# Name. (required) name: git-secret # Architecture. (required) arch: all # Platform. # Defaults to `linux`. platform: linux # Version. (required) # This will expand any env var you set in the field, eg version: v${SEMVER} version: $SCRIPT_VERSION version_schema: none # Section. section: default # Priority. priority: main # Maintaner. maintainer: Nikita Sobolev # Description. # Defaults to `no description given`. description: A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository. # Vendor. vendor: git-secret team # Package's homepage. homepage: https://git-secret.io # License. license: MIT # Dependencies. depends: - git - bash - gnupg - gawk - coreutils contents: - src: git-secret dst: /usr/bin/git-secret - src: man/man1/*.1 dst: /usr/share/man/man1 - src: man/man7/*.7 dst: /usr/share/man/man7