git-secret-removeperson - removes user's public key from repo keyring. ================================================================================== ## SYNOPSIS git secret removeperson ... ## DESCRIPTION `git-secret-removeperson` - removes public keys for passed email addresses from repo's `git-secret` keyring. This command is used to begin the process of disallowing a user from encrypting and decrypting secrets with `git-secret`. If you remove a user's access with `git-secret-removeperson`, and then run `git-secret-reveal` and `git-secret-hide -r`, that user will no longer be able user to decrypt the hidden files. ## OPTIONS -h - shows this help. ## MANUAL Run `man git-secret-removeperson` to see this document. ## SEE ALSO [git-secret-tell(1)](, [git-secret-remove(1)](, [git-secret-clean(1)](