Gotchas ======= My test fails although I return true? ------------------------------------- Using `return 1` to signify `true` for a success as is done often in other languages does not mesh well with Bash's convention of using return code 0 to signify success and everything non-zero to indicate a failure. Please adhere to this idiom while using bats, or you will constantly work against your environment. My negated statement (e.g. ! true) does not fail the test, even when it should. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bash deliberately excludes negated return values from causing a pipeline to exit (see bash's `-e` option). You'll need to use the form `! x || false` or (recommended) use `run` and check for `[ $status != 0 ]`. If the negated command is the final statement in a test, that final statement's (negated) exit status will propagate through to the test's return code as usual. Negated statements of the form `! x || false` will explicitly fail the test when the pipeline returns true, regardless of where they occur in the test. I cannot register a test multiple times via for loop. ----------------------------------------------------- The usual bats tests (`@test`) are preprocessed into functions. Wrapping them into a for loop only redeclares this function. If you are interested in registering multiple calls to the same function, contribute your wishes to issue `#306 `_. I cannot pass parameters to test or .bats files. ------------------------------------------------ Especially while using bats via shebang: .. code-block:: bash #!/usr/bin/env bats @test "test" { # ... } You could be tempted to pass parameters to the test invocation like `./test.bats param1 param2`. However, bats does not support passing parameters to files or tests. If you need such a feature, please let us know about your usecase. As a workaround you can use environment variables to pass parameters. Why can't my function return results via a variable when using `run`? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The `run` function executes its command in a subshell which means the changes to variables won't be available in the calling shell. If you want to test these functions, you should call them without `run`. `run` doesn't fail, although the same command without `run` does. ----------------------------------------------------------------- `run` is a wrapper that always succeeds. The wrapped command's exit code is stored in `$status` and the stdout/stderr in `$output`. If you want to fail the test, you should explicitly check `$status` or omit `run`. See also `when not to use run `_. `load` won't load my `.sh` files. --------------------------------- `load` is intended as an internal helper function that always loads `.bash` files (by appending this suffix). If you want to load an `.sh` file, you can simple `source` it. I can't lint/shell-format my bats tests. ---------------------------------------- Bats uses a custom syntax for annotating tests (`@test`) that is not bash compliant. Therefore, standard bash tooling won't be able to interact directly with `.bats` files. Shellcheck supports bats' native syntax as of version 0.7. Additionally, there is bash compatible syntax for tests: .. code-block:: bash function bash_compliant_function_name_as_test_name { # @test # your code } The output (stdout/err) from commands under `run` is not visible in failed tests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By default, `run` only stores stdout/stderr in `$output` (and `${lines[@]}`). If you want to see this output, you either should use bat-assert's assertions or have to print `$output` before the check that fails. My piped command does not work under run. ----------------------------------------- Be careful with using pipes and with `run`. While your mind model of `run` might wrap the whole command behind it, bash's parser won't .. code-block:: bash run echo foo | grep bar Won't `run (echo foo | grep bar)` but will `(run echo foo) | grep bar`. If you need to incorporate pipes, you either should do .. code-block:: bash run bash -c 'echo foo | grep bar' or use a function to wrap the pipe in: .. code-block:: bash fun_with_pipes() { echo foo | grep bar } run fun_with_pipes `[[ ]]` (or `(( ))` did not fail my test ---------------------------------------- The `set -e` handling of `[[ ]]` and `(( ))` changed in Bash 4.1. Older versions, like 3.2 on MacOS, don't abort the test when they fail, unless they are the last command before the (test) function returns, making their exit code the return code. `[ ]` does not suffer from this, but is no replacement for all `[[ ]]` usecases. Appending ` || false` will work in all cases. Background tasks prevent the test run from terminating when finished -------------------------------------------------------------------- When running a task in background, it will inherit the opened FDs of the process it was forked from. This means that the background task forked from a Bats test will hold the FD for the pipe to the formatter that prints to the terminal, thus keeping it open until the background task finished. Due to implementation internals of Bats and bash, this pipe might be held in multiple FDs which all have to be closed by the background task. You can use `close_non_std_fds from `test/fixtures/bats/issue-205.bats` in the background job to close all FDs except stdin, stdout and stderr, thus solving the problem. More details about the issue can be found in [#205](