#!/usr/bin/env bats # These tests using TEST_NONAME_USER, which has a email but no username. # This test is copied from the start of test_remove.bats, # and exercises an add and a remove. load _test_base FIRST_FILE="$TEST_DEFAULT_FILENAME" SECOND_FILE="$TEST_SECOND_FILENAME" function setup { install_fixture_key "$TEST_NONAME_USER" set_state_initial set_state_git set_state_secret_init set_state_secret_tell "$TEST_NONAME_USER" set_state_secret_add "$FIRST_FILE" "somecontent" set_state_secret_add "$SECOND_FILE" "somecontent2" set_state_secret_hide } function teardown { rm "$FIRST_FILE" "$SECOND_FILE" uninstall_fixture_key "$TEST_NONAME_USER" unset_current_state } function _has_line { local line="$1" local path_mappings path_mappings=$(_get_secrets_dir_paths_mapping) echo "$(grep -q "$line" "$path_mappings"; echo $?)" } @test "run 'remove' for nameless user normally" { run git secret remove "$SECOND_FILE" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # Test output: [[ "$output" == *"removed from index."* ]] [[ "$output" == *"ensure that files: [$SECOND_FILE] are now not ignored."* ]] # Mapping should not contain the second file: [ "$(_has_line "$SECOND_FILE")" -eq 1 ] # But the first file must not change: [ "$(_has_line "$FIRST_FILE")" -eq 0 ] # Both files should be present: [ -f "$(_get_encrypted_filename "$FIRST_FILE")" ] [ -f "$(_get_encrypted_filename "$SECOND_FILE")" ] }