there are two options:
* `--without-gpg` to build without `gpg` support
* `--HEAD` to install `HEAD` version
2. Note, that we have migrated from `tap` to the official `brew` repo
**** `deb` package ****
You can find the `deb` repository [here](
0. Pre-requirements: make sure you have installed `apt-transport-https`
1. Run `echo "deb git-secret main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list`
2. Add the release key: `wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -`
3. Run `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git-secret`
**** `rpm` package ****
You can find the `rpm` repository [here](
1. Run `wget -O bintray-sobolevn-rpm.repo && sudo mv bintray-sobolevn-rpm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/`
2. Run `sudo yum install git-secret`
**** Manual ****
1. Clone the repository first: `git clone git-secret`
2. Run `cd git-secret && make build`
3. Run `PREFIX="/usr/local" make install`, note that you can install to any prefix in your `PATH`
**** `antigen` plugin (or any other `oh-my-zsh`-styled plugin-systems) ****
1. Add line `antigen bundle sobolevn/git-secret` to your `~/.zshrc`
2. Run `source ~/.zshrc` or reopen the terminal
## Usage
These steps cover the basic process of using `git-secret`:
0. Before starting, make sure you have created `gpg` RSA key-pair: public and secret key identified by your email address.
1. Initialize `git-secret` repository by running `git secret init` command. `.gitsecret/` folder will be created, **note** that `.gitsecret/` folder [should **not** be ignored](
2. Add first user to the system by running `git secret tell`.
3. Now it's time to add files you wish to encrypt inside the `git-secret` repository. It can be done by running `git secret add <filenames...>` command. Make sure these files are ignored, otherwise `git-secret` won't allow you to add them, as these files will be stored unencrypted.
4. When done, run `git secret hide` all files, which you have added by `git secret add` command will be encrypted with added public-keys by the `git secret tell` command. Now it is safe to commit your changes. **But**. It's recommended to add `git secret hide` command to your `pre-commit` hook, so you won't miss any changes.
5. Now decrypt files with `git secret reveal` command. It will ask you for your password. And you're done!
### I want to add someone to the repository
1. Get his `gpg` public-key. **You won't need their secret key.**
2. Import this key inside your `gpg` by running `gpg --import KEY_NAME`
3. Now add this person to the `git-secret` by running `git secret tell`
4. Reencypt the files, now they will be able to decrypt them with their secret key.
Note, that it is possible to add yourself to the system without decrypting existing files. It will be possible to decrypt them after reencrypting them with the new keyring. So, if you don't want unexpected keys added, make sure to configure some server-side security policy with the `pre-receive` hook.
## Configuration
You can configure several things to suit your workflow better. To do so, just set the required variable to the value you need. This can be done in your shell environment file or with the each `git-secret` command.
These settings are available to be changed:
* `$SECRETS_GPG_COMMAND` - sets the `gpg` alternatives, defaults to `gpg`. It can be changed to `gpg`, `gpg2`, `pgp`, `/usr/local/gpg` or any other value. After doing so rerun tests to be sure, that it won't break anything. Tested to be working with: `gpg`, `gpg2`.
* `$SECRETS_EXTENSION` - sets the secret files extension, defaults to `.secret`. It can be changed to any valid file extension.