# Writing tests Each Bats test file is evaluated _n+1_ times, where _n_ is the number of test cases in the file. The first run counts the number of test cases, then iterates over the test cases and executes each one in its own process. For more details about how Bats evaluates test files, see [Bats Evaluation Process][bats-eval] on the wiki. For sample test files, see [examples](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core/tree/master/docs/examples). [bats-eval]: https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core/wiki/Bats-Evaluation-Process ## Comment syntax External tools (like `shellcheck`, `shfmt`, and various IDE's) may not support the standard `.bats` syntax. Because of this, we provide a valid `bash` alternative: ```bash function invoking_foo_without_arguments_prints_usage { #@test run foo [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "usage: foo " ] } ``` When using this syntax, the function name will be the title in the result output and the value checked when using `--filter`. ## `run`: Test other commands Many Bats tests need to run a command and then make assertions about its exit status and output. Bats includes a `run` helper that invokes its arguments as a command, saves the exit status and output into special global variables, and then returns with a `0` status code so you can continue to make assertions in your test case. For example, let's say you're testing that the `foo` command, when passed a nonexistent filename, exits with a `1` status code and prints an error message. ```bash @test "invoking foo with a nonexistent file prints an error" { run foo nonexistent_filename [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "$output" = "foo: no such file 'nonexistent_filename'" ] [ "$BATS_RUN_COMMAND" = "foo nonexistent_filename" ] } ``` The `$status` variable contains the status code of the command, the `$output` variable contains the combined contents of the command's standard output and standard error streams, and the `$BATS_RUN_COMMAND` string contains the command and command arguments passed to `run` for execution. If invoked with one of the following as the first argument, `run` will perform an implicit check on the exit status of the invoked command: ```pre =N expect exit status N (0-255), fail if otherwise ! expect nonzero exit status (1-255), fail if command succeeds ``` We can then write the above more elegantly as: ```bash @test "invoking foo with a nonexistent file prints an error" { run -1 foo nonexistent_filename [ "$output" = "foo: no such file 'nonexistent_filename'" ] } ``` A third special variable, the `$lines` array, is available for easily accessing individual lines of output. For example, if you want to test that invoking `foo` without any arguments prints usage information on the first line: ```bash @test "invoking foo without arguments prints usage" { run -1 foo [ "${lines[0]}" = "usage: foo " ] } ``` __Note:__ The `run` helper executes its argument(s) in a subshell, so if writing tests against environmental side-effects like a variable's value being changed, these changes will not persist after `run` completes. By default `run` leaves out empty lines in `${lines[@]}`. Use `run --keep-empty-lines` to retain them. Additionally, you can use `--separate-stderr` to split stdout and stderr into `$output`/`$stderr` and `${lines[@]}`/`${stderr_lines[@]}`. All additional parameters to run should come before the command. If you want to run a command that starts with `-`, prefix it with `--` to prevent `run` from parsing it as an option. ## `load`: Share common code You may want to share common code across multiple test files. Bats includes a convenient `load` command for sourcing a Bash source files relative to the current test file and from absolute paths. For example, if you have a Bats test in `test/foo.bats`, the command ```bash load test_helper.bash ``` will source the script `test/test_helper.bash` in your test file (limitations apply, see below). This can be useful for sharing functions to set up your environment or load fixtures. `load` delegates to Bash's `source` command after resolving paths. If `load` encounters errors - e.g. because the targeted source file errored - it will print a message with the failing library and Bats exits. To allow to use `load` in conditions `bats_load_safe` has been added. `bats_load_safe` prints a message and returns `1` if a source file cannot be loaded instead of exiting Bats. Aside from that `bats_load_safe` acts exactly like `load`. As pointed out by @iatrou in https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/declareref.html, using the `declare` builtin restricts scope of a variable. Thus, since actual `source`-ing is performed in context of the `load` function, `declare`d symbols will _not_ be made available to callers of `load`. ### `load` argument resolution `load` supports the following arguments: - absolute paths - relative paths (to the current test file) > For backwards compatibility `load` first searches for a file ending in > `.bash` (e.g. `load test_helper` searches for `test_helper.bash` before > it looks for `test_helper`). This behaviour is deprecated and subject to > change, please use exact filenames instead. If `argument` is an absolute path `load` tries to determine the load path directly. If `argument` is a relative path or a name `load` looks for a matching path in the directory of the current test. ## `bats_load_library`: Load system wide libraries Some libraries are installed on the system, e.g. by `npm` or `brew`. These should not be `load`ed, as their path depends on the installation method. Instead, one should use `bats_load_library` together with setting `BATS_LIB_PATH`, a `PATH`-like colon-delimited variable. `bats_load_library` has two modes of resolving requests: 1. by relative path from the `BATS_LIB_PATH` to a file in the library 2. by library name, expecting libraries to have a `load.bash` entrypoint For example if your `BATS_LIB_PATH` is set to `~/.bats/libs:/usr/lib/bats`, then `bats_load_library test_helper` would look for existing files with the following paths: - `~/.bats/libs/test_helper` - `~/.bats/libs/test_helper/load.bash` - `/usr/lib/bats/test_helper` - `/usr/lib/bats/test_helper/load.bash` The first existing file in this list will be sourced. If you want to load only part of a library or the entry point is not named `load.bash`, you have to include it in the argument: `bats_load_library library_name/file_to_load` will try - `~/.bats/libs/library_name/file_to_load` - `~/.bats/libs/library_name/file_to_load/load.bash` - `/usr/lib/bats/library_name/file_to_load` - `/usr/lib/bats/library_name/file_to_load/load.bash` Apart from the changed lookup rules, `bats_load_library` behaves like `load`. __Note:__ As seen above `load.bash` is the entry point for libraries and meant to load more files from its directory or other libraries. __Note:__ Obviously, the actual `BATS_LIB_PATH` is highly dependant on the environment. To maintain a uniform location across systems, (distribution) package maintainers are encouraged to use `/usr/lib/bats/` as the install path for libraries where possible. However, if the package manager has another preferred location, like `npm` or `brew`, you should use this instead. ## `skip`: Easily skip tests Tests can be skipped by using the `skip` command at the point in a test you wish to skip. ```bash @test "A test I don't want to execute for now" { skip run foo [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } ``` Optionally, you may include a reason for skipping: ```bash @test "A test I don't want to execute for now" { skip "This command will return zero soon, but not now" run foo [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } ``` Or you can skip conditionally: ```bash @test "A test which should run" { if [ foo != bar ]; then skip "foo isn't bar" fi run foo [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } ``` __Note:__ `setup` and `teardown` hooks still run for skipped tests. ## `setup` and `teardown`: Pre- and post-test hooks You can define special `setup` and `teardown` functions, which run before and after each test case, respectively. Use these to load fixtures, set up your environment, and clean up when you're done. You can also define `setup_file` and `teardown_file`, which will run once before the first test's `setup` and after the last test's `teardown` for the containing file. Variables that are exported in `setup_file` will be visible to all following functions (`setup`, the test itself, `teardown`, `teardown_file`).
Example of setup/setup_file/teardown/teardown_file call order For example the following call order would result from two files (file 1 with tests 1 and 2, and file 2 with test3) beeing tested: ```text setup_file # from file 1, on entering file 1 setup test1 teardown setup test2 teardown teardown_file # from file 1, on leaving file 1 setup_file # from file 2, on enter file 2 setup test3 teardown teardown_file # from file 2, on leaving file 2 ```
## Code outside of test cases You can include code in your test file outside of `@test` functions. For example, this may be useful if you want to check for dependencies and fail immediately if they're not present. However, any output that you print in code outside of `@test`, `setup` or `teardown` functions must be redirected to `stderr` (`>&2`). Otherwise, the output may cause Bats to fail by polluting the TAP stream on `stdout`. ## File descriptor 3 (read this if Bats hangs) Bats makes a separation between output from the code under test and output that forms the TAP stream (which is produced by Bats internals). This is done in order to produce TAP-compliant output. In the [Printing to the terminal](#printing-to-the-terminal) section, there are details on how to use file descriptor 3 to print custom text properly. A side effect of using file descriptor 3 is that, under some circumstances, it can cause Bats to block and execution to seem dead without reason. This can happen if a child process is spawned in the background from a test. In this case, the child process will inherit file descriptor 3. Bats, as the parent process, will wait for the file descriptor to be closed by the child process before continuing execution. If the child process takes a lot of time to complete (eg if the child process is a `sleep 100` command or a background service that will run indefinitely), Bats will be similarly blocked for the same amount of time. **To prevent this from happening, close FD 3 explicitly when running any command that may launch long-running child processes**, e.g. `command_name 3>&-` . ## Printing to the terminal Bats produces output compliant with [version 12 of the TAP protocol](https://testanything.org/tap-specification.html). The produced TAP stream is by default piped to a pretty formatter for human consumption, but if Bats is called with the `-t` flag, then the TAP stream is directly printed to the console. This has implications if you try to print custom text to the terminal. As mentioned in [File descriptor 3](#file-descriptor-3-read-this-if-bats-hangs), bats provides a special file descriptor, `&3`, that you should use to print your custom text. Here are some detailed guidelines to refer to: - Printing **from within a test function**: - First you should consider if you want the text to be always visible or only when the test fails. Text that is output directly to stdout or stderr (file descriptor 1 or 2), ie `echo 'text'` is considered part of the test function output and is printed only on test failures for diagnostic purposes, regardless of the formatter used (TAP or pretty). - To have text printed unconditionally from within a test function you need to redirect the output to file descriptor 3, eg `echo 'text' >&3`. This output will become part of the TAP stream. You are encouraged to prepend text printed this way with a hash (eg `echo '# text' >&3`) in order to produce 100% TAP compliant output. Otherwise, depending on the 3rd-party tools you use to analyze the TAP stream, you can encounter unexpected behavior or errors. - Printing **from within the `setup` or `teardown` functions**: The same hold true as for printing with test functions. - Printing **outside test or `setup`/`teardown` functions**: - Regardless of where text is redirected to (stdout, stderr or file descriptor 3) text is immediately visible in the terminal. - Text printed in such a way, will disable pretty formatting. Also, it will make output non-compliant with the TAP spec. The reason for this is that each test file is evaluated n+1 times (as mentioned [earlier](#writing-tests)). The first run will cause such output to be produced before the [_plan line_][tap-plan] is printed, contrary to the spec that requires the _plan line_ to be either the first or the last line of the output. - Due to internal pipes/redirects, output to stderr is always printed first. [tap-plan]: https://testanything.org/tap-specification.html#the-plan ## Special variables There are several global variables you can use to introspect on Bats tests: - `$BATS_RUN_COMMAND` is the run command used in your test case. - `$BATS_TEST_FILENAME` is the fully expanded path to the Bats test file. - `$BATS_TEST_DIRNAME` is the directory in which the Bats test file is located. - `$BATS_TEST_NAMES` is an array of function names for each test case. - `$BATS_TEST_NAME` is the name of the function containing the current test case. - `$BATS_TEST_DESCRIPTION` is the description of the current test case. - `$BATS_TEST_NUMBER` is the (1-based) index of the current test case in the test file. - `$BATS_SUITE_TEST_NUMBER` is the (1-based) index of the current test case in the test suite (over all files). - `$BATS_TMPDIR` is the base temporary directory used by bats to create its temporary files / directories. (default: `$TMPDIR`. If `$TMPDIR` is not set, `/tmp` is used.) - `$BATS_RUN_TMPDIR` is the location to the temporary directory used by bats to store all its internal temporary files during the tests. (default: `$BATS_TMPDIR/bats-run-$BATS_ROOT_PID-XXXXXX`) - `$BATS_FILE_EXTENSION` (default: `bats`) specifies the extension of test files that should be found when running a suite (via `bats [-r] suite_folder/`) - `$BATS_SUITE_TMPDIR` is a temporary directory common to all tests of a suite. Could be used to create files required by multiple tests. - `$BATS_FILE_TMPDIR` is a temporary directory common to all tests of a test file. Could be used to create files required by multiple tests in the same test file. - `$BATS_TEST_TMPDIR` is a temporary directory unique for each test. Could be used to create files required only for specific tests. ## Libraries and Add-ons Bats supports loading external assertion libraries and helpers. Those under `bats-core` are officially supported libraries (integration tests welcome!): - - common assertions for Bats - - supporting library for Bats test helpers - - common filesystem assertions for Bats - - e2e tests of applications in K8s environments and some external libraries, supported on a "best-effort" basis: - (still relevant? Requires review) - (as per #147) - (how is this different from grayhemp/bats-mock?)