#!/usr/bin/env bats load test_helper fixtures suite @test "running a suite with no test files" { run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/empty" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "$output" = "1..0" ] } @test "running a suite with one test file" { run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/single" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..1" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 a passing test" ] } @test "counting tests in a suite" { run bats -c "$FIXTURE_ROOT/single" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "$output" -eq 1 ] run bats -c "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "$output" -eq 3 ] } @test "aggregated output of multiple tests in a suite" { run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..3" ] echo "$output" | grep "^ok . truth" echo "$output" | grep "^ok . more truth" echo "$output" | grep "^ok . quasi-truth" } @test "a failing test in a suite results in an error exit code" { FLUNK=1 run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple" [ $status -eq 1 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..3" ] echo "$output" | grep "^not ok . quasi-truth" } @test "running an ad-hoc suite by specifying multiple test files" { run bats "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/a.bats" "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/b.bats" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..3" ] echo "$output" | grep "^ok . truth" echo "$output" | grep "^ok . more truth" echo "$output" | grep "^ok . quasi-truth" } @test "extended syntax in suite" { emulate_bats_env FLUNK=1 run bats-exec-suite -x "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/"*.bats echo "output: $output" [ $status -eq 1 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..3" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "suite $FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/a.bats" ] [ "${lines[2]}" = "begin 1 truth" ] [ "${lines[3]}" = "ok 1 truth" ] [ "${lines[4]}" = "suite $FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/b.bats" ] [ "${lines[5]}" = "begin 2 more truth" ] [ "${lines[6]}" = "ok 2 more truth" ] [ "${lines[7]}" = "begin 3 quasi-truth" ] [ "${lines[8]}" = "not ok 3 quasi-truth" ] } @test "timing syntax in suite" { emulate_bats_env FLUNK=1 run bats-exec-suite -T "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/"*.bats echo "$output" [ $status -eq 1 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..3" ] regex="ok 1 truth in [0-9]+ms" [[ "${lines[1]}" =~ $regex ]] regex="ok 2 more truth in [0-9]+ms" [[ "${lines[2]}" =~ $regex ]] regex="not ok 3 quasi-truth in [0-9]+ms" [[ "${lines[3]}" =~ $regex ]] } @test "extended timing syntax in suite" { emulate_bats_env FLUNK=1 run bats-exec-suite -x -T "$FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/"*.bats echo "$output" [ $status -eq 1 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..3" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "suite $FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/a.bats" ] [ "${lines[2]}" = "begin 1 truth" ] regex="ok 1 truth in [0-9]+ms" [[ "${lines[3]}" =~ $regex ]] [ "${lines[4]}" = "suite $FIXTURE_ROOT/multiple/b.bats" ] [ "${lines[5]}" = "begin 2 more truth" ] regex="ok 2 more truth in [0-9]+ms" [[ "${lines[6]}" =~ $regex ]] [ "${lines[7]}" = "begin 3 quasi-truth" ] regex="not ok 3 quasi-truth in [0-9]+ms" [[ "${lines[8]}" =~ $regex ]] } @test "recursive support (short option)" { run bats -r "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/recursive" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..2" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 another passing test" ] [ "${lines[2]}" = "ok 2 a passing test" ] } @test "recursive support (long option)" { run bats --recursive "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/recursive" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..2" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 another passing test" ] [ "${lines[2]}" = "ok 2 a passing test" ] } @test "recursive support with symlinks" { if [[ ! -L "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/recursive_with_symlinks/test.bats" ]]; then skip "symbolic links aren't functional on OSTYPE=$OSTYPE" fi run bats -r "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/recursive_with_symlinks" [ $status -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..2" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 another passing test" ] [ "${lines[2]}" = "ok 2 a passing test" ] } @test "run entire suite when --filter isn't set" { run bats "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/filter" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = '1..9' ] [ "${lines[1]}" = 'ok 1 foo in a' ] [ "${lines[2]}" = 'ok 2 --bar in a' ] [ "${lines[3]}" = 'ok 3 baz in a' ] [ "${lines[4]}" = 'ok 4 bar_in_b' ] [ "${lines[5]}" = 'ok 5 --baz_in_b' ] [ "${lines[6]}" = 'ok 6 quux_in_b' ] [ "${lines[7]}" = 'ok 7 quux_in c' ] [ "${lines[8]}" = 'ok 8 xyzzy in c' ] [ "${lines[9]}" = 'ok 9 plugh_in c' ] } @test "use --filter to run subset of test cases from across the suite" { run bats -f 'ba[rz]' "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/filter" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = '1..4' ] [ "${lines[1]}" = 'ok 1 --bar in a' ] [ "${lines[2]}" = 'ok 2 baz in a' ] [ "${lines[3]}" = 'ok 3 bar_in_b' ] [ "${lines[4]}" = 'ok 4 --baz_in_b' ] local prev_output="$output" run bats --filter 'ba[rz]' "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/filter" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$output" = "$prev_output" ] } @test "--filter can handle regular expressions that contain [_- ]" { run bats -f '--ba[rz][ _]in' "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/filter" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = '1..2' ] [ "${lines[1]}" = 'ok 1 --bar in a' ] [ "${lines[2]}" = 'ok 2 --baz_in_b' ] } @test "--filter can handle regular expressions that start with ^" { run bats -f '^ba[rz]' "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/filter" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = '1..2' ] [ "${lines[1]}" = 'ok 1 baz in a' ] [ "${lines[2]}" = 'ok 2 bar_in_b' ] } @test "skip is handled correctly in setup, test, and teardown" { bats "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/skip" } @test "BATS_TEST_NUMBER starts at 1 in each individual test file" { run bats "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/test_number" echo "$output" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "Override BATS_FILE_EXTENSION with suite" { BATS_FILE_EXTENSION=test run bats "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/override_BATS_FILE_EXTENSION" echo "$output" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${#lines[@]}" -eq 2 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..1" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 test.test" ] } @test "Override BATS_FILE_EXTENSION with suite recursive" { BATS_FILE_EXTENSION=other_extension run bats -r "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/override_BATS_FILE_EXTENSION" echo "$output" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${#lines[@]}" -eq 2 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "1..1" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "ok 1 test.other_extension" ] }