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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1117
function __replace_in_file_osx {
sed -i.bak "s/^\($1[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\).*\$/\1$2/" "$3"
function __temp_file_osx {
local filename
# man mktemp on OSX:
# ...
# "If the -t prefix option is given, mktemp will generate a template string
# based on the prefix and the _CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR configuration vari-
# able if available. Fallback locations if _CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR is not
# available are TMPDIR and /tmp."
# we use /usr/bin/mktemp in case there's another mktemp available. See #485
filename=$(/usr/bin/mktemp -t _git_secret )
# On OSX this can make a filename like
# '/var/folders/nz/vv4_91234569k3tkvyszvwg90009gn/T/_git_secret.HhvUPlUI'
echo "$filename";
function __sha256_osx {
/usr/bin/shasum -a256 "$1"
function __get_octal_perms_osx {
local filename
local perms
perms=$(stat -f "%04OLp" "$filename")
# see for more about stat's format string
echo "$perms"
function __epoch_to_date_osx {
local epoch=$1;
if [ -z "$epoch" ]; then
echo ''
#date -r 234234234 +"%Y-%m-%d"
local datetime
datetime=$(date -r "$epoch" +'%Y-%m-%d')
echo "$datetime"