#!/usr/bin/env bats # shellcheck disable=SC2030,SC2031 # above is to avoid shellcheck info warnings that we don't understand load _test_base FILE_TO_HIDE="$TEST_DEFAULT_FILENAME" FILE_CONTENTS="hidden content юникод" FINGERPRINT="" function setup { FINGERPRINT=$(install_fixture_full_key "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER") set_state_initial set_state_git set_state_secret_init set_state_secret_tell "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER" set_state_secret_add "$FILE_TO_HIDE" "$FILE_CONTENTS" set_state_secret_hide } function teardown { uninstall_fixture_full_key "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER" "$FINGERPRINT" unset_current_state } @test "run 'cat' with password argument" { local password password=$(test_user_password "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER") run git secret cat -d "$TEST_GPG_HOMEDIR" -p "$password" "$FILE_TO_HIDE" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # $output is the output from 'git secret cat' above [ "$FILE_CONTENTS" == "$output" ] } @test "run 'cat' with password argument and SECRETS_VERBOSE=1" { local password password=$(test_user_password "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER") SECRETS_VERBOSE=1 run git secret cat -d "$TEST_GPG_HOMEDIR" -p "$password" "$FILE_TO_HIDE" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # $output _contains_ the output from 'git secret cat', # may have extra output from gpg [[ "$output" == *"$FILE_CONTENTS"* ]] } @test "run 'cat' with wrong filename" { run git secret cat -d "$TEST_GPG_HOMEDIR" -p "$password" NO_SUCH_FILE [ "$status" -eq 2 ] } @test "run 'cat' with bad arg" { local password password=$(test_user_password "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER") run git secret cat -Z -d "$TEST_GPG_HOMEDIR" -p "$password" "$FILE_TO_HIDE" [ "$status" -ne 0 ] } @test "run 'cat' from subdir" { local password password=$(test_user_password "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER") mkdir subdir echo "content2" > subdir/new_filename.txt ( # start subshell for subdir tests cd subdir run git secret add new_filename.txt [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run git secret hide [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run git secret cat -d "$TEST_GPG_HOMEDIR" -p "$password" new_filename.txt [ "$status" -eq 0 ] ) # end subshell, cd back up # clean up rm -rf subdir }