load test_helper fixtures run @test "run --keep-empty-lines preserves leading empty lines" { run --keep-empty-lines -- echo -n $'\na' printf "'%s'\n" "${lines[@]}" [ "${lines[0]}" == '' ] [ "${lines[1]}" == a ] [ ${#lines[@]} -eq 2 ] } @test "run --keep-empty-lines preserves inner empty lines" { run --keep-empty-lines -- echo -n $'a\n\nb' printf "'%s'\n" "${lines[@]}" [ "${lines[0]}" == a ] [ "${lines[1]}" == '' ] [ "${lines[2]}" == b ] [ ${#lines[@]} -eq 3 ] } @test "run --keep-empty-lines preserves trailing empty lines" { run --keep-empty-lines -- echo -n $'a\n' printf "'%s'\n" "${lines[@]}" [ "${lines[0]}" == a ] [ "${lines[1]}" == '' ] [ ${#lines[@]} -eq 2 ] } @test "run --keep-empty-lines preserves multiple trailing empty lines" { run --keep-empty-lines -- echo -n $'a\n\n' printf "'%s'\n" "${lines[@]}" [ "${lines[0]}" == a ] [ "${lines[1]}" == '' ] [ "${lines[2]}" == '' ] [ ${#lines[@]} -eq 3 ] } @test "run --keep-empty-lines preserves non-empty trailing line" { run --keep-empty-lines -- echo -n $'a\nb' printf "'%s'\n" "${lines[@]}" [ "${lines[0]}" == a ] [ "${lines[1]}" == b ] [ ${#lines[@]} -eq 2 ] } print-stderr-stdout() { printf stdout printf stderr >&2 } @test "run --separate-stderr splits output" { local stderr stderr_lines # silence shellcheck run --separate-stderr -- print-stderr-stdout echo "output='$output' stderr='$stderr'" [ "$output" = stdout ] [ ${#lines[@]} -eq 1 ] [ "$stderr" = stderr ] [ ${#stderr_lines[@]} -eq 1 ] } @test "run does not change set flags" { old_flags="$-" run true echo -- "$-" == "$old_flags" [ "$-" == "$old_flags" ] } # Positive assertions: each of these should succeed @test "basic return-code checking" { run true run -0 true run '!' false run -1 false run -3 exit 3 run -5 exit 5 run -111 exit 111 run -255 exit 255 run -127 /no/such/command } @test "run exit code check output " { run ! bats --tap "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/failing.bats" echo "$output" [ "${lines[0]}" == 1..5 ] [ "${lines[1]}" == "not ok 1 run -0 false" ] [ "${lines[2]}" == "# (in test file ${RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT}/failing.bats, line 2)" ] [ "${lines[3]}" == "# \`run -0 false' failed, expected exit code 0, got 1" ] [ "${lines[4]}" == "not ok 2 run -1 echo hi" ] [ "${lines[5]}" == "# (in test file ${RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT}/failing.bats, line 6)" ] [ "${lines[6]}" == "# \`run -1 echo hi' failed, expected exit code 1, got 0" ] [ "${lines[7]}" == "not ok 3 run -2 exit 3" ] [ "${lines[8]}" == "# (in test file ${RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT}/failing.bats, line 10)" ] [ "${lines[9]}" == "# \`run -2 exit 3' failed, expected exit code 2, got 3" ] [ "${lines[10]}" == "not ok 4 run ! true" ] [ "${lines[11]}" == "# (in test file ${RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT}/failing.bats, line 14)" ] [ "${lines[12]}" == "# \`run ! true' failed, expected nonzero exit code!" ] [ "${lines[13]}" == "not ok 5 run multiple pass/fails" ] [ "${lines[14]}" == "# (in test file ${RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT}/failing.bats, line 21)" ] [ "${lines[15]}" == "# \`run -1 /etc' failed, expected exit code 1, got 126" ] } @test "run invalid exit code check error message" { run ! bats --tap "${FIXTURE_ROOT}/invalid.bats" echo "$output" [ "${lines[0]}" == 1..2 ] [ "${lines[1]}" == "not ok 1 run '-4evah' echo hi" ] [ "${lines[2]}" == "# (in test file ${RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT}/invalid.bats, line 2)" ] [ "${lines[3]}" == "# \`run '-4evah' echo hi' failed" ] [ "${lines[4]}" == "# Usage error: run: '=NNN' requires numeric NNN (got: 4evah)" ] [ "${lines[5]}" == "not ok 2 run -256 echo hi" ] [ "${lines[6]}" == "# (in test file ${RELATIVE_FIXTURE_ROOT}/invalid.bats, line 6)" ] [ "${lines[7]}" == "# \`run -256 echo hi' failed" ] [ "${lines[8]}" == "# Usage error: run: '=NNN': NNN must be <= 255 (got: 256)" ] }