# git-secret [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/sobolevn/git-secret/master.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/sobolevn/git-secret) [![Homebrew](https://img.shields.io/homebrew/v/git-secret.svg)](http://braumeister.org/formula/git-secret) [![Bintray deb](https://img.shields.io/bintray/v/sobolevn/deb/git-secret.svg)](https://bintray.com/sobolevn/deb/git-secret/view) [![Dockerhub](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/sobolevn/git-secret.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/sobolevn/git-secret/) [![git-secret](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sobolevn/git-secret/gh-pages/images/git-secret-big.png)](http://git-secret.io/) ## What is `git-secret`? `git-secret` is a bash tool to store your private data inside a git repo. How’s that? Basically, it just encrypts, using `gpg`, the tracked files with the public keys of all the users that you trust. So everyone of them can decrypt these files using only their personal secret key. Why deal with all this private-public keys stuff? Well, to make it easier for everyone to manage access rights. There are no passwords that change. When someone is out - just delete their public key, re-encrypt the files, and they won’t be able to decrypt secrets anymore. ## Preview [![git-secret terminal preview](https://asciinema.org/a/41811.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/41811?autoplay=1) ## Installation `git-secret` supports `brew`, just type: `brew install git-secret` It also supports `apt` and `yum`. You can also use `make` if you want to. See the [installation section](http://git-secret.io/installation) for the details. ### Requirements `git-secret` relies on several external packages: - `bash` since `3.2.57` (it is hard to tell the correct `patch` release) - `git` since `2.6` - `gpg` since `gnupg 1.4` to `gnupg 2.0`, versions `2.1` are not yet supported ## Contributing Do you want to help the project? Find an [issue](https://github.com/sobolevn/git-secret/issues) and send a PR. It is more than welcomed! See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) on how to do that. ### Security If you found any security related issues, please do not enclose it in public. Send an email to `security@wemake.services` ## Changelog `git-secret` uses semver. See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md). ## License MIT. See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for details. ## Thanks Special thanks to [Elio Qoshi](https://elioqoshi.me/sq/) from [ura](http://ura.design/) for the awesome logo.